Guys night out

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*Alex's P.O.V.*

* 2 months later*

  Tonight I'm over at Chase's house with pretty much the rest of the team. No girlfriends or wives just us men. Chase and I decided to try to get away from everyone for a minute to talk. We took a seat in the back yard next to the bonfire there were a couple other guys out there to just chilling and talking. "So where is Kayla tonight", I asked Chase. "I don't know", he said "but what you should be asking is what Katie is doing right now". "Shut up", I said as I punched him in the shoulder. "See", he said "you don't realize that you are attached to this girl like a lot, we all can see it, even Martin can see it and he barely speaks English, come on man". I took a drink of my beer and said "so what if I really like her". He looked surprised then said "I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I think it's cute". I shook my head not knowing what to say.

  When we all got back inside and started hanging out, everyone just wanted to know about Katie. Apparently at the girls night out she got some of thinking I'm the best person who ever lived, which I don't think I am. Anyway the words spread to their husbands and they want to know everything, how I met her, her birthday, we've been dating for almost a year and you just start to pay attention to my life, thanks boys. I understand though why they want to talk about Katie she is beautiful, smart, and funny. Then Steve came over to talk to me, "hey", I told him. "What's up", he said "but I want to ask you something". "Yeah, anything", I told him not knowing what was going to happen. "So", he said, "you have been dating Katie for almost a year, so are you planing on getting serious with her". I was shocked "I thought we were already serious, I mean she and I hang out everyday". "You're so dumb", he said "I mean are you going to purpose". I was surprised, yeah I wanted to spin the rest of my life with her, but I thought you would wait until after a year of dating. "Well eventually", I told him , "I wanted to wait a little longer". "Well", he said "you better hurry up some one might try to snatch her up, I mean if I wasn't already married, I would want to date her". I smiled and said "well I might just have to fight them all off". He smiled and threw a fake punch at me, and I responded punching back. We kept going until Chase yelled over and said "if you brake anything you buy it". We laughed and went off our separate ways.

  At one o'clock in the morning I was finally home but I didn't want to go to my apartment I want to go to hers. I walked over to her a door and and knocked it took a minute or two then she finally answered. She was in a extra large t-shirt that went down to her knees. She smiled and said "hey", then she ran her fingers threw her hair. It was up in a messy bun she is beautiful, even with unbrushed hair and all. "I just wanted to see you", I said as I wrapped my arms around her and we walked into her apartment so she could close the door. "How was the party", she asked as we sat on her couch. "It was ok, everyone just wanted to know more about you", I said. "Why", she said "I'm not much, just a simple 24 year old". "Katie", I said, she smiled and said "what". I looked at her with more love than ever before and said "but you are everything to me". I gave her a kiss full of passion, and she kissed back, like she never had before. She set her hands on my chest like always, I wonder why she does that. I felt like I was in high school, kissing Katie like she was my first ever girlfriend. When we pulled back she said, "hey tomorrow night is my families Christmas dinner do you want to come". I said "sure I'd love to", I tried to go to her Easter but I went to see my family, thanksgiving, I was out of time, so it's finally my chance to make a good impression on her family. "I love you", she said as we fell asleep on her couch.

  The next morning I woke up to the smell of sausage and pancakes. "Hey, sleepy head", she said as she came over to give me a kiss. It was already ten o'clock, "hey what time is your Christmas dinner", I asked her. "It starts at 4, we eat open presents, play rob your neighbor, then we just hang out", she said. "Sounds fun, so I guess if I want to play rob your neighbor I need to bring a present". She stopped what she was doing and said "I have an extra one if you need it". I shook my head and said "I think I have something". We ate breakfast at her coffee table because that is the only table she has, we talked and laughed over the stupidest things, that's one of the reasons I love her. After breakfast I helped clean up, then I left so she could get ready. When I got back, I started to look for something for rob your neighbor. There were 2 boxes in my closet, one was stuff I wanted like my first nhl goal puck, the 2nd stuff I really didn't care about, like a gag gift from my line mate a signed picture of him. I picked out a couple things and then decided to take a shower. As I got out of the shower my nerves shot up maybe I wore the wrong thing, or my rob your neighbor gift was lame, well I just need to settle down I thought to myself. It will all be okay.

   At 3 I heard a knock at my door, "come in", I yelled from my bedroom. I was standing with a pair of black dress pants on but I didn't know what shirt to wear. "Hey", she said standing at the door to my room. "Hey", I said not even looking at her "what shirt should I wear". I held up a dark-blue and a red button down shirt. She stepped into my room, I was nervous she has never seen me shirtless. "Well", she said "the red is very christmasy, but the blue brings out your blue eyes", she took another step closer to me. "Soo", I said "the blue". She shook her head yes, she helped me button it up as I fixed my cuffs. "You look beautiful", I said as I finally gave her a kiss. "You always say that", she said smiling. I smiled back "and I always mean it". I grabbed my present "so what is it", she asked. "It's for me to know", I said smiling and leaning in close to her "and you to find out". She smiled and straightened my shirt, "I love you", she said. "I love you too", I said giving her a kiss, but I didn't need to lean down as much because she had high heels on. "You ready", I asked her. She nodded her head, I grabbed my keys and present and headed down to my truck.

   When we got down to my truck she set her stuff in the back seat. I reached back and set my present back there as well. "I'll give you directions to his house", she said as she put on her seatbelt. We talked on the 45 minute drive to her grandfather's house, she warned me about some of her family members but I wasn't to worried, or maybe I was. We showed up at 4:07 a little late, but everyone was already there, waiting for us. We'll be the center of attention when we go in isn't that lovely. I parked in the street, she looked over at me and grabbed my hand and said "it will all be ok". She gave me a kiss and got out of the truck, I followed her to the door. As she opened the door my heart was beating out of my chest, and I got my first glimpse of her family, they were all looking at us. Lord, please help me.

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