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(miya's p.o.v)

Carl took me back home. He said that Ash told him that I got sick this morning and it probably isn't a good idea for me to be at school right now.

We're cuddled up on my bed watching Spongebob (a/n: don't hate, spongebob is a legend) My mind couldn't focus on the TV, though. All I can think about is what if I'm pregnant? What am I going to do? Am I going to get an abortion? Am I going to have it? Keep it? Most importantly, when am I going to tell Carl? He is the father, he's the only person I've had sex with. I know that if he had a problem, he would tell me right away. He wouldn't hold it back. So, maybe I should do the same. Maybe I should tell him now instead of later.

"Carl, I think I need to tell you something," I kept my head rested on his chest.

"What is it," he asked. I took a deep breath. After I tell him this, who knows what's going to happen. Maybe he'll leave. Maybe he'll stay. Maybe he won't do either. But, there's only one for sure way to find out.

"I-I think I'm pregnant," I finally told him. But, the pressure wasn't lifted off of my shoulders.

"Wait, what," he sat us both up. He looked at me with both concern and worry in his eyes.

"I'm not completely for sure. But, I think I am," I told him truthfully.

"I mean, we used protection right," he asked, slightly confused.

"I don't know. You're the one that's supposed to wear the condom," I sassed.

"I thought you were on the pill," he breathed.

"Oh, my God. Why didn't you ask before you assumed," I half yelled.

"I remember you saying something about it," he half yelled back.

"Yeah, I said I was thinking about getting on the pill. Jesus, Carl!"

"Why are you yelling?!"

"I'm not yelling," I said in a more calm tone. "I'm just frustrated. I shouldn't have fucking told you."

"What do you mean you shouldn't have told me," he yelled.

"Will you stop fucking yelling? I knew you wouldn't like the news. I mean, I don't like it. But, I thought you'd be more calm about it like you always are."

"I'm sorry," he sighed, wrapping his arms around my body. "I guess we can get you one of those test things and then we can go from there." I nodded, agreeing to his suggestion.


We finally arrived to the nearest drug store. We decided to both go in, together.

We walked through the doors and headed to the feminine hygene section. We found the tests in no time and hurried to the counter.

"Wait," I stopped Carl as he headed towards the check out line. "Shouldn't we go to the self check out?"

"There's no one in line. This way'll be quicker," he stated. I just nodded my head. I don't really want anyone seeing us with pregnancy tests.

We walked up to the cashier. She was fairly young, she looked like she was in her early or middle 30s. I set the pregnancies tests down for her to scan. She gave the two of us a dirty look. I had to hold back the urge to slap her from across the counter.

She quickly scanned the tests and gave us a price. Carl paid and then we quickly left the store.


I was staring down at the tests, pacing back and forth. I don't know what I'm going to do now and I can't figure this out on my own.

I opened the bathroom door slowly. Carl was waiting infront on the door for me. He look as anxious as I felt. I took another look at the test before handing it to him. He stared down at the test. I couldn't make out his reaction. Then, he look up at me confused.

"What do the two lines mean," he asked.

"It means I'm pregnant," I whispered so that Kate and Lip couldn't hear me from their bedroom.

"Shit," he said, running a hand through hair. "What are we going to do?"

"I don't know," I shrugged my shoulders as I walked back into my bedroom. "I mean I'll technically be an adult in a week. But, I still have to graduate and go to college and get a good paying job."

"I don't understand how you're eighteen and a junior in high school," he breathed.

"I started school late," I told him. "But, that's not the point."

"Wait, are you considering keep it," he asked. Again, I couldn't tell if he was happy, sad, mad, confused, frustrated, or anything.

"Well, I can't kill it. That's-That's cruel. I don't know what I'm considering." There was small moment of silence as I sat down on my bed and began to mess with my fingers.

"We should keep it," Carl said, making my heart skip a beat. "We should keep the baby. We can start our own family. This is what we want right? We want to spend the rest of our lives together."

"When I said I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, I didn't mean becoming a teen mom. What am I going to do about school and money? If I have this baby, I'm going to have to drop out of high school."

"You can do online schooling! I can help you. I'll move in here with you, like Lip did with Kate. I can get a job and help provide-"

"Woah, Carl," I interrupted him before he could come up with any other ideas. "I don't think you're thinking this through. We can't just-"

"We can't just what? We can do this on our own," he said, throwing his arms up in the air.

"We have to talk to Lip and Kate first," I mumbled. "We have to tell them. And Fiona and Debbie and Ian. We have to tell your family. We can't just go ahead and do this with out help!"

"You're right. I'm sorry, I just got a little excited," his face fell and he moved closer to me. "We'll tell them. We can have a dinner?"

"I don't know if this is something you want to talk about over a family dinner," I said. "But, I guess we can try."


a/n: short chapter. but what do you guys think they should do?
also, this book is sadly coming to an end soon. and the saddest part is that i'm not sure how i'm going to end it. but lets just see where this takes us.

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