Preference #20- Cute Moment with Your Child

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Since this one is going to be longer i'll just be doing the regular boys..

Nash:  You were lying on your couch having a break from taking care of Samantha.  You lie on your back searching through twitter for anything.  You look through your mentions to see a tweet from your husband Nash.  You open the picture and see a picture of Nash and your daughter.  You smile and decide to make some smothies.  You get the strawberrys out of the fridge and blend it.  You pour two cups and one small one for Samantha.  You walk upstairs and take a nap.  You soon later hear a bunch of screaming and run down the stairs and into the kitchen.  You see your daughter and your husband full of strawberry smoothie.  You glare at Nash, pick up Samantha and run up the stairs with Sam giggling in your arms.  You give her a bath and then put her to bed.  You then walk into your room and decide what you should wear tomorrow.  You soon feel arms around you waist and smile.  You turn around and wrap your arms around Nash's waist.  "She's adorable."  He says.  "I know."  You wink.  "Let's make another?"  He winks at you and you nod.  and 9 months later you have Savannah Claire.

Jack J:  You are in the kitchen making popcorn for the movie night your having with your having with your husband Jack.  Your son Carson is 2 months tomorrow.  You hear the microwave beep and you take it out and put it in the bowl.  You take the bowl out into the living room and sit on the couch close to Jack.  He lifts his arm up and you snuggle into his side.  You were half way into Scary Movie when Carson started crying, you started to get up when Jack pushed you down lightly you smiled at him as a thank you.  He soon came back with Carson and a bottle.  He set Carson on his chest and fed him.  Carson was done with the bottle and Jack set it on the coffee table.  You snuggle back into his side and kiss his cheek and Carson's little one.  A little while later you look up at Jack and see he fell asleep, you look at Carson and he is asleep to.  You take your phone and turn down the brightness and hold your phone away from you guys and take a selfie with your boys<3

Cameron:  "Please stop being such a dick!"  You yell.  "I wouldn't have to be, if you weren't flirting with one of my best friends!"  He yelled right back walking towards you.  You back up to the wall and he stands right in front of you and your unborn baby.  "You are such a slut."  He tells you.  You feel a tear slip out of your eye, but Cameron doesn't seem to notice.  You hear a whimper and a sob, you look over his should and see your daughter standing there crying.  You push him back and he lands on the bed.  You run over to your daughter, but she just runs away.  Cameron got up and stands there.  He lets tears slip out of his eyes and you turn around.  "Your on the couch tonight."  You run out of the room and into Sophia's room.  She is laying underneath her bed with Mr. Muddles, her teddy bear.  You crawl underneath it and put your arm around her.  She just wiggles away and you let more tears fall out from your eyes.  You crawl out from underneath her bed and walk into your room, where you are all alone.  You get into your bed and snuggle up.  The next morning your wake up and walk downstairs to get some breakfast.  After you eat you walk into the living room to see if Cameron is still there, he is, with your daughter snuggled up on the couch with their face all blotchy from crying.  You have tears coming out of your eyes.  You take a picture anyway because that was still cute.  You sit down on the floor and stroke Sophia's sweet face, and kiss Cameron on his forehead.  He opens his eyes and rolls onto his back letting you have some room to cuddle with him and your beautiful daughter.

Jack G:  You just got home from the hospital, due from having your amazing little boy Aiden.  You set your bag down by the door and Jack sets Aiden and his carrier on the kitchen counter.  You smile at the sight of him and unbuckle him from his seat.  You take him out and cradle him in your arms with Jack's arms around your waist.  You and Jack smile at the miracle you made.  You give Jack, Aiden and kiss Jack on the lips, then walk upstairs to take a bath well needed.  You have probably been in there for 30 minutes when Jack comes in with Aiden.  You smile at them and ask Jack to hand you the towel hanging on the door.  He does and you dry off out of the tub.  Jack and Aiden go into your room.  You soon come into your room with your pj's on and see Jack smiling down at Aiden.  He doesn't hear you yet, so you take out your phone and take a picture.  You immediately set that picture as your lock screen.  You see a tear slip out of his eye so its your turn to come in.  You walk over to the bed and kiss Jack on his cheek.  "I love you."  He tells you.  "I love you to."

Shawn:  "Shawn!!"  You yell upstairs.  Shawn was playing guitar and probably couldn't hear you.  Soon later he is running down the stairs.  "Please take Cameron."  You plead.  Both of the twins were crying and you could only take one.  Shawn try's to make Cameron stop crying but nothing works.  You got Brooklyn to sleep so you take her upstairs into her bedroom and set her in her crib.  Both of the twins were 1 month old and hard to take care of, but you loved them.  You walk down the stairs and see how Shawn is doing.  You hear him singing random things to your little boy.  You smile and walk up behind him.  You wrap you arms around his waist and listen to him sing.  "I love you."  You whisper into his ear.  "I love you,"  He turns around. "And our beautiful baby's."  He kisses your forehead and you smile.  "Me to."

Carter:  "Matt!  Please come here!"  You yell.  Soon you hear little footsteps running into the dining room.  "Yeah?"  He asks.  Matthew is six, and Owen is two, and Aaliyah is one.  "Could you please get daddy for me?"  He nods and runs into your room.  You have Aaliyah in your arms and Owen is in his high chair.  Carter comes down the stairs and stands next to you.  "Can you pack Matts lunch?  And are you going out with the guys tonight, because I'm taking Matt to baseball practice and taking Owen with me."  You ask him.  He nods.  "Please take Aaliyah instead."  You plead.  He sighs, "Hold on let me talk to the guys."  You sigh and wonder why he is so distant this week.  "Matt please watch Owen."  You tell him.  You walk upstairs into Aaliyah's room and set her in her crib.  You watch her as she sleeps, not creepy at all.  "You know what, I will stay home with Aaliyah."  He says to you.  You turn around and smile.  "Thanks' babe."  You say to him.  ~Later that Night~  You get home from Matt's baseball practice, him in front of you while you are holding Owen's hand.  You unlock the door, and walk inside and into the living room.  You pick Owen up and see Carter laying on the floor with Aaliyah laying on his chest.  You take your phone out and take a picture making sure to show Carter later.

Matt:  "Please stop Matt."  You sigh as he kisses your neck.  "I just want you to know how much I love you."  He sighs and gets up.  Zach is 1 and sleeping in his crib.  "Fine get back here."  You call to him.  He walks back to you and you guys get some.  ~Two Weeks Later~  "Matt!"  You call to him.  "Yeah?"  He yells back.  "Come up here!"  You yell back.  You lean over the sink and think about what you are going to say.  "What?"  He leans in the doorway.  "I'm pregnant."  You smile at him.  He jumps and runs to hug you.  "This is amazing.  I love you so much."  He says to you.  You guys celebrate for a little bit more, until you decide that you should get some lunch.  You walk down the stairs and into the kitchen to make some sandwich's for you and Matt.  You make them and put them on a plate.  You walk into the living room, Matt not noticing you.  You overhear him talking to Zach.  "Your going to have a little brother or sister."  He smiles at him.  You smile at your too boys and set the lunch on the table.

Aaron:  "Aaron!  Can you get Madi up from her nap?"  You ask him while picking up your lunch's.  He nods and runs up the stairs.  Madi is 9 months yesterday, and we love her to pieces.  He walks back down the stairs with a sleepy Madi.  He sits down on the floor and puts Madi in front of him.  He lays down on his back and picks Madi up from the floor and throws her above him, not to high of course.

Taylor:  "Please don't go to fast."  You plead to Taylor.  He was taking Leah on a ride on the four-wheeler.  "I wouldn't dream of it."  He winks at you.  You smile and you place earmuffs on her little head.  He starts it up and drives down the path through the woods.  You take a picture of this cute moment.  They soon get back to you and you smile at your little girl.  "I love you."  You tell him.

Sorry Taylors and Aarons were so short I ran out of ideas..  If I started like a book, about like your life with him.. but it would be like a prefs book.. would you read it?  Please comment bellow if you would!

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