Chapter 17

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Ok, so I was planning to upload two days ago but I had this thing going on and blah blah blah. So, I just finished cleaning my room (I'm having a sleepover with the girls :) and I thought that I owe it to you guys to upload)


I finished, I looked up at him. He had a blank look on his face. “I'm sorry, I shouldn’t ha-“he cut me off. He kissed me, and I kissed back. It’s like I melted into him, I want to be with him...I love him. After what seemed to be hours, we broke apart, gasping for air.

 “I love you too” he said with a smiled, before his lips connected with mine again. I think, for once in my life...I’m happy, and wouldn’t want to change a thing.

Justin’s POV:

 I smiled into the kiss; I finally know that she loves me back. But I need to prove it to her, prove that I love her too. I know that she is still confused, about if I love her too. We broke apart and I let go of her. “See you tomorrow” I said, walking away from her with a smirk on my face. Her eyebrows furrowed as she pouted. She’s so cute when she pouts!

 “Where are you going?” she asked.

 “Home, oh, by the way…get some sleep tonight, we have a date tomorrow” I said. She giggled and waved goodbye, I walked out to my car, passing her dad on the way. He smiled and gave me thumbs up. I picked up my phone and dialled the number I needed, it rang twice before she picked up.

“Justin? Are you ok?” she said.

 “Hey Selena, I need your help…be at my house in five” I said, before hanging up. When I got home, she was already waiting.

 “What happened? Why did you call? Is it about Ashley?” she fired questions at me.

 “I have a date with Ash tomorrow, and I need to make it the best date of her life! I need to prove that I love her” I smiled. She smiled really wide and clapped her hands.

 “OMG! She is gonna love me for this, we need to plan!” she dragged me to the couch.

“Ok, favourite food?” she asked.

 “Hmm…I like spaghetti, but I also like pizza” I said, nodding.

 “NOT YOU! Her favourite food, you idiot” she rolled her eyes.

 “Oh! Umm…she likes spaghetti too” I said.

 “Yay!  Favourite colour?”

 “well, we both like purple too” I said.

 “You two are like, perfect for each other” she smiled.

*2 hours later*

I groaned, Selena had been asking me questions for the past two hours, and I'm so bored! “Can we stop yet?” I asked.

 “NO! We need to make this perfect, now...what shoe size is she?” she asked.

“The hell does that have to do with what we are planning?” I asked, confused.

“Oh, nothing, I just wanted to buy her a new pair of heels” she grinned.

“I'm starting to regret asking you to help me” I sighed.

 “Don’t be a baby! I'm helping you” she laughed. I held up my hands in surrender, as I laughed.

“Ok, ok!” I said, getting up off the couch.

 “Do you want something to drink?” I asked her.

“No thanks, oh and Justin?” she said.

“Hm?” I waved a hand to tell her to continue.

 “I'm sorry, for the way I acted when...when we were together. I'm sorry, for being such a...such a b***h” she sighed, shaking her head.

 “Don’t say that! You were just...I don’t know! You were just, going through a faze” I said, frowning.

 “Thanks, for understanding” she smiled.

 “And, you have some explaining to do! Like, why you said that you two were dating when you weren’t?” she questioned. I knew this question wold come up eventually.

 “I didn’t really know what I was saying, I mean, I wanted to be with her. And when you said that we make a cute couple, I just wanted it to be true” I sighed.

“BUT! It all worked out, she loves me and I love her” I grinned.

Ash’s POV:

I can’t sleep, I'm too excited. Tomorrow is gonna be our first date! I hope he calls me so I know what to wear. Justin. I don’t care if its ten thirty at night, I need to call Sam and tell her everything that happened. “Sam! Guess what!?” I smiled; she picked up on the first ring.

“I’ve been waiting for you to call me all day! Chase told me what happened, so…did you talk to Justin?” she asked, I could hear the smiled in her voice, if that’s even possible.

 “Ok, well after I left Chase at the restaurant…” I began to explain everything that happened.

*27 minutes and 12 seconds later* (A/N: lol I don’t know why I had to be so specific with the time)

“OMG! So, are you  guys like a couple now?” Sam giggled. I just finished the part about when Justin told me that we had a date. I bit my lip, well…to think about it; he never asked me to be his girlfriend.

 “I don’t know” I frowned.

“Oh. I'm sure he will clear things up tomorrow! Wink wink nudge nudge” she laughed and I couldn’t help but laugh along.

 “I can’t believe that Ryan and Selena are a coupe!” Sam said.

 “I know right? But, they do kinda look good together” I replied.

 “oh, so, how are you and Chaz?” I questioned.

 She giggled and said “actually, he’s right here”

 “OMG! Did you have me on speaker the whole time!?” I yelled.

 “Relax! I didn’t, he just got here” she said, and I could imagine her rolling her eyes.

 “Oh thanks gosh!” I sighed. “well, tell Chaz hi for me…I won’t keep you two apart any longer” and with that I hung up, giggling to myself. Those two are inseparable! I want to talk to Justin, it’s only been a few hours since I saw him but I miss him already. I dialled his number and he picked up on the fifth ring…hmmm, that’s weird he usually pick up sooner.

 “Justin speaking, who’s this?” he asked.

 “It’s me, Ash” I smiled.

 “Oh, hey” he whispered.

 ”Why are you whispering?” I asked, confused.

 “Justin, come back!” I could hear some girl in the background. What?

 “Justin? Who was that?” I started to get worried. It’s probably just Pattie. Wait, Pattie is still with her boyfriend!

 “No one, look…I have to go” he said.

 “Justin, hurry up!” it was the same voice again.

 “What? Justin what’s going on!?” I questioned.

 “I’ll see you…tomorrow. Bye” he hung up. WTF? I just don’t get it…was…was he cheating on me? Well, I guess it doesn’t matter, cause we were never actually a couple. I get back into my bed and closed my eyes; I don’t think I will get any sleep tonight.

 I don’t know who was with Justin. I don’t know why he was being so weird. I don’t know why I still love him. And I don’t know why my life can’t be perfect just once, why I can’t be happy; something always has to ruin it and its just one drama after the other. But, I do know one thing… I'm not going on that date tomorrow. I'm done. Done with Justin. Drew. Bieber.    

Well guys, that’s the chapter. Vote, comment, fan, eat a pineapple while playing golf with a monkey…you know, the usual. :)

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