Preference #24- He Talks To Your Belly When Your Pregnant

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Hey guys, crying rn because she didn't deserve to die :(


Matt- You are 4 months pregnant laying in your bed because your back hurts. Matt is down stairs watching a basketball game that you wanted to watch. You keep tossing and turning until you give up. You get out of bed and walk over to the chair in your room, and get the heating pad and plug it in and turn it on and put it underneath your back. You sigh and grab your phone and go on twitter and tweet, "@Y/T/N: Back pains suck😭" About 30 seconds later you feel the bed dip you turn your head and see Matt. You smile and he kisses your cheek. He pulls down the cover to see your baby bump and a large t-shirt covering it. He pulls the shirt up and lightly kisses your stomach. "Hey little one. It's daddy here. Mommy and I can't wait for you to come. I love you."

Shawn: You are 8 months pregnant and waiting for your little twins to come out. You walk through the door to your house you share with Shawn. You walk to the kitchen and grab your water bottle and walk over to the couch and carefully lay down. Shawn comes down the stairs and walks over to you, "How are the twins treating you?" "My feet are killing me.". You groan. He lifts your head up and sits down and lays your head on his lap. He kisses your lips and then leans over to kiss your belly. "How are my beautiful babies today? I love you both." You smile up at him.

Taylor: You are 7 months pregnant and are an artist. You sit on your chair in front of your art table and look down at the drawing you created. You had painted your soon to be born daughters initials on a canvas going to be hung up in her room. You feels arms around your waist and turn around to find Taylor. He bends down onto his knees and outs his hands on your pregnant belly. You jump as soon as you feel a soft kick in your belly. "Did you feel that?" You ask him. He nods and kisses your belly. "I love you sweet pea, and we can't wait for you to get here."

Cameron: You are 2 weeks pregnant and you just told Cameron you were. You both go down the stairs and into the living room. You lay on the couch and Cameron stays standing up. He soon bends down onto his knees and rolls up your oversized shirt. You get nervous for some reason. He leans down and kisses your stomach. "Even though I just found out about you," He smirks up at you, and you smile down at him, "I love you to the moon and back, and I always will."

Nash: You are actually having your baby tomorrow. You and Nash are out on your patio sitting around the fire. "Hey little Samantha. Me and your mother can't wait for you to get here tomorrow. I can't wait for you to lay on my chest when I'm cuddling with you and mommy. I love you and I don't want you to ever grow up." He leans farther up and gives you a long kiss.

Carter: You are 5 months pregnant and laying across the kitchen counter waiting for your food, now being made by your amazing boyfriend. You rub your baby bump and smile at your boyfriend. "I love you." You tell Carter. "I love you to." He walks over to you and kisses you on the lips, cheek and forehead. "And I love you to little one."

Gilinsky: You are 8 months and 3 weeks pregnant and laying in your bathtub, with your eyes closed. Yiu hear the door open and close, and figure that it's your boyfriend Jack. You sigh and soon feel someone get into the water with you. You open your eyes slightly and smile as you see Jack smiling at you. Your belly is showing above the water 5 inches. Jack leans over and rubs your belly softly. "I love you so much and can't wait until you get here." He lightly kisses your stomach.

Johnson: You are 3 months pregnant and your back had been hurting really bad. "Jack!" You cry out loud as tears run down your face. You soon hear footsteps running up the stairs. "Oh my gosh, babe." He runs over to you and turns you over on your side. He rubs your back until you say it feels better. He climbs into the bed with you and leans down by your baby. "You both are my world and I wouldn't want anything else."

Aaron: You are 1 month pregnant and laying down on the floor in the living room, in front of the fireplace. Aaron is sitting on the chair on twitter, and probably texting the guys. You rub your stomach and smile at your growing baby bump. Aaron smiles at you and comes down on the floor by you, and lifts his leg across yours. You smile down at him smiling at your baby. "You guys are my world, I don't know what I would do without you."

Hayes: You are 6 months pregnant and eating ice cream at 1 am on the kitchen counter. You feel lips on your cheek and turn your head and kiss Hayes on the lips. You scoop up some ice cream and feed Hayes, like you would be doing with your baby in a little bit. Hayes stands between your legs and leans down a little bit, he rolls up his shirt that was on you. You smile and think about what is going to do. "Hi my little sunshine, I love you and mommy so much."

Hey guys sorry this is not edited because I'm on my phone.. but, hope you enjoyed because I spent a lot of time on this💖

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