chapter 7

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I wake up and notice I'm not in my room but in the pool room still laying on one of the long tanning chairs with a sheet draped over me. I look around and notice the guys laying on chairs around me.

I chuckle and get to my room taking a shower and getting dressed. (the girl is not Ashley.. just focus on the outfit)

the guys are all up and dressed and eating breakfast. Bryce looks at me and jestures torwards the plate with blueberry pancakes and eggs with bacon. i sit at the head of the very big table and start eating.

Bryce gets our attention. " so since were not in Florida territory anymore and the gang moved here we have to see if we can be allies with some gangs around here. the most important being the black skulls. we all know that they are the biggest gang in the world but even though were the second we still have to have allies here as well. I've contacted the leader of the black skulls and we will be meeting with them today in about 20 mins so eat and we will be going to there warehouse for the meeting i expect all of you on your best behavior." he says the last part looking at me.

"come on it was five guys...and plus they shouldn't have tried to underestimate me. and besides drake didn't even get mad at me" I say smiling at the memory.

" yea because no one can be mad you ash your an angel in every ones eyes." Jace says.

I smirk and finish up my food while the guys are getting the car and shit ready. I put my plate in the sink and walk out the door locking it and slipping my gun in the waistband of my shorts and sticking my knives in my bra.

I hop in the car and Bryce drives to there warehouse. while in the car I decide to mess with Jace by calling him his real name which he doesn't like but i don't give a fuck.

" hey Jason" he ignores me

"hey Jason" still no reply

"hey Jason" I whisper in his ear seductively. which makes him groan.

" ash don't call me that"


"because I don't like it"


" I just don't"

"ok" I say bored of him already.

"were here" Bryce's voice snaps me out of my boredom

" so what's the leaders name again"

" well they call him shadow nobody knows his real name but his gang"


we get out of the car and two hot guys walk up to us.

" hello vipers I am Chris second in command here for the skulls" this really hot blonde guys says.

" and I'm Jose the third in command here for the skulls" the brown haired one says he's hot but not as hot as blondie.

Bryce introduces himself as the leader. then motions for me to do the same. when I do they both look like they've seen a ghost okayyyy.

" I'm Ashley second in command for the vipers" I say shaking hands with them.

blondie speaks up " we know who you are your the dark angel" which makes me smirk haha bitches I'm known. fear me.

Jace steps forward " Jace third in command for the vipers" he say then shakes their hand s also.

Johnny doesn't introduce himself and they look at him questioningly he hides behind me obviously having a panic attack. which pisses me off. my best friend scared. then the dark side of me comes out the guys notice taking steps back. and the other two look at my shaking form while Johnny tries to calm me down.

" hey ash I'm fine okay just relax" he hugs me calming me down a little. still tense i give him an okay. he lets me go still worried.

"I'm fine JJ I'm okay now. I just seen you scared and I got mad. I'm fine really." I say reassuringly. he nods once.

the other two guys are still looking at the way me and Johnny interact with each other and share one look and wince at each other. HMM. weirdos.

"oaky well where's your leader" I say changing the subject.

" he's waiting in his office for you guys." Jose says.

"Yea we'll take you there" Chris speaks up and turns around walking with Jose

we all follow and walk into the warehouse we walk to the back men staring and whispering to one another.

gasps come from some talking about the dark angel aka me.

one mother fucker thought it would be funny to slap my ass. so I did what I always do i pull my gun out and shoot him in the hand that touched me. the gun shot echos in the warehouse and it becomes silent other than the guys cries.

" touch me again and it'll be your head next time fucker. do you know who I am." I say shaking my head turning back to the guys Jace laughs and throws his arm around me

" that's my girl" he laughs.

Bryce smiles and shakes his head " you just couldn't behave could you ash"

" I don't take lightly to disrespect" I say to Chris and Jose who look shocked

" yea umm. why don't we just walk in the office. shadow will be mad at how late we are." Chris says

" Lead the way" I say " I just wanna go home already"

Chris nods and opens a door to the left right when we walk in I stop dead in my tracks. There sitting at the desk sits the love of my life Sin Alexander Clark. who still hasn't looked up yet. then my world stops as he looks up and into my eyes. he looks just as shocked as I do.

all the memories and late night memories come back to me rushing in my head all at once all the memories I had tried so hard to forget I remember and the guys notice it because Bryce takes my hand in his and asks if I'm okay which I am now looking at sin who looks furious at first I think he's mad at me then I look at where he's looking and realize its because Bryce is holding my hand in his. i turn my attention away from the man who was once mine and focus on my leader telling him in fine. which he doesn't believe but lets it slide anyways I walk to Johnny and lean into him whispering in his ear

" It's him JJ It's him. I wanna go home" I say on the verge of tears. he pulls me into him and gets Bryces attention who now realizes that I'm about to cry to.

" Hey Bryce I'm gonna take ash to the house she wants to go home now." Johnny says ignoring sin's glare.

Bryce looks to Jace who nods his head knowingly and nods his head. walking up to me he pulls me into him and hugs me. Jace walks up and does the same.

" ill see you at home princess get some rest ill get you some Chinese when we go back" Jace says kissing my forehead. I nod and kiss his cheek.

" Drop her off and come straight back" Bryce says tossing JJ the key. he nods and waits for me while I kiss Bryce's cheek.

" feel better angel" Bryce says.

" bye sweet face ohh and get me some ice cream" i say.

"of course whatever you want princess" Jace says from the chair he's sitting on.

I give them one last smile before walking to Johnny and wrapping one arm around him.

I look back at sin and see that he's staring right at me. I turn around quickly when his sad eyes meet mine.

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