The game

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Alex's P.O.V.

      Tonight couldn't have went better, I kind of wished that I would go to sleep and know that I have someone who cares for me. When we took the first lap around I looked at her and how much trust she had in me.  The little things about tonight I think I will always remember, the only thing I wish I could take back was the very beginning. Somebody actually will sit on my seats, and not turn them down at the last minute. She is so sweet and kind, and her laugh.. oh her laugh can make a bad day the best day ever. The next morning I woke up at 7, I need to leave by 9:30 so that I can make it to practice on time. I went into music kitchen and got out a pan so that I could make my eggs, and my game day shake. I got out my blender, and got out the ingredients, a banana, a apple, milk, and some various powders, and mixed it all up. I sat on my couch turned on the news, and I heard the water running next door. Good she's up I thought, because I need to tell her how to get the tickets.

      I got my team bag ready, with a new pair of socks, and deodorant, and other assorted goods. I was so excited for tonight it is our first game back from the Olympic brake, we are playing against the sharks, and we have not won against them in the other 2 games we have played against them but I feel like we have good luck tonight because Katie will be there. I heard a door close and foot steps coming down the hall, that is the only downfall to this place is it is like a hotel you hear all the doors, and foot steps. I started to hear knocks on my door, I bet it's Katie, I thought. I walked over to the door, opened it and sure enough it was her.

      "Good morning", she said with a smile on her face, she is definitely a morning person. "Good morning, you want to come in?" I said trying to be nice. "Sure", she said and took a step into the door. I closed the door behind her and said "take a seat, please".  She headed to the couch and took a seat and said "so about tonight..". "Yes about tonight", I said "so you are going to need to go to one of the ticket boxes and say you need my tickets. They will probably ask to see your id so they know its you, I will drop by when I get there and tell them. Are you planing on driving down there?". "Well" she said "I was planing on taking the metro link so I don't have to go threw the hassle of parking." I thought for a moment "if you don't want to ride back with all the drunks", I said "you could just ride back with me, and besides you won't have to walk from the station to the building." She smiled and said "no I don't want to inconvenience you, you are all ready doing a lot for me." "Hey", I said "it's no big deal we are both coming back to the exact same building, and besides you can meet some of the guys." She smiled and said "ok but I bet none of them will be as cool, and sweet as you." I know I was blushing and she laughed.

     "Well, I have some errands to run before tonight, so I'll talk to you later", she said in her sweet voice. "Okay, well I'll see you tonight", I said as I walked her to the door. "See ya", she said, so I nodded and shut my door when she walked away. I think she is truly excited about tonight. I went into my room and got the rest of my stuff together, and changed into a polo and a nice pair of jeans. Then I headed down to my truck, once I got in I noticed that her car was not there. I drove down to the center with the radio blasting getting into my zone for the short practice, and then the game. There is not as much traffic as usual, I noticed as I was driving down town. I pulled into the team parking lot, and noticed that I was early.

I went in and there was only 3 other boys in the locker room, so I took a walk around the center to clear my head. I walked around and looked at all the jerseys, and the names that are hung every where. Some of the best player that ever played the game, played here, and now I have the chance to have my name up there with the greats. I have only played here for 2 years, and I'm still new here. Sometimes when I walk around I still notice new things.

      Once I got back to the locker room, most of the boys were there and it was loud and crazy. The first person I saw was Chase he and I had played when we were 6 or 7. "What's up", he said. "Not much", I said back "what about you". "I'm good I'm good", he said "but I didn't mean it like that I mean what's going on you're acting weird, different from the Alex I know. Are you sick, is your family ok." "Yeah, and there is nothing that is bothering me", I said not wanting him to find out about Katie. "It all started yesterday at practice" he said, "Thursday you were fine but than yesterday you started acting all weird, I want to know last night you didn't even answer my text." I looked at my phone and noticed the message icon in the corner. "So what's going on, you have never ignored me like this, yesterday all you said was hi, and bye to me, come on we have shared everything, were like brothers, you know that I'm not going to let this go Alex..". "Okay", I said regretting it he is going to give me crap about her. "Come on Alex", he said trying to get it out of me. "I need to go change I'll tell you after practice", I said with a smile on my face. I went grabbed my bag and started to put on my gear. Then I felt a push on my back almost making me fall over. It's Chase his gear is already on "Come on spill it", he said with a smile on his face "I have all the time in the world".

         I looked back and grabbed more of my gear and started to put it on. "I think I know what it is", Chase said, "The last time you acted like this was in high school, when you and Laura started dating..... so is it another girl?". I looked down as I put on my skates, I was smiling from ear to ear. "Yep", he saids, "I don't even know this girl, then why are you ignoring me." I thought for a moment "I don't know, it's like when I play hockey is on my mind, whenever I am not thinking about hockey I think about her." Chase smiled "finally I get something out of you, but what makes her special." I thought for a moment "I don't know, when she found out who I was she didn't freak out like most girls do, she is also down to earth, nice and sweet, I like to think she brings the better side of me out". "Okay", Chase said "Well get her out of your head now because it's hockey time." I smiled and went out of the locker, and on to the ice, think about hockey I thought, nothing else.

      After practice the team and I went back to the locker room, and our lunch was there waiting for us. It was sandwiches, and chips from this new sub shop downtown. Of corse we all ate them as fast as our mouths would allow, but we were tired, and hungry, and exited for tonight's game against the sharks. They have gotten us out of the playoffs 2 years in a row, tonight I think we will be teaching them a lesson. I went to go grab my phone charger out of my car, when I noticed Katie had texted me and even tried to call me. So I stayed out in the garage and gave her a call. It rang 4 times before she answered "hey Alex", she said. "Hey", I said "what's goin on". Well when I got back from running my errands around 10:45 well I was not able to go inside the building." "What happened", I blurted out probably louder than I should have. "Well I haven't got anything confirmed but I heard that there is a gas leak, so I don't know if I want to go the game now, Im scared something might happen, also I can not go the game in what I am wearing, and they are not sure when we will be able to get in. So I don't know what to do." I sighed really loud, "Well, maybe you can pick something up at the store to wear". She laughed "I would do that but I need some pants I'm in shorts, and a tank top, that is not the desired thing to wear to a game." I laughed "it will all work out, but I need to get back to coach is probably going to start telling us his game plan. But I'll talk to you later." She laughed and said "okay bye". After I hung up I went into the locker room more stressed than ever.

       As I walked in I stood right next to the door way I didn't want to draw attention to myself. After the coach was done talking Chase made his way over to me. "You okay", he asked. "Yeah, there is just a situation at the apartment, there is a gas leak and they don't know if or when we will be able to go back inside." He looked sad "oh I'm sorry", he said. "It's ok I'm just hoping that this goes away before the game starts, we all know I don't need the stress." He laughed and said "it will all be ok, suit up coach is coming."

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