chapter 1

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Dear diary,

Today has been the worst day of my life so far. And its about to get worse. I have to leave California to go to Florida because my mom got a huge promotion. And by huge I mean she will be the new CEO of a record company the biggest in Florida I should say. I'm happy for her and everything but I just don't want to leave sin. He's the love of my life. I'm leaving today at 10pm my flight will take off. Its currently 7:30 I have two hours before we leave to the airport everything is packed and ready to go but I'm not ready. Sin is on his way over here right now my mom made me tell him last minute like she told me today. The truth is I don't know how he will react and I'm sure its not gonna be pretty. Wish me luck. Til next time.


I put my diary in my bag and wait for sin to show up. I can't believe I'm leaving my friends, my home, and the love of my life Sin Clark. He's my everything and he always will be. Just then my phone rings and I read the text from sin...he's here. My heart breaks a little more I'm pretty sure when I tell him and leave him my heart will completely shatter. I walk down stairs crying my eyes out like I've been doing since this morning. I've told everyone except for sin. Well I suppose its time. my mom looks at me with a sympathetic look and I just send her a small fake smile back and walk out to sin who is sitting on my front porch. I'm now sobbing.

Right when he hears me he gets up and runs to me, pulls me in a hug and I cry for ten minutes in his arms with him whispering sweet things into my ear. After I calm down he asks me what's wrong. So I do, I tell him everything from the promotion to me moving from California all the way to Florida. He listens and when I finish he looks so sad and broken. My heart screams at me for hurting the man I love. He looks at my tear streaked face and I see a tear fall out of his left eye. I wipe it away and we sit there in the quiet me waiting for the storm to come.

Finally, after a few minutes his sad face turns angry and he gets up and starts to yell. I try to calm him down but it doesn't work.

He turns to me " so what about us huh are we gonna be in a long distance relationship for the rest of our lives" he yells.

"Or are we gonna be done is this you breaking up with me" his voice cracking at the end.

I look at him continuing to cry
" we can't be together any more I m moving and I won't do that to you..i-i love you to much to do that to you. I want you to be happy sin. Even if its without me and with somebody else." I say.

He looks at me "ash I don't want anyone else but you. Its always been you if I can't have you I don't want anyone else." He holds my small hands in his rather large ones.

I smile and kiss his sweet lips "I don't want anyone but you sin but I have to leave I'll probably never come back. Well have no way of communication my mom is making me get a new phone she wants us to have a clean slate that means cutting off everyone here. I'm sorry baby."

My mom walks out of the house and starts the car holding only our carry-ons and two suitcases each mom wanted to travel light so we will be getting all new things in Florida. She calls me and I turn towards sin. He looks at me like if I leave his whole world will crumble at his feet.

"I have to leave sin"

He pulls me close so close that were a inch away from kissing, bodies intertwined. And then he kisses me with so much love and passion and I put my all into that one kiss. We pull apart and he says

"say you'll remember me. say you'll see again" he whispers in my ear sending chills down my spine.

"even if its just in our wildest dreams?" I question on the verge of breaking down.

He smiles though it doesn't reach his eyes. And he walks me to the car. I get in and turn to him.

"I love you Sin Clark"

"And I love you Ashley Summers. And for you I'll wait for ever."

And my mom pulls away with sin watching until the car disappears.

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