Chapter 1: School...

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*beep beep beep*

"Ugh. Why does school have to be soooo early? I mean, is it really necessary to wake up at six freakin' thirty in the morning? This is insane!"

I trudge down the hallway and into the dark bathroom. My waist-length auburn hair is a mess, the bags under my eyes have sprouted children and my breath reeks of a sleep I wish I was still lost in. Deciding to start with that, I grab my toothbrush and sleepily swipe circles over my teeth with the minty toothpaste. After I'm finished prepping myself some time later,  I start to change from my pajamas into jean shorts and a black sparkly tank top. Since its spring, I decide to switch shirts and go for the lacy pink tank with a leather jacket. Heading to the bathroom once again, I fix my hair and add the essentials. Of course, that includes my skin tone lotion, blush, eye make up, mascara, and my light pink lip gloss from a store in the mall. After pecking my mom on the cheek, I pack my backpack along with my racket bag in the car. I drive out of the drive way and into the street, pausing to once again checking my face and hair, and then I'm off to school.

My schedule is fairly simple. First there is Math, English and Band. Then lunch passes by and it's off to History, Science and finally Art. All of my classes pass by fairly quickly today and before I know it, I'm getting ready for tennis.

"Hey girlie. What are you up to?" Questions my best friend, Maggie.

Maggie is a short, dark-brown haired spitfire who would walk up to any stranger and demand to be friends. Very unlike me, who is timid and shy towards new people. We'd been friends since elementary school, when she demanded that we hang out at recess or she's stalk me until I acknowledged her, and planned to be housemates during college.

"Nothing much. Try outs are starting today and we get to play in this amazing weather!" I say as she slides her arm through mine.

We walk a short ways before she starts up with a new topic.

"You know... The spring dance is coming and you still don't have a date yet. You should totally ask Ryan!!!"

I grin as I picture him, tall skinny and just adorkable in his jeans and tee.

"I could, but the problem is that I don't like to be the one to ask a guy to a dance. Plus, I'm sure he has already been asked by another girl... like Kaitlynn" I sigh as I think think of her long wavy hair and shimmering smile.

"I know, but I'm just trying to help. You can be such a loner sometimes and I know you're not a nerd, contrary to the way you act. You may seem like it with all the brilliance in your head, but you're also funny. You just have to show it sometimes" explains Maggie.

"Okay already! I'll think about it. But right now, I have to go change and start warming up for tennis!"

Maggie gives me a smirk and waves as she turns the other way, gliding back to the parking lot to hang out with friends. She is the most amazing person to hang around and yet she doesn't even realize her own beauty. The last thing I want to do is upset her, but the spring dance? Do I really have to go? Its not even that important. It's just a way for girls to hopefully get the chance to ask the guy they've been crushing on only to end up heartbroken. I sigh as I change into my shorts and tank top in the locker room. Lacing my shoes, I glance at my hair and decide to tie it back in a quick French braid. Once my bag is set aside and I've swung my arms in circular motions, I rotate my angles and knees to get my body flowing and jog in place. Now, I just wait for the leaders to arrive so we can start our warm up routines.

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