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(miya's p.o.v)

I woke up this morning with a huge smile on my face. I'm in such a great mood and I'm not going to let anyone get in the way of that.

I opened my window and it was actually pretty warm outside. So, I decided to wear shorts, my adidas shirt, and a red flannel just incase it gets cold in science class. I've already done my hair and make up and brushed my teeth.

I grabbed my phone, earbuds, and bookbag and ran downstairs to put my shoes on. Kate and Lip were already up making breakfast, suprisingly.

"You want some breakfast before school," Lip offered. I looked out the window to see if Debbie and Carl were already out there, but they weren't.

"Sure," I said. I set my bookbag infront of the door and walked into the kitchen. There was a plate of bacon already made. I picked up a piece and took a bite. "Wow, you make some really good bacon," I told Lip.

"That's one of the pro's of being with him. He's a great cook when he puts in the effort," Kate admitted.

"What's a con," Lip asked, looking up from the pan that he was using to cook eggs.

"Hmm, you smoke too much," Kate asked more than stated. I laughed at them as I heard the front door open.

"Oh, Debbie and Carl are here. Gotta go. Love you guys," I said, putting the rest of the bacon in my mouth and running out the house. I heard them both say 'love you' back before I left.

"You're wearing shorts today," Debbie asked. "Why?"

"Because it's warm outside. You've gotta take advantage of these nice, warm days of the fall," I said, with a big proud smile on my face.

"Okay, why are you in such a good mood," Debbie asked.

"I don't know. I woke up like this," I began to sing, clapping my hands and dancing along with the nonexistant music. Debbie chuckled and Carl laughed.

"Does it have anything to do with yesterday," Carl asked in a cocky manner. I stopped dancing and looked up at him.

"Maybe it does," I teased. "Maybe not."

"What happened yesterday," Debbie asked.

"We ki-" I interrupted Carl before he could finish what he was going to say.

"I saw a cute guy at Walmart," I lied.

"Did you get his number," Debbie asked, excitement in her voice.

"Sadly no. He was so cute though," I told her.

"What did he look like," Debbie asked, biting down on her bottom lip.

"Well, he had curly brown hair, kind of long. He had these amazing blueish greene eyes," I began describing Carl instead of a cute boy I actually didn't see at Walmart yesterday. "He had this amazing smile to die for. He was really hot, though."

"Wow, that's like a perfect description of Carl. Except he's not hot," Debbie laughed sarcastically.

"I guess I have a type," I shrugged. I felt Carl's eyes on me. I let Debbie walk ahead of us as I walked next to Carl. "What?"

"There was no cute boy at Walmart," he whispered.

"Yeah there was. I was with him the whole time," I tried to hint at him who I was talking about because he was obviously really clueless about the situation. Carl looked at me confused but then he understood.

"Ah, clever. You're very clever," he said. "Do you mind if we sit somewhere different at lunch today? There's just some things I want to talk to you about."

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