We were waiting in line at McDonalds. I was looking at the menu debating on if I wanted a strawberry banana smoothie or a hot fudge sunday.
"What do you want," Carl asked, searching through the menu. "I think I'm gonna get the strawberry banana smoothie."
"Yeah, me too," I decided. The people in front of us finally finished their order after nearly 10 minutes.
"Hi, can I take your order," the lady at the counter said with a big cheesey smile on her face.
"Hi, can I get two strawberry banana smoothies," Carl asked the lady.
"Would that be all," she asked. He nodded, taking his wallet out of his pocket. "Alright, $3.75." He pulled out a five dollar bill. The lady, Janet it said on her name tag, handed him a dollar and 25 cents back. I walked out of line and waited over by the cash register where they would give us our drinks.
"So, I didn't get to catch up with you when I got back. Tell me what went on while I was gone," he chuckled.
"Ah, well, not much really. You already know about Jason and Ash and Dominique. Oh, I joined the soccer team. We start practice again in the summer. That's all really," I told him. Honestly, nothing really happened while he was gone. "What about you? What happened in military school?"
"Lots of learning," he laughed. I laughed along with him. His smile is so perfect, I can't get enough of him.
"Like what," I asked as a boy, the name Chris on his name tag, set our smoothies down. I mouthed a 'thank you' as we grabbed our smoothies and sat down.
"I learned how to shoot every gun in the book if that counts," he said.
"Sounds interesting. I've always wanted to learn to shoot a gun," I said, taking a sip of my smoothie.
"Maybe you'll let me teach you sometime," he said, taking a sip as well.
"Yeah? You'd really teach me?"
"Of course. Miya, I would do anything for you." My heart began to race and I felt butterflies began to flutter in my stomach.
"Yeah, I'd like that. I think that would be fun."
We decided to go to Walmart instead of just sitting at home and doing nothing for the rest of the day.
We are walking through the toy asiles. We came across one of the carts for disabled people. It was just sitting in the middle of one of the asiles.
"Is anybody using it," Carl asked. I shrugged my shoulders, looking through the neighboring asiles.
"I don't see anyone," I said. He smiled and got on it. He pressed the button to make it move and ran into one of the rows.
"Oops," he said, making me laugh. I pulled out my phone and decided to take a picture. He made a funny pose and I pressed the camera button. I laughed at the picture.
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