Preference#19- Where You Go On Your Honeymoon

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Can you please read the authors note at the end pleasee :)

Carter:  Las Vegas, Nevada

Nash:  London, England

Shawn:  Los Angeles, California

Cameron:  New York, New York

Hayes:  Grand Caymen Islands  (an:  I went there on vacation once.. omg)

Dillon:  Jamaica

Sam:  Cozumel, Mexico

Aaron:  Miami, Florida

Gilinsky: Orlando, Florida

Johnson:  Hawaii

Taylor:  Paris, France

Matt:  Colorado

Guysss?!?!?! guess what???????  I was thinking about making a fanfic on here.. So I need your help!  Can you comment the boy you think I should make the fanfic about??!  if you do tht would help a lot!!:)  thankk youuu.  ilysm<33

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