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(miya's p.o.v)

"What's her name," the doctor asked after handing Kate her new born baby. Kate looked at the beautiful baby girl with a huge smile on her face. She had amazingly beautiful blue eyes. Obviously, inherited from Lip.

"Rosaline. Rosaline Mae Gallagher," she told the doctor, looking to Lip for approval. He had tears in his eyes and, by this time, so do I.

"That's a beautiful name," the doctor said, writing something on the clipboard and leaving all of us to tell everyone in the waitroom they could come in.

She looks just like you," Lip said. "Thank God." We all laughed. I rubbed the baby's arm as gently as I could.

"You guys did a great job," I said, not looking up from my new niece. I'll be honest, the whole birthing process was awful. Kate was in pain, cursing, screaming, and punching Lip the whole time. I have a few scratches on my hands from where Kate was gripping on to my hand so tight. But, in the end, Rosaline came into the world. That's the only important part.

She was born 4:16 am October 2nd, just a few weeks before my birthday. The doctor said she's a week premature. But, the baby is okay. That's all that matters.

Soon enough, all of the Gallagher's walked in. First came Carl, the Debbie and Franny, then Fiona, then Ian and Liam. Carl quickly walked over to me, wrapping one arm around my waist. He looked down at the baby and his face softened. I swear my heart melted in a thousand pieces. Seeing Carl's first reaction at his new niece was everything. I wonder what his first reaction to his own daughter or son would be like?

"Oh, my God. She's beautiful," Fiona said with tears in her eyes as she stood by Lip, giving him a tight squeeze. "She looks just like you." Fiona pointed to Kate.

"That's what I said," Lip laughed, a tear slipping down his cheek.

"Thank God," Ian joked, making all of us laugh.

"That's also what he said," I laughed looking to Ian and Liam. God, Liam is getting so big. He's, like, 11 or 12 years old now. He's gonna be a lady killer, that's for sure.

"What did you decide to name her," Debbie asked, setting Franny down on the chair next to the hospital bed across the room from where Carl and I were currently standing.

"Rosaline," Kate said. "Lip loved the name and I loved that he loved the name."

"That's beautiful," Debbie said with the sweetest smile on her face.


Eventually, the doctor took the baby to clean her up and stuff and we all went home so that Kate could rest. Lip stayed, just incase of any emergency. Carl and I left after everyone else did.

I woke up around 12:00 in the afternoon. I'm kind of suprised I didn't sleep any longer. Last night, or should I say this morning, was exhausting.

Carl was still asleep when I woke up. So, I decided to go downstairs and make breakfast. I carefully got out of bed, trying not to wake him, and went to the kitchen. I grabbed the pancake mix, an egg, and a pan and started cooking.

About halfway through my third pancake I felt two hands wrap around my torso and pull me up. My heart skipped a beat and I quickly turned my head to make sure it was Carl.

"Good morning, sweetheart," his raspy voice said, pecking me on the lips. He had a huge smile on his face.

"Morning," I smiled, turning back to flip the pancake. "You hungry?"

"Hell yeah," he said. "When am I not hungry?"

"I have no idea," I said, as I placed the third cooked pancake on a plate with the rest and began to cook the fourth. "Can you grab the syrup and juice out of the fridge?"

"Of course," he smiled, kissing the top of my head before grabbing the syrup and juice. He set them on the table and grabbed two plates out of the cabinet followed by two forks out of the dish washer.

I turned off the stove after I finished the last pancake, putting it on the plate, and carrying the plate over to the table where Carl was already sitting.

"You know," he began, "I could totally get used to this," he mocked my words from earlier this morning.

"Stick around and you will," I stated, making myself a plate.

"You know I'm not leaving again, right? I wouldn't do that to us," he said with the most serious face I've ever seen on him.

"You aren't," I asked, stopping what I was doing to look at him in the eyes.

"No. Wherever you go, I go. I want to start a life with you. I'm not going to be able to do that if I'm gone, am I?"

"I guess not," was all I could manage to say. He continued to stare at me with a straight face. "I'm not going anywhere, either." His lips formed into a smile as he broke his stare and focused on his pancakes.

"Wow, these pancakes are amazing," Carl said with a mouth full of pancake. I chuckled at his silliness, taking a bite of a pancake myself.

"Thanks," I said. "I'm going to go get some stuff for Kate, Lip, and the baby before we head to the hospital. You coming with me," I asked him.

"Of course," his face lit up as he took another bite of his breakfast.

"You know," I started. "I love you... so much."

"I know. I love you, too... so much," he replied, reaching across my table to grab my hand.


We stopped by the store to get a card and some stuff for the baby. Kate never had a baby shower so I don't know how much she really needs. I also brought Kate some pancakes because she absolutely hates hospital food.

Carl and I finally arrived to the hospital. We walked through the revolving doors and upstairs where Kate's room is.

"Pancakes are here," I whisper yelled as Carl and I walked into her room where Kate was feeding Rosaline. Lip was nowhere in site. She looked up at us and smiled. "Where's Lip?"

"Bathroom," she replied, as I set down the bag with all the stuff I bought and handed her the plate that the pancakes were on.

"Carl and I got some stuff for the baby," I told her as I sat down on one of the chairs next to her bed, Carl sat on the other.

A few minutes past. Rosaline finally fell asleep and Lip was done in the bathroom. We all sat and watched some cooking show on TV while Kate ate her pancakes.

All of the sudden, the door to Kate's room slowly opened. We all turned around wondering who it was considering it's a Sunday, so Fiona and Ian are working and Debbie is watching Franny and Liam.

And in walked the two people I hoped I'd never see again. The two people who, not only had I disclaimed, but had disclaimed me. In walked in my mother and father.

I shot right up in my seat, Carl following my lead. I made quick eye contact with Kate and she had the same confused look on that I did. I turned back to my parents.

"What the fuck are you two doing here," I spat.


a/n: some shit is about to happen.

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