Jebal! Don't Leave Me.

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Jungkook P.O.V.

Me: Get the car ready!!

I ran back inside the house and opened my closet to get my gun.

Me: Out of all these years... why do you have to come now!!

I ran out my room and got in the car. Yoongi was driving as the rest of us got our gears and guns ready. We drove to my dads hideout which is 30 minutes away.

Yoona P.O.V.

I woke up by the cold and I felt so dizzy, i looked around and knew right away i wasn't home. I was in a really small and dark room that the only light I had was the small window in the room.

I was trying to get up even though my right shoulder hurts and my body is weak. I used all the strength I have left to get up and walk to the door. I tried to open the door but it was locked so I tried to call for help even thought I can barely talk.

Me: J- Jung... Jungkook...

I had a really bad headache and I had nothing to eat all morning. I was so weak, my body was trembling.

Me: Help me... p-please... somebody...

I couldn't hold myself up anymore, I held my stomach as I fell to the floor. My weak body is giving up. I'm losing to much blood... I cried as I rubbed my stomach.

Me: I'm sorry... I'm sorry you have....
a weak mother....

Then everything went black again.


Jungkook P.O.V.

Me: Alright! You three, go that way! You two, come with me.

Yoongi, Namjoon and Jin went the other way, Hoseok and Taehyung came with me.

There were two people standing at the main door.

Me: Shh there's people, get ready.

Taehyung quickly put on fake blood, making it look real. He went up to the two guys and act like he was dying.

Taehyung: P-please... help me...

The two guys looked a bit confused and put there guns down.

Taehyung: Help me... I'm dying-

Taehyung faked his death. I was watching them and Hoseok was keeping watch from behind us.

The two guys went up to Taehyung.

Man: Hey! You okay dude?

He laid his head on Taehyungs chest to check his heart beat. Then Taehyung quickly slashed his throat, I ran up to the other guy and stabbed him. I helped Taehyung wiped the blood off while Hoseok was keeping watch.

Hoseok and Taehyung took the black outfit from the two dead guys and put them on. They covered there faces with the mask and then they held onto me with my hand behind me as if they caught me.

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