Soo.. I really like this girl

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Alex's P.O.V.

    I'm better she's better the last game of the season is this afternoon. Its kind of bitter sweet this season has been crazy with being injured, and Katie, everything about Katie. We've been spending a lot more time together the last couple weeks, I think we have realized how important life is. I feel like I want to spend the rest of my life with Katie, she has brought so much happiness into my life that I have had with no one else before. When I'm home she comes over right after work, when I'm not she calls making sure I'm ok. On the days I have off on the weekends we go out and do what ever we can. I just want to live life to the fullest, not just with her but with everyone, my friends and family, as well. I have started doing alot more with the team when it comes to community service, I now realize how important people are in life.

   Last night Katie came over in tears, I didn't know what to do. She wouldn't tell me what was wrong, I felt useless, like I did in high school when girls would walk down the hallways with tear stained shirts. She walked in without knocking, I stood up and she buried her head into my shoulder. I stood there for a really long time with my arms wrapped around her. She let go and sat down, and I sat next to her. "Baby what's wrong", I asked her she didn't say anything, instead she layed her head on my chest and threw a blanket over us. "Can we watch a movie", she asked, so I gave her the remote and she chose tangled the Disney movie. We layed there arms wrapped around each other like we were suppose to be like that. The next thing I knew it was 6 in the morning and she was quietly trying to sneak out of my apartment I guess to get ready for work. When I woke up later there was a note on my coffee table from Katie it said,

     Dear Love,

        I'm sorry about last night I just needed someone strong and you're the strongest person I know physically and mentally. Just so many things have been going wrong with work and with struggles I've been dealing with since high school. Some times I just don't know what's going on and why you can love me. I know you see many things in me that it is clear that I don't. I just need some confidence in my self before I can have confidence in else. I don't want us to stop dating or take a break I just... I don't know what I need. I guess I need to know how you can stay so positive.

                                                             I'm sorry about last night,



   I didn't know what to say to her, the thing is I fear myself about many things so I decided to text her,

        Dear Kat,

           You do not need to be sorry about anything, you do not need to be ashamed of anything. Babe if you don't see it in me, you're the only thing that keeps me going, my parents I'm pretty sure are getting a divorce, my grandma's in the hospital and there is a lot of stress at work. But you already know all this, but I love you more than anyone before you are so sweet, you're a sweetheart you're beautiful and lovely I could not imagine my life without you.


   There was nothing else for me to say, we were both in the same situation we needed to love ourselves before we could love each other, and there was no doubt in my mind that this is going to be a long journey. So I decided to go into my room and grab something I have not touched since high school. My journal. I sat down on the corner of my bed, and started writing.

       April 23, 2015

          Well, it's been a while but I just need some one or something rather to listen to me. Things are just crumbling around me, there is no where to go nothing for me to do. But I guess this is it for now.


   What can I do to make her feel better, I thought to myself for a good hour. I looked at the clock it read 11:15, then I remembered Katie had her lunch break at noon. I need to do something, so I took my pain meds, got dressed and hobbled down to my truck. First I stopped by the flowershop and picked up a bouquet of some sort, then I stopped by Pi and picked up a pizza for her and I then went to her school. I pulled up into a guest parking spot, I walked into the office and sat in a chair by a desk that was empty. Then an older lady walked up behind the desk and said "hello, how can I help you". l stood up and said "yes, hello, and I would like to meet with Ms. Katherine Johnson". She gave me a strange look then looked at the pizza and flowers, "you're not a parent are you", she said in a strange voice. "No", I said "I'm her boyfriend I just thought I would be nice and bring her some flowers and lunch". "Ok", she said "I'm not really supposed to do this but I'll have some one bring you down there". Soon a young lady a senior took me through the school and led me to the band room, she kept looking at me like she recognized me, but most fans don't recognize me because I do very few things without my gear on.

    We turned a corner and she said "right through that door", pointing to the 2nd door. She left and I walked to the set of double doors, and saw her sitting at her desk so I knocked on the door and turned around so she thought I was a student. It took her a moment then she opened the door and said "yes". I turned around and she was speechless, I looked at her she looked as beautiful as the first day I saw her. She turned around and started walking to her desk. I followed her closing the door behind me, she grabbed a chair and pulled it up in front of her desk, then cleared off a spot for the flowers and pizza. I set the flowers down in a place where everyone could see them then set the pizza down. She came around and wrapped her arms around me "Alex", she said "I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking I need you more than I ever have needed someone before. Forget everything that I wrote on that note, I realized I need you". "Kat", I said "I need you too, you have been the best thing that has ever happened to me, but let's go ahead and it". She sat down and covered up the tests she had been grading. She folded the box over so it took up less room and took a piece of the pizza.

    "Hey Alex", she said, I looked up from the box to her "thank you, for all of this I don't know I was thinking, but I have a question". "Yeah", I said kind of worried what she would say. "Do you want to switch jobs, it's been a long day of grading and playing tests". I laughed a little "well first you need to learn to skate better", she gave me a look "and I can't play a single instrument let alone all of them". She was full, but I'll just eat when I get home, "do you want me to teach you", she asked me. She got up and walked over to the piano then sat on the bench. I followed and sat down next to her, she played a little song with two fingers, then she said "that was the first I ever learned and I know you can play it". She put her fingers on the piano and I followed her movements, in a couple minutes I already learned the song. "Thanks", I said, she looked down at the keyboard and slipped a lose piece of hair behind her ear.  I put my hand behind her ear on top of her hand then pulled her face towards mine, the next thing I know we're kissing , embracing each other, all I can think about is how much I love her. She pulled back and said "you should probably go my student will be here....". I stopped her by putting my lips back on hers and said "it's ok, I don't know if this is the last moment I can spend with you, we haven't even been together that long and we have already been through so much".

      She looked at the clock it said 12:34 her break ended in a minute, so we cleaned up the mess on her desk, then she walked me out into the hallway. "Bye, I'll see you tonight", she said. "See you later babe", I said to her, then gave her a little kiss, kind and short. We pulled back when we heard giggling, I looked and there were a group of girls standing next to a locker. "Bye", she said, "you should go out those doors", she pointed to a set of doors at the end of the hallway. "Bye", I said and I gave her another small kiss ignoring the girls just thinking of her. I walked out of the school and to my truck, then drove home waiting to see her again.

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