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Kate's P.O.V.

      I can't believe I fell asleep at his house, I really can't. At least he was a gentleman, he got me a pillow and blanket and left me alone. I walked back to my apartment and thought about last night, the last thing I remember is putting my head on his shoulder, and I was fighting my eye lids to stay open. Once I got back to my apartment, I went ahead and grabbed my close for the gym, and checked my phone and double checked that Brooke was meeting me there. I walked down to my car and thought about how bad I want to tell Brooke all about Alex but I don't know if that is the best plan. It seemed like a shorter trip time the gym this morning, I don't know maybe it's because I'm excited.

     Once I got to the gym I walked in to the front and was looking for Brooke I didn't see her so I went ahead signed in and went to the back. I walked into the back and saw her on one of the treadmills, so I walked over and started walking on the one next to her. "How's it goin", she asked me right as I got started. "Fine", I said "how about you". She walked for a couple more seconds then responded, "Fine", she said "but I have one question for you I saw the pictures you posted from the game last night, but you didn't post pictures of you with anyone else, did you go alone." I looked down at my feet and said "yeah a friend of mine offered me a ticket, and I didn't know if they had anymore and I didn't want to ask and inconvenience them." Good save Katie I thought. "Well" she said "who is this friend and do I know them". I had to think on how I was going to say this "Well", I said "his name is Alex no you don't know him, he is my neighbor at my apartment complex, he...". "Is he cute", Brooke asked interrupting me. "I don't know, why does it matter", I said trying to keep our relationship tucked away, because I don't even know how I feel about the relationship now. "It matters", Brooke said "because a new neighbor you just met, because you recently moved there, that may or may not be cute, gave you out of the rest of the people in the world his one ticket to a game, it doesn't make since".         She is just trying to make me tell her, how would Alex feel about this wait, he is confident I'm our relationship because he told Chase so I guess it's okay if I tell Brooke. "Okay", I said "you've dug it out of me, his name is Alex we only met a couple days ago but he thought me how to ice skate, took me to eat pizza..". "But you're allergic to cheese", Brooke said. "Don't even bring that up", I said continuing my statement, "and he invited me to a Blues game, and now we're kind of sort of dating". I looked down at my phone and realized that I have been on this treadmill for almost 20 minutes, but it's okay I'll just walk on here for 10 more minutes, and then go run my erins. Then Brooke said "this is my final question why would he send you to a game all by yourself if you too are dating". I stood there for a couple seconds thinking how am I going to tell her this then finally I said "Well the reason is, he.. plays for the blues he's Alex Johnson number 52, yeah he offered me a ticket and I wanted ask for one more but I was like I can't he's already done so much for me.". Brooke looked over at me "number 52 huh I don't think I've never gotten a good look at his face" she pulls out her phone and goes to the blues app, clicks on players and scrolls down to 52 clicks the screen and it pulls up a picture of him at a faceoff "is that him", she asked. I nodded my head, then she said "why did you say I don't know when i asked if he was cute". "I", I said "I just don't want a lot of people to know about me and him, because then everyone will want to be best friends with me so that I can do them favors, like getting them tickets". Brooke laughed and said "to bad the best friend position is already taken". I laughed and said "well it was nice seeing you but I need to run some erins before tonight, tonight is the teams dinner and Alex asked me to be his date". "Oh okay", Brooke said "now that you have your hockey player boyfriend, you get to go and do all this cool hockey player stuff, but I know you need to go so have fun, just if he has a friend hook me up". I laughed and said "okay talk to you later". "Bye", she said as I walked towards the door.

    After the gym I went to whole foods and picked up the necessary things eggs, bread, milk, and chicken. Believe it or not I go threw alot of chicken, it's what I have most nights for dinner usually as a wrap because there is no reason to fry some or barbeque it when it is just me. I also picked up a couple things for Alex so he wouldn't have to get out. I got back to the apartment building at a quarter til 12. I drop Alex's food by his apartment and I go to mine because I have some major cleaning to do. I put my food up then I go around and dust every square inch of the apartment because I have bad allergies and it was starting to bother me. Next I vacuum the apartment, and clean the bathroom. After all the major cleaning was done, I unpacked some of my boxes. Most of them were just clothes, and little things, I hung up my signed team picture of the 2012-2013 blues team. After I was done doing all of that it was 4:15 and I had about an hour to get ready for dinner and I need to make a good impression.

   I take a quick 20 minute shower, or at least it is quick for me. Once I got out of the shower I wrapped myself up in a towel and got out my blow drier and curling iron, so I could do my hair. It takes me about 5 or 6 minutes to dry my hair, and then I curl part of my hair and put it up into a nice, clean bun. I put on some foundation and mascara to clear up all of my imperfections, but Alex would probably say there are none that I am perfect just the way I am. I honestly don't think I need it that bad but I just want to make sure that no one else sees all of my flaws. I walk into my bedroom and pick out something to wear. I chose the dress I wore for my collage graduation it is strapless yellow dress with a gray belt. Once I get done and double check for like the fifth time that I look okay, I notice that it is 5:15 so I go ahead and go over to Alex's so that he's not waiting for me. I walk out of my apartment and over to his and knock on the door. It takes him a minute or so, at least it feels like it until he comes over and opens the door, it's probably because he had to hobble over to the door . He is wearing a nice blue shirt and a gold/yellow tie, with a pair of black slacks. "You look beautiful", he said looking at my dress then at my face. "You too, not beautiful but handsome, and very team spirity", I said as he smiled. "Please come in", he said moving out of the way, "we have ten minutes or so until we need to go". "Okay", I said "do you need me to do anything for you while I'm here". I asked trying to be helpful but his response was "no".

     He wobbled over to the couch where I was sitting, and sat down and put his leg up. "I really ment it when I said you looked beautiful, the only thing that would make you more beautiful is if you took off the make-up", he said like I knew he would. "Yeah", I said looking down at my hand messing with my bracelet, I wear it everywhere I go and with everything I do, I consider it my good luck charm. "Do you mind if I ask", he said "but what is that bracelet all about, I just noticed you never take it off even for fancy occasions". "Well", I said "um, when I was in seventh grade one of my really close friends died in a car accident, well we started designing and selling things to help pay for her funeral this is one of them. I bring it with me everywhere it's my good luck charm". He smiled and said "well I'm sorry to hear that but, you were wearing it when you met me so..". I was blushing and I know he could tell, I hit his foot and said "shut up". "Anyway, I think it's about time that we head to dinner", he said as he reached for one of his crutches and tried to stand up. Once we both got up and headed for the door and he opened it for me. After we got out he turned around and locked his door and said "I hope you don't mind driving". "I didn't mind last night", I said and grabbed his keys. I put my arm around his waist and took one of his crutches so he would fall as we started down the stairs.

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