The Party

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    Katie's P.O.V.

  "I guess tell food was good, and a lot of people were really nice and welcoming to me", I said to Alex on our way back to the apartment building. "Well what did you not like about it", he asked. "I know you wanted me to have a great time but it felt like you guys have your group of friends and all of the ladies have their friends there", I said. "Well", he said "those people when they first got here the had no friends and were in the exact same place as you". "I know", I said "but at least it went better than our first date", I looked over at him with a smile on my face. "It didn't go that bad", he said. "Except about your freak out about me being lactoaintolerant", I said "but you did teach me how to skate". That made him smile which made me happy, "well did you have fun tonight", I asked him. "Yeah", he said "I was just so happy you could come, you looked so beautiful, and I'm just happy you had a little bit of fun". We pulled into the apartment building parking lot, and I pulled into his spot next to my car, and I laughed a little bit. "What", he said looking at me confused. "This is where I first saw you", I said "I pulled into your spot you were kind of mad at me but then you let it go, my only question is why". He sat there for a moment thinking "well first of all you were new and you didn't know any better, also I just had a good feeling about you, and I didn't want to ruin it wit a this is my spot argument". I smiled and climbed out of the truck and handed him his keys.

     We started to walk up the stairs and he said "why would we ever choose to live in a building where there is no elevators". I chuckled a little and said "I don't know". He smiled and said "well without these stairs we wouldn't have got to know each other". "Yeah I know", I said "but, I have a question also why do we keep bringing up how we met, and our first date". "I don't know", he said "I guess because it's been a hard time with my leg and everything but with you here it makes me feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel". I smiled and looked down at the stairs he makes me feel so special, he makes me feel better about myself and my life. We walked up the rest of the steps in silence, then we walked to his door. He reached down to unlock his door and opened it "you want to come in" he said. "Sure", I said with a smile on my face, and I followed him into his department. He walked in and flopped down on his couch "my leg is killing me", he said, he looks so pitiful I thought. "Do you want me to go and get your medicine, I don't mind it", I asked him. "Would you", he said with a smile on his face. I walked into his kitchen and grabbed the sheet of paper that states what he needs to take. I grab three different pills and a glass of water and bring them over to him. "Thanks", he said as he threw the pills into the back of his throat and took a large gulp of water. He looked over at me with a smile on his face "what", I said. "You", he said "you don't know how much it means to me, I mean you coming over and taking care of me and you are always here for me. Most people when I'm hurt they act like it's contagious and don't offer to help or do anything, but you, you act like it is no big deal". I walked closer to him and sat down on the couch, "It's no big deal", I said "I promise".

    "So what do you need to do tomorrow", he asked me as I looked at the clock. "Well", I said "I have to work tomorrow and it's getting late, so I should probably...". "No", he said interrupting me and he put a finger over my lips "let's just not say anything". I chuckled a little because I thought it was weird, but he leaned in close to me. It was like a magnet and I was getting pulled into him I have never felt this connection with anyone before. I could fell it coming, he put his lips against mine. It was perfect he didn't kiss with rage or frustration like Kyle did, Alex he cares and was sweet to me. He pulled back first, we sat there in silence for a couple moments until he broke the silence. "That was nice", he said "but to be honest that was my first kiss in like a year". He looked at me with a smile on his face, then I said "to be honest, I haven't kissed anyone since Kyle, so it's been like two years". He looked down at his leg and said "I guess were in the same boat then, but you should go back to your apartment and get some rest, and I'm sorry I interrupted you earlier". "Don't be worry about it, it was nice spending a little extra time with you" I said. He got up with me and walked towards his door, "Well", he said when we got to his door "good night, and I know I already told you this but you look beautiful". I smiled and looked down at my dress that was now all wrinkled, and I knew my hair was messed up but it didn't matter to him. "Good night Alex", I said "tonight was really fun". He smiled and I started to walk towards my apartment, once I got to my door and opened it, I heard his door close.

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