Preference #3- How You Meet- Jack J/ Jack G

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btw, check out my fan fic with all the boys in it!  Just click on my profile!  Pleasee

You just finished unpacking your boxes that were in your new room.  You jumped on your bed, dancing to the lip gloss song...  You jumped and missed you bed, ending to you falling on the floor.  You laughed and got up to dance again.  This time you turned the music up louder.  You went over to your dresser and put your hair up into a messy bun.  You got out all your posters and hung them up around your room.  You went over to your window and hung up your Niall Horan poster on the left side of the window.  While you were hanging it up, you looked out the window to see two boys staring at you through the window.  When they noticed you were looking they quickly smiled and looked away.  You giggled and opened the window.  

"Hellooo."  You smiled at them.

"Hey beauty."  The boy smiled.

"I'm (Y/N)."  You smiled at him.

"Im Jack,"  He gestured for the other boy.

"And I'm Jack."  You looked confused, and laughed.

"What?"  You asked.

"My name is Jack Gilinskky, and his name is Jack Johnson."  He smiled while laughing.


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