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(miya's p.o.v)

"Hey, Miya. Hey, wake up," I heard the sound of my sister's voice and a pair of hands shaking me awake. I hesitantly opened my eyes. "Get up, it's time to get ready for school." I nodded my head, sitting up in the chair I fell asleep in last night. I looked over at my bed and noticed Carl was still asleep.

By the time I finally worked up the energy to get up, Kate had already left the room. I walked over to my closet and pulled out a pair of ripped blue jeans, a belt, and a Thrasher shirt. I jogged to the bathroom and shut and locked the door behind be me. I set my clothes on the toilet and began to brush my teeth. When I was finished, I put my tooth brush back in the holder and began to wash my face. I dried my face when I was finished and got dressed. I tied the bottom of my Thrasher shirt and put my hair up into a ponytail. I applied some mascara, then went back to my room to grab my phone, earbuds, bookbag, and shoes.

Carl was still asleep on my bed. I tried to be quiet as I grabbed all of my things, but that didn't work when my hip bumped into my dresser and all of my perfume bottles went falling.

"Shit," I whispered to myself. Carl's body jumped and soon enough his eyes were open looking around the room for me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I began to put my shoes on.

"It's fine. Uh, where are you going," he asked.

"It's Monday. I'm going to school," I said, tying the laces to my vans.

"Oh shit, right. Let me get dressed real quick," he said rushing to get up and wincing when he finally did. I rushed over to him, wrapping an arm around his waist and the other on his chest.

"I think you should stay home today. You're still really bruised. It'll be hard for you to get around today," I said, trying to convince him to stay home.

"Miya, I'm fine and I have you to help me around," he smiled, making me smile back.

"Alright, fine. But, the second your wincing in pain, I'm taking you home," I stated.

"Okay. Now, help me get some clean clothes on," he grabbed my hand and pulled me into Lip and Kate's room. They must've already left for Kate's appointment.

I went through all of Lip's clothes and handed Carl a t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

"These look like they'll fit you," I said. "And, if they don't, here's a belt." I picked a belt up from off of the floor and handed it to him. He nodded in agreement. "Now, hurry up and get dressed, bud." He made a weird face at my new nickname for him, like he was hurt or something. I know we have a history and everything and 'bud' really isn't the type of nickname I should be giving him. But, what am I supposed to call him? Babe? Love?

"T-Thanks," he stuttered, limping into the bathroom.

"Hurry up. I don't want to be late," I called as I began to walk downstairs.

I decide that I'm going to eat breakfast this morning, since I haven't really eaten all weekend. I open the refrigerator and grabbed two apples, one for me and one for Carl. As soon as I walked back into the living room, I saw Carl standing at the door waiting on me.

"Ready," he asked, one hand on the door knob. My eyes widened at his excitement. We're going to school. What the hell is there to be excited for?

"Jeesh, that was quick. Yeah, let's go," I said, adjusting the strap to my bookbag as we rushed out the door. "Why are you so excited to come to school?" I offered him his apple and he gladly accepted.

"I used to think that I could live the rest of my life laying in bed, watching TV, with the love o-" he stopped himself from saying anything else and looked down at his walking feet, his smile fading away. I knew exactly what he was going to say. He was going to say 'the love of my life', but he feels like he can't say it. "It, uh, it just got boring, you know? Just laying there. I'd rather get out and socialize."

"Well, that's a good reason," I said, sending him a soft smile. He sent me one back as we continued our walk to school.

He walked silently the whole way there. Neither of us knew what to say. What were we supposed to say?

We finally arrived to school, such a horrid place. I felt all eyes on Carl and me. Everyone must've heard about the fight. Well, technically it wasn't a fight because Carl wasn't hitting back. But, that's beside the point.

"Maybe we should just hurry up and get inside," I whispered, leaning closer to Carl.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," he agreed as we rushed inside and passed everyone that was in the courtyard.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, real quick. I'll meet you at my locker," I suggested. He nodded, continuing to walk to his locker.

I headed to the bathroom. I realize that I haven't pissed since I woke up and I really have to take a piss. I almost made it to the bathroom when a pair of hands grabbed both of my arms, pulling me into the supplies closet. My heart skipped a beat and I was about to scream, until I made eye contact with, yup you guessed it, Jason fucking Foley.

"What the fuck," I whisper yelled, snatching my arms out of his grip.

"I need to talk to you. I am really sorr-" I interrupted him, anger filling my body.

"I should not be the one you are be apologizing to. You didn't beat me to a pulp. You should be apologizing to Carl. He has bruises and cuts all over his body you fucking asshole," I yelled as I began to punch and hit him in the chest. He didn't react in anyway. He just stood there, taking it all in. Then, he finally gripped my wrists, stopping me.

"But, I need to apologize to you, too. I'm a fucking dick, I never deserved you. I broke you're fucking heart and I'll never forget myself for that. Also, I'm sorry for accusing you of cheating on me. I know now that was never true, because I just assumed it, I guess. When Dominique told me that Carl was your ex, I just kind of assumed that you were blowing me off to fuck him," he explained his actions.

"Wait, so Dom didn't tell you I was cheating on you," I asked, just to be sure.

"No, I saw her in the library and asked her about you and Carl. She just told me that he's your ex and you guys have a lot of history. She said you guys were unfinished. So, I just assumed," he said.

"Jason, you don't 'assume' shit and then beat the fuck out of someone who never did anything wrong! You may think that Carl is a total asshole, but he's not. He's the exact opposite. He's sweet, generous, out going, funny, caring, and just perfect in every way. When I met you, that's what I looked for in you because that's what made me fall in love with him. That's the reason I'm still in love with him and always will be in love with Carl Gallagher," and with that I stormed out of the closet, a single tear falling on my cheek. I quickly wiped it away, not letting anyone see me cry.


a/n: guys, im so happy for emma kinney, brielle barbusca, and chandler riggs for graduating! also for emmy rossum because she got married this weekend!!! ive never been happier, i love them so much! btw i know this was a really shitty chapter and it didnt turn out like i wanted it to but, i needed to update.

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