[35] irl

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hesitantly, lilac kissed him back.

it felt so wrong.
but it felt so damn right.

he was the one to break the kiss, and lilac had to refrain from slapping herself for kissing him back.

"i-i should go." she grabbed her bag, and slung it over her shoulder.

candice was growing worried and immeadiately asked what took her friend so long.

"he kissed me." she responded, smirking.

"i thought you hated him?"

"hate is a strong word," she pointed out. "i just don't know how i feel. she slumped in her seat and placed a hand on her forehead and candice started to drive. she blasted the radio and they danced together in their seats. it reminded lilac of grant.

everything she did, whether she liked it or not, reminded her of him.

his image was almost implanted in her brain. a seed of sorts. it started to grow and take root. at this point, this was no weed. it was not even a flower. it was a tree. the trunk reached the deepest parts of her brain and wouldn't let go. the tree grew and grew until there was no stopping it.

lilac had no control over her mind. regardless of how hard she tried to fight it, she couldn't push him to the back of her brain. if she tried to, it would take root more and remind her so much that every second of the day she would have regrets.

lilac knew at that moment that she would have regrets. grant would be mopping around the rest of his days wondering what he did or did not do right. lilac couldn't handle that. she never wanted to damage another person. no, in fact, she refused to damage another person.

"stop the car." she finally said, snapping out of her thoughts.

candice's eyes widened and her jaw seemed to drop to the bottom of the car. "what?"

"go back to grant's."

lilac knew that they were destined to be. maybe she didn't believe it fate before, but she sure as hell did now.

candice sped back to grant's house and dropped lilac off, wishing her luck.

lilac stuck her chin up in the air, and she knocked.

grant flew open the door just as fast as he did not even 15 minutes ago.

"lilac?" he was beyond confused.

"can i come in?" he opened the door more and stepped aside, allowing her to come inside.

she sat at the dining room table and placed her bag on the floor. he sat to the right of her, and stared.

"grant. i hate you, damnit i do." she laughed and proceeded. "i cannot get you out of my mind, i'm going to go fucking insane if i push you away and out of my life." she pointed at her head. "my brain? consists of two things: food, and you." he smiled at her.

"and i hate you gustin, i hate you so much. you took over my brain and i hate you. but i don't. i don't know what feeling it is that i feel..but i hope to god you get that bubbly, warm, happy, sunshine-y feeling. i sure as hell do. and you confessed your love to me an hour ago. thats all i've been thinking about. and that kiss. sweet jesus that kiss. those sparks. grant, i don't know what is telling me no, but i cannot deny you."

"lilac rose monet, i am completely, deeply, head over heels in love with you." he said once more.

"i can't say it back.." she told him, biting her lip out of pure anxiousness.

"i'm still upset. i just don't need any more time to think about how i feel. like i said, i don't know what i feel, but it just feels right when i'm with you. or facetiming you. or calling you. i'm still not over the fact that you lied to me."

"i couldn't just tell you right away, i wanted you to remember. something you can tell our grandchildren." he rested his chin in the palm of his hand, his elbow on the table.

"woah, that's far away, you haven't even asked me on a proper date yet."

"pardon my manners. will you go on a date with me?"

"are you daft? i'm still mad." lilac pouted.

"right..right.." he groaned internally.

"its one in the morning. i should go to sleep." she stood up and started to head upstairs with her bag, leaving a partially confused grant sitting alone.

that was, until, a shriek made him shoot up.

"THERE'S A FUCKING SPIDER GRANT! OH MY GOD HELP!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. he rushed upstairs and found her in the hallway, with a windex bottle in her left hand. "oh my GOD GRANT! DO SOMETHING!" she yelled, and he was dying of laughter. "there's no spider in here." he said after he searched the whole room.

"you dickwad, yes there is. i am not sleeping in there." she shoved the windex bottle in his chest and crossed her arms.

"sleep in my room then. i'll take the couch."

"nu-uh, that's rude, you are not sleeping on that hard couch. no." she still had her arms crossed. her weight shifted to her right leg and she looked up to him.

"there's ..there's enough r-room for both of us," he stuttered out.

"fine." she rolled her eyes and made her way to his room. "grant? can you get my bag? it's on the bed." she called out to him, and he went and got it for her. he walked into his room and handed her the bag. she stood there, staring at him dead in the eye as if he was dumb.

"turn around!" she barked, flustered. grant quickly blushed and felt the color rush to his cheeks.

she stripped down slowly, and grant turned his head over his shoulder. "no looking, you horny piece of sh-"

"i'm not! damn." he replied, sighing.

she changed really fast into a lacy nightgown and told grant he could turn around.

she got into bed on the left side and he was on the right. she buried herself in the covers, and looked at the ceiling. grant was on his left side and was looking at her. "you're thinking." he told her. it went silent. so silent, the two could hear crickets and night bugs outside. "what's it to you?" she said back, still staring upwards.

"its about me, isn't it?"

lilac was, indeed thinking about him and their potential future together.

"yeah." she mumbled, blinking.

"can i trust you, grant?"

he placed his lower lip in between his teeth. "have i ever given you a reason not to?"

"well, you sorta lied to me for months."

"it was a white lie!" he whispered, but the hurt was clear in his voice.

"i know..no wait, god damnit." she groaned and grabbed her head.

"i don't know.." she exhaled through her nose.

"i will wait for you." he told her. "goodnight, petal."

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