The scare

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   Katies P.O.V.

      At around 5 o'clock we were finally able to get inside the apartment building. I ran up stairs and changed into a pair of jeans and my jersey. By the time I got done changing and doing my hair it was 6, so it was time to rush downtown. I literally ran down the street to the metrolink station. I stood there for 10 minutes before the train came. Once the train came I didn't feel so bad it was full of blues fans running late. The ride took longer than usual or at least it felt like it. The train got into the station at around 6:50. Along with all of the other fans I walked up the path and into the center. Once I got inside it was a madhouse, people yelling, people running everywhere, it was crazier than I remember. I got in line at one of the ticket boxes, I stood in like for 5 minutes before I got up to it. "Good evening", the lady behind the glass said "how can I help you". I smiled and said "Good evening, um, can I get the tickets for Katie Johnson". I pulled out my I.d. and handed it to the lady, she smiled and said "I'll go get that ticket for you". She walked away and came back with an envelope. "In this is your tickets, your pass to get into the locker room, and something else but I'm not sure what, have a good night", she said. "You too", I said as I took the envelope.

      As I walked away I opened the envelope and took out the ticket, and got in line. Once they scanned it I went to go find my seat it was section 102 club seats, row c seat 2. They were also all you can eat. I have never sat any closer than row z mezzinen and now I'm in club seats at the center line. I took my seat and looked into the envelope, in it there was a I.d. pass thing which was to get into the locker room one hour after the game, I guess so that all the press can leave. The last thing in it was a folded up piece of paper, I unfolded it, it was a letter that read,

Dear Katie,

   I'm happy you could make it to the game, number 1 because most people I invite to a game don't even bother showing up. You are probably like how did you know I would come, I had a feeling that you would come no mater what. Also I hope that you enjoy the game maybe I will score just for you. I hope you are as excited about this game as I am. I know it sounds cliche that I want to do the best because you are here, but it is true. I think this could be the beginning of something great and I just hope you have fun, and enjoy the game. And once again thanks for actually coming.



     How did he know I would come, or does he just do that for everyone and if they show up they get the letter, but if they don't they don't even know about it. I'm over thinking it so I just sit back and relax for the next 5 minutes til the game starts. The players came out and soon after the game started. The game was against one of the blues largest rivals the San Jose sharks. The game was going like a normal game, turn overs, steals, penalties (lot's of penalties). At the end of the 1st period the score was still 0-0. During the intermission I went and got some tacos and got a drink. Once the 2nd period started it started with a large amount of penalties and fights (a couple including Alex). 7 minutes into the period San Jose scored and then 5 minutes later the blues scored. With 3 minutes left in the period Alex got boarded and left the ice. They announced that he may be out for the rest of his game they said it was his knee. During the intermission I sat there all I could do was hope that Alex was ok and that he wouldn't be out for long. As the 3rd period started I got a text from Alex that said " hey Katie I hope you are enjoying your self, I will be out for the rest of the game but still meet me outside the locker room one hour after the game. Have fun, Alex".

    San Jose scored with 2 minutes left on a power play, and that was it. I am kind of upset that they didn't win but they lost Alex, and also they have 5 other people on injury reserve, so hopefully the next game I go to is better. I walked out of where the ice was and went to find a security officer, and he showed me the way to the room where I needed to wait. There were only a couple other people in there some family members of players, some fans, and then kids that are part of some of the blues clubs. I got to talk to some of the kids and they were all so sweet, and kind. A lot of them had different medical problems, but you would have never been able to tell. When it was time we were lead in as a group to a large room with a large door on one side and it looked like the door to the locker room on the other. We stood there for about 5 minutes until a couple players started shuffling out. The players went straight to the kids or their family members.

      Alex was one of the last people out of the room, he had a brace on his knee and one crutch. He walked over to with a smile on his face I couldn't help but to laugh. "What", he said with a smile on his face. "Nothing", I said "you look so pitiful". He looked down at his knee and said "Doc said I will be out for a couple of games but I think I'm fine." He smiled and I said "Okay sure". "Hey Chase", he yelled across the room and a head popped up and Alex waved him over. The man was tall really tall and he came over with a smile on his face. Once he got over to where we were standing he gave Alex a little shove. "Chase" Alex said "this is Katie, Katie this is Chase we have played hockey together for like ever." I laughed and said "nice to meet you Chase". Chase looked over to me and said "nice to meet you too Katie". Chase then looked over Alex and said "is this her". Alex blushed a little and said "Yeah". "Am I who, what did you tell him", I said to Alex. "Nothing", Alex said "except that we are dating". "Thanks" I said to Alex, I looked over to Chase and he was just standing there laughing. "Alex", Chase said "I think it's time to go, and by the way you need to go home and rest so that knee can get better, talk to you later, good night". Chase started to walk away and I said "You too", I looked over to Alex and said, "let's go and I will drive just give me the keys". He reached down into his pocket and pulled out his keys and handed them to me. I put my hand around his waist and helped lead him out of the room and to his truck.

     He climbed into the passenger seat and got his knee situated so he was comfortable. I climbed in and started the truck he looked over at me and said "I'm sorry". I looked up and put the gear in drive, "for what" I asked. He looked over at me "I let you down, I got hurt, we lost the game, I should have never invited you". "Why do you say that", I said "I had fun I couldn't tell you the last time I got to go to a game, this one was special first because I got to sit closer than ever, secondly because of you most of the time I see a game I don't know the people playing or I have no connection to them. But now I have you." He smiled and looked down at his knee, "Yeah, that's true but I kind of feel bad because the first time you have gone to a game in a long time I get hurt, and we lose". I looked over at him "it's not your fault you got hurt, it's the stupid player that pushed you into the board's fault. And it's not your fault that the team lost, you guys just didn't have the best game as a whole, none of it is specifically your fault." He smiled and looked over at me and said, "Yeah, it's true". "So to get off that subject", I said "what did you tell Chase about me". He laughed and said, "Chase came up to me asking what was different in my life, he said I had been acting different, and I can't lie to the guy we've known each other for ever, so I told him about you." "All good things right", I said. "Yep, totally...Wait someone's calling me" he said. I saw in the corner of my eye it was Chase. I heard Chase asking/talking about me, the conversation between the two only took about three minutes. "What was that about", I asked. "Oh, it was chase asking about you, I told him he would find out tomorrow", Alex said. "What, why tomorrow", I said feeling very nerves. "Tomorrow we have a team dinner, and I would like to bring you", he said. I sat there for a moment thinking "Come on", he said "everything will be fine, all of the guys are either bringing their girlfriend's or their family, and I don't want to have to go alone again". He gave me the puppy dog eyes and I said "okay".

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