Preference #14- The Cute Things You Do At Magcon

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Cameron-  When he had his stitches in, and had to ride in a wheelchair.. he would pick  you up and sit you on his lap, and wheel you too around places in the hotel.  Sometimes he would 'park' in a Private place and you guys would have a little fun ;)

Matt-  When the Jack's made the vine squirting Matt, you said you had to join, because you and Matt always liked to mess with each other.  You grabbed the squirt gun along with Jack G and squirt him right in the stomach.. soon getting thrown over Matt's shoulder.

Carter-  Since the fans love you and Carter together, when they are up on stage.. Carter brings you up on stage and Mahogany plays the Lip Gloss song.. Since you and Carter can both dance you  dance together, laughing the whole time.

Shawn-  When the guys are up on stage dancing sometimes you and Shawn step off of the stage and talk to the fans.  Shawn crouches down and tells you to get on his back, you climb on and he runs around the gates tagging the fans hands, while you laugh.

Hayes-  While the guys are in their hotel room messing around you and Hayes like to get some time alone.  Hayes picks you up and runs around the hotel floor laughing.  You take his snapback off his head and set it on yours.  He leans down and gently kisses your lips.

Aaron-  Sometimes you both just like to get away from all the teasing and abnoxious boys, so you just put on your swimming suits and walk downstairs into the hottub.  You sometimes tweet where you are for a meet and greet type thing.

Taylor-  You are actually in Magcon because of your singing vines, so when your up on stage with the boys sitting behind you,  Taylor sneaks up behind you and tickles you so you start laughing really hard.

Nash-  You are at Nash's 'booth' taking pictures for the fans.  Some of the fans want to take a picture with you and Nash, so Nash brings you into the picture.  He crouches down and lets you hop on his back, with him holding your legs.  After the girl takes the picture you lean down and kiss his ear.

Jack G-  While Shawn sings on stage and the boys and their guests are sitting behind him, you and Jack sit criss-cross-applesauce right next to each other.  You shiver because you are getting cold, and Jack notices.  He takes off his sweatshirt and hands it to you, you put the sweatshirt on and you notice Jack is telling you to sit on his lap.  You scoot over and slide on his lap, he leans down and kisses your neck.

Jack J-  While he is singing his song Flights with Jack you are recording his performance.  He notices and turns around and winks at you.  You smile at him and he comes over to you and leans down and kisses you.

I'm tired so i will defiantly write tomorrow.. because I'm going to be home alone!! :)  Night..

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