Well that was scary,

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*Katies P.O.V.*

Brunch was amazing, I can't express how happy I am to have him. He treats me better than any one I have ever known. We ended up going to forest park, our first stop was the zoo, he said he had never been there I could not believe it. Then we went to the boat house and had dinner. While we were sitting there he grabbed my hand and asked "how can you deal with me". I smiled and said "Alex, you're one of a kind, now that I have known you for so long it's hard to imagine where I would be without you". He smiled, we sat there just enjoying each others company, barely even talking. When are food came we took our time enjoying each moment with each other. Alex cleared his throat and said "hey babe, I just remembered, I know it's a long time away but keep new years eve open because I have a game and after wards the team is having a party and I would like you to come". "Well", I said "that's a long way and there is no promise we'll still be together", he looked worried and I laughed "I'm just joking". "Haha", he said, now I felt really bad. "I'm sorry babe, I, I didn't mean to, I was just joking". "Yeah, I know", he said messing with the remains of his mashed potatoes. I got up and walked over to his side of the booth, I wrapped my arms around him and said "I love you". He kissed the top of my head and said "I love you too".

After dinner we just went back to his apartment, and laid on his couch. We watched NHL live for a good hour then we watched mocking jay the hunger games movie. As we watched the movie Alex asked me "what would you do if we got separated like them, you saw someone torturing me". "I don't know", I said "I wouldn't know what to do I would be broken". I turned to him and laid my head on his chest and said "I'm sorry about earlier". He rubbed my back and said "it's ok we all say stupid things and so many relationships get broken up and that's something you made me remember, that even if we get married and grow old together there will come a day where we will be separated either by death or something else". "Yeah", I said "but I hope that's a long ways away". I fell asleep before the movie was even over, I think I'm becoming way to comfortable falling asleep on him.

The next morning I wake up like the morning before he is on his phone, entertaining himself. "Morning", I said as I stretched up to give him a kiss. "How'd you sleep", he said setting his phone down. "Good, but I'm starting to wonder why I still have my apartment because I'm always over here". He smiled and said "I was wondering the same thing, and Brooke called this morning, I didn't answer it because I think it would be a little awkward". "It's ok", I said smiling as I reached for my phone. As I set up to check my phone he got up to use the bathroom. I called Brooke she didn't answer, but I know something is up because she is never up before nine in the morning. Alex came out of the bathroom then started cooking bacon and eggs. Alex has another game tonight but I don't really want to go, I need to do some work and clean my place. When the food was done he set it on the table and poured two glasses of orange juice. While we sat there and ate I said "I'm starting to like this Alex cooking for me, and taking care of me, I think I can get use to this". He looked up at me from his food and smiled then he said "do you want to come to the game tonight". "Not really", I said feeling bad "I have a lot to do". "I totally understand" he said picking up his plate and glass and putting them in his dish washer. "Babe", he said "it's kind of a good thing you're not going, I'm not trying to be mean, but my ex girlfriend is going to be there and for the off chance she runs into you, I don't want her causing a scene, that's one of the reasons I broke up with her". I chuckled a little "it's ok I'm a big girl if I run into her I can take care of myself, but thanks for caring", I said as I gave him a hug.

"Well", he said "I need to get ready and leave so I'll see you later". "See ya", I said as I gave him a kiss then left for my apartment. When I got over to my apartment it seemed so empty, very little furniture unlike Alex's apartment that has more than enough. I changed my clothes and collected all of my clothes so that I could make a run to the laundromat. I swept and dusted, I didn't have any dishes to wash because I haven't ate a meal there since breakfast on Thursday. I took a shower and then cleaned my bathroom, it was all done, except for grading papers, before noon. Brooke finally called me back, her mom is in the hospital and she's not doing well. I really want to go and see her mom, but Brooke is going home to get some sleep so I would rather not without Brooke. I left for the laundromat, and did some running while my clothes were washing. When I got home I unloaded my stuff and passed out on my bed in my sweatpants and xxl t-shirt.

I woke up and 4 and noticed something on the floor by my door. It was an envelope with Alex's handwriting on it. I opened it, it was a letter that read,

Dearest Katie,

I was just reminded that tonight is the "ladies night", for players wives and girlfriends and I forgot to ask if you would like to go. I'm sorry it's kind of last minute considering it's 12:30, but I need to go to practice, so if you want to go text me and I'll tell you how to get the tickets for tonight.

Thanks and Love,


I thought about it for a minute all I have to do is grade the tests which will take me 30 minutes, and what do I have to loose. So I went ahead and sent Alex a text, it's 4:07 now, I need to grade tests and get ready so I better get moving.

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