Preference #3 - How you meet- Nash/Cameron/Taylor

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OMFG.  Wow, guys, over 300 reads :o  I seriously can't believe I would get that many.  Thank you all so much!  If you guys could, comment some preference ideas!  Thank you guys so much again!

You and your family had a cabin in North Carolina, in the middle of no where.  You all decided to go there for a family get away.  You are in your cabin now, getting settled in your room.  You hear a knock on the door.

"Come in!"  You say.  You mom comes through the door.

"(Y/N) our neighbors are here, so come and meet them!"  She says, I think shes drunk..

"Okay mom, be down in one second."  You say to her, she run down the stairs.  You laugh and shake you head.  You put all of your clothes into your dresser, and grab your phone, and flop down on your bed.  You hear heavy foot steps coming into your room.  You feel large arms wrap around your waiste and you being picked up off the bed.

"(Y/B/N)!  Let me down!!"  You yell, he takes you down stairs and into the kitchen, where three boys stand, smiling and laughing.  You start pounding on your brothers back to let you down.  He shakes his head, and sits on the counter with you on his should still. 

Your brother turns your body so your facing the three boys.  He points to a boy about your age with bright blue eyes. "That's Nash."  He points to a boy older than you wearing a bandana.  "That's Taylor."   Next you brother points to a boy a little older than you, that has big brown eyes.  "That's Cameron, and this is my little sister, (Y/N)."  You smile and say hi.  They say hi or hey, you guys become great friends.

I will be posting all of the boys 'How You Meet's tonight!!  Also.. Shawn followed me on twitter:)

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