Chapter 9

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Scooter’s POV (Surprise!!! :P):

“Justin wait!”I screamed as he ran out of the bus, poor kid…he was crying.

 “I go get him” Chaz said walking out after Justin. Well, at least I know where he’s going.

I grabbed my phone and called Pattie. “Hey Scooter” She said, her voice was hoarse as if she had been crying also.

“I told him” I said. I could hear her sigh over the other end of the phone.

“So, is he going?” She asked.

 “Yea…I’ll book us flights for tomorrow ok?”I answered. She said yes and we hung up. I just hope this isn’t too hard on Justin. She was all he talked about these past two months.

Ash’s POV:

“What’s my surprise?”I asked…for the billionth time this week.

“You will find out tomorrow” Sam laughed at my impatience. This whole week dad and Sam have been telling me that I have a surprise coming. I think they just arranged a small surprise just to get my mind off of Justin…Justin. Justin.

 These past few months he has been trying to contact me, but I changed my number and I have been ignoring him. I said that I would leave him behind…and I will. Eventually. Kind of. Maybe. Ok fine, I know that he will always be in my heart…but I can try to move on can’t I? I NEED to leave him behind. And next time I fall for someone…I want to fall and never land, if not…I’d rather go it alone. (A/N:LOL I totally took that line from Ricki Lee’s new song raining diamonds :P)

 “Can’t you just tell me today…I promise that I will act surprised” I said giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

 “No, you know those eyes don’t work on me” She said.

 I shrugged and said “it was worth a try” I sat down at one of the booths; we had just walked to Macdonald’s AKA Macca’s or Micky D’s. Sam took out her phone and looked at me with sad eyes. She’s talking to Chaz…she always gives me those eyes when she is, she thinks that it hurts me cause I don’t talk to Justin. Truth is it does…and I really do miss him. And what hurts the most is never knowing what could have been if I stayed.

 Grrrrrrrrr! I hope my surprise gets my mind off of him. “What do you want, my treat” I asked.

 “Ummm, can I get a choc frappe?”Sam said smiling at me.

“I’ll be right back” I replied going to the counter to order.

“Hi, welcome to Macdonald’s, what may I get you?”The cashier asked, she had a very bored look on her face.

 “Can I please get two choc frappes?”I asked.

“Whatever, that will be $4.90”She said. Wow, she’s rude! “Here” She said giving me the drinks. I thanked her and went to sit with Sam. “Are you ok?”I asked her, she seemed off today. “What? Yea! Of course I am! Why wouldn’t I be?”She stuttered. “Oh, I don’t know…maybe it’s the fact that you are stuttering and the fact that you’re not yourself today?”I said. “Look, don’t worry about it ok? Just be excited about your surprise tomorrow” She sighed.

Sam’s POV:

What if he gets mad that we lied to him? What if Ashley doesn’t want to see him? What if she never talks to me again? It’s been quite a while since they actually talked! I better text Ashley’s dad and ask him if everything’s arranged.

Sam: Is everything ready for tomorrow? Ashley’s catching on to me! What if she doesn’t want to see him?

Dad: Don’t worry about it, she will be happy. And yes, everything’s ready.

Sam: Ok, thanks for doing this…I just hope that this will take her mind off of things.

“You know what? Let’s go shopping…and maybe go get a Mani-Pedi” I smiled at her.

 “I don’t know…it’s not really my thing, you know that” She said uncertainly.

 “C’mon (A/N: LOL I still can’t say that word without laughing) the time will go faster if we do something, instead of just sitting here and waiting for it to be tomorrow” I tried convincing her.

 She thought about it and nodded. “Your right, let’s go” She said getting up from her chair.

 “It’s time to shop till we drop” We laughed. Just like old times, before all the boy drama.

Were lucky it’s Thursday which means late night shopping! “Girls night” Ashley giggled.

Mystery POV:

I hope she’s ok; it would kill me if something happened to her! I need her to be ok. “Flight 413 to Stratford Canada is now boarding” The flights announcement came over the loud speaker.

 “That’s me” I said grabbing my backpack.

“Oh honey…I'm so sorry!”Mum cried grabbing me into a tight hug.

 “We will be there in a few days” She said releasing me.

“Bye” I said as I boarded the plane. I might as well text Sam and ask if she’s ok, I want to know if she’s ok.

Mystery person: Hey, is she ok? I'm on the plane now.

Sam: Ummm…I’m not sure, just get here quick!

Mystery person: I’ll be there by tomorrow morning.

 “Thank you for choosing air Canada for all your flying needs, enjoy and get some sleep it’s going to be a smooth flight” The pilot said. Sleep? SLEEP!? How the h**l am I gonna sleep if I don’t know if she’s ok or not!? Aghhhhhhhh!

This is gonna be a loooooong flight. What if I’m too late? What if she doesn’t wanna talk to me? What if she CAN’T talk at all?

Sorry for all the POV changes. Who do you think the MYSTERY person is?                            

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