CHAPTER 6 (Sin Clark)

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*BANG* one gunshot *BANG* two gunshots and then my favorite part watching the life drain from his eyes and his body hit the ground. I turn to Chris my second and Jose my third and nod to them signaling to clean up the mess. once that was over we made our way back to the house. I think back to the fucker I just killed Oscar Fuentes, that'll be the first and last time that bastard tries to double cross me.

Well now that that's over allow me to introduce my self. I am Sin Clark, leader of the notorious black skulls. I am 23. well that's all you need to know. I get out of the car and walk inside the gang house only to find it empty. Which is unusual because about 15 people live here. only my most trusted and loyal people get to live in this house all the others have their own places.

I take the elevator up to my floor and walk into my room taking off clothes leaving me in my Calvin Klein underwear. I get into bed and open up my mac book pro looking at my screen saver where the photograph of my first and only love stays. Ashley Summers. you could call her the one that got away. when she left me I swore to myself that no matter what if I ever saw her again I would never let her leave me again. Even if I had to use force.

I pull up paperwork from a gang that wants become allies. Death's Angels a rather new gang that just made its way to the east side of LA. though fairly new there numbers were impressive and growing. Although I have no idea what they could offer me I consider it. I some more paper work before closing my mac book pro I slide it under my bed before getting up to take a quick shower and brushing my teeth then going to sleep.


I woke up this morning brushing my teeth then walking to my closet finding a black and white Armani suit with a black tie quickly changing and spraying some Versache cologne. I walk out of my closet grabbing my phone and wallet. walking to my bed and pulling my gun out from under my pillow sliding it in the back of my pants before walking out of my room into the elevator taking it down to the first floor and walking out the front door I notice people moving into the house that used to belong to my Ashley.

I see three men and one woman. That house is fairly large for just four people. I quickly brush it off and get into my Ferrari pulling out of my drive way I drive to the gang base and park in my garage exiting out I walk to the front door knock four times and the door is opened to reveal my third Carlos with a machine gun in his hand noticing its me he quickly moves aside and greets me.

"Sup bro" he smiles.

" sup where's everybody at" I notice no one is here.

"There all out back having a BBQ" he motions towards the back door.

I nod and walk into the kitchen while he follows.

"so what's on the agenda today" I say leaning on the counter.

" umm Geo went to take care of some business at the new bar we just opened so we don't have to do that. And ill be handling the shipment today so you have the day off." he says while making a sandwich. I laugh when he drops it on the floor.

"hahaha you fucking dumbass" I laugh.

he glares at me " fuck you. at least I didn't get scared when tiger jumped on me in my sleep." he smirked.

" yea well at least I'm not scared of my mom"

" yea well at least I'm not scared of snakes"

"that's you dibshit"

"oh yea"

" I swear why are we friends again" I shake my head.

" because we grew up together duh"

" ya know some days I regret that"

he gasps " hurtful".

I sigh " what did I do to get burdened with you"

" you stopped that asshole James and his bastard friends from kicking my ass in the third grade" he smiles as if reliving the memory.

" biggest mistake of my life" I say stealing the sandwich he just made.

" hey I just made that"

"well just make another one then" I retort.

he just crosses his arms and pouts like a child.

" that shit may work on your mom but It don't work on me"

He huffs and continues to make him another sandwich just to get snatched out of his hand again by Beth his wife.

" thanks babe" she says and walks out of the kitchen. leaving a pouting Carlos and me laughing.

I pat his shoulder " todays just not your day is it buddy" he just shakes his head and makes him another one.

after he eats we head out back where most of my gang members are at they bow their heads in respect and I nod return. we head to the main table where only me, my second, my third and their families are allowed to sit. greeting Beth and Emily I sit down and relax. after talking with some people and eating I spend some time with the gang the guys mostly and call it a day.


getting home I quickly make my way up to my room changing into some Nike shorts I make my way to my home gym letting off some steam for a couple hours. I check the time and once I realize that its 9:50 I decide to head up to bed. I quickly take a shower and brush my teeth putting on some boxers I hop into bed and fall asleep.

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