Katherine Marie

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*Alex's P.O.V.*

   I woke up the next morning with Katie wrapped around me. The blanket that usually lies untouched on top of my couch now lays over us. The only thing I can see of hers is her head the rest is nestled under the blanket. I look at the clock it's 10, I can't believe it. There is an optional practice today at noon but I would rather just stay here with her. I try not to move to much grabbing my phone on the table behind me. There are 7 texts all from Chase starting right after the game, some of them include, why'd you leave so early, does it have to do with Katie, but then one catches my eye it said look at this. It is a picture of me with a young lady last night by my truck and you can see a little bit of Katie in the back ground, the caption is, is Alex King ashamed of his girlfriend. There were 200 or so comments, some agreeing with this picture, so agreeing with me saying he probably just wants to protect her. I don't even know what to think.

  The next thing I know I feel Katie move and I move my phone and see her smiling at me. "Good morning", she said. "Good morning", I said as I leaned in to kiss her. She was beautiful her unbrushed hair, and morning breath, "Katherine Marie Johnson", I said "you are beautiful". She giggled then hid her face into my chest, she pulled her hair together and put it into a ponytail, and then wrapped her arms around me, then rubbed my back. I love this girl so much I thought to myself. "So", she said "what do you want to do today"."I don't care", I told her, "we could get some food, go shopping, do what ever I don't care". She sat up and said "well, I'm going to go over to my place, and get dressed. While I'm gone go ahead and take a shower", she smiled and walked out of the door with her keys in hand. I laughed because I knew I smelled bad, so I went ahead and took a shower. While I was in the shower I thought about what we should do today. First we should go get something to eat, there is this hotel that has the best brunch I have ever had, so I'll bring her there and then I'm not quite sure what we'll do I guess I'll leave it up to her.

  Once I got out of the shower, I made sure I looked nice. I went threw my closet and found a nice pair of jeans and a sweater I got in college. It was October but it was really chilly so I grabbed my (what my mom would call "pea") coat, and ran a brush threw my hair. I grabbed my wallet and phone then sat on the couch waiting for her. Within 2 minutes she was already there, she was dressed nice in a pair of jeans a white shirt and a purplish jacket, I don't know the actuall name for it. "You look nice", I said as I gave her a kiss. "You too", she said "so do you have something planned". I thought about it then said "after brunch I have no idea". She smiled and grabbed my hand and said "let's go". I grabbed my keys off the hook by my door, checked to make sure I had everything, the followed her down the stairs.

   We got to the hotel at noon, so brunch was still going. We walked in and found a table next to a window over looking St. Louis. "This is beautiful", she said "thanks for bringing me here". "No problem", I said not even paying attention to the view just to her. Most of my team mates, their girlfriends wear high heals because they are so short. Kat, she never wears them, she enjoys being a foot shorter than I am, and I think that's adorable. "Hey Alex", she said "I was thinking", I shook my head because I had water in my mouth. "Most of your teammates", she said "have large houses, a penthouse, or a loft, but you just have a small one bedroom apartment, why?". Our food was here so it gave me time to think, once the waiter left I answered. "I have never really thought about it", I told her ," I went to look at the lofts and things like that but they seemed way to big for just me. If it is only me in that big space it would have reminded me that I was. You know I have friends come over every once in a while, but the rest of the time the place would be empty".

  She looked at me like it was the first time she saw me, then she said " that's the same with me I had a chance to get a house with just me in it, it would be so lonely". I smiled then said "I just found out we have a lot more in common than I thought wrapped did. We finished eating our meal making small talk and taking in the view. Once the bill came Kat snatched it off the table, I already had my wallet out. "It's ok", she said "I got it, you've got a lot for me and you haven't gave me a chance to repay you so this is my chance". I let her do it I wasn't going to argue, I left the tip and then we left. We got into my truck and I asked "where to next".

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