Where did you go?

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Your P.o.v. ~~
The day started off normal. I stepped of the stage and started my daily routine. I stood at the front entrance welcoming the oncoming guests. It was 8:30 am now. We have a scheduled party. It was a private party with a long list of kids names that were just the guests. I read down the list counting and measuring how many pizzas were needed. I stopped reading when I got to three familiar names Kai, Jonah, and Caleb Ryoe. Could these three kids be the same three triplets I know? I wanted to go ask them but I remembered they were with Foxy.
If I went into Pirate's Cove it would be really weird. One because I'm not a pirate and Two I'm a waitress not a mechanic, but people don't know my human form. Yes! That's it! I can dress up as a mechanic in human form and look like I'm going to go fix Foxy! I almost jumped for joy but I'm a robot and if I did that people would think I blew a gasket.
I walked down the hall and into the storage room. I transformed into my human self and picked up the bright red toolbox. Walking out of the closet I walked down to Pirate's Cove. Moving the curtain just enough to enter it but not allowing a child to see in, I walked further into the cove.
"Aye Lassy don't chya think it's dangerous to walk around like that?" A pirate voice was heard coming from the far back corner of the Cove.
"Yes I know it's not the smartest idea but I have to ask the triplets a question." I retorted.
     "Very well then." The pirate responded, "You have a visitor." The three triplets then walked out of the shadows and approached me.
"Do you know this boy, Maxwell Sheet?" I asked. They shook their heads yes. "Ok, well they are having a party today and wanted you to come!" I gave a closed eye smile. "I'll see you guys later! Oh! The party is at 9:45, so be ready." I spoke then walked out of the purple curtains and snuck back into the storage room.
~~Caleb's p.o.v.~~
This kid. Why did it have to be him. We hate him. She only asked if we knew him. Not if we wanted to go. I looked over at my siblings. They both had grim faces. I raised my head to the ceiling and closed my eyes. Thinking.... then it hit me. I looked over at my brothers and whispered in their ears.
~~~ Bonnie's p.o.v. ~~~
The three boys walked up to me. One of them spoke. The only word he said was "help". It sounded dull and empty. His violet eyes stared blankly at me. His face held no expression. My only response was an "okay".
      The middle one waved his hand so I would follow and that's just what I did. They led me to the 'Parts and Service'  room. They turned and looked at me, and that's when one of them spoke in a complete sentence..
   "We want to be animatronics." He spoke simply.
    "What!?" Was all i could say. I was astonished. Why would they want to be animatronics, they're so young! "I can't do this! You're so young!" I yelled back at them.
     "You don't get it, do you..." one spoke. "We have our reasons.." another spoke. "Please." Was all the last one said. I bowed my head in shame. I had fallen for their trap, and that was the worst moment in my entire existence.
  ~~~ Your p.o.v. ~~~~
    I walked back to Foxy's cove. I was dressed as a mechanic again. I was going to go get the boys. The party started in ten minutes. Walking through the purple curtains I called out to them. When I got no response I went to go ask the sleeping Foxy. He was snoring quite loud, but not loud enough for anyone outside the cove to hear. I shook him lightly. He stirred and looked at me.
     "Where are the boys? The party starts in seven minutes." I asked him. He tilted his head to the side. He then peered around the room. His eyes then widened in realization.
     "I lost them.." he spoke quickly and huddle down into a fatal position.
     "It's okay I'll just go find them." I spoke and then swiftly walked out of the coven. Leaving behind a sad Foxy. I walked around for five minutes trying to find them. I walked up to the stage.
     "Hey Bonnie have you seen the boys anywhere? They're not with Foxy." I asked looking at him.
     "N-nope! H-hey the party is starting, we should go and help the kids!" Bonnie spoke nervously.
      "Well you see the triplets are guests at the party and should attend their friend's party." I responded. Bonnie's eyes suddenly widened with realization. He sprinted down the hall and into the 'Parts and Service' room. He closed the door and locked it.
      "Bonnie! Bonnie! What are you doing?" I yelled through the door. "That was an awfully  suspicious thing for an animatronic to do! You're going to give us away if you're not careful!" I yelled again.
     "I'm sorry I-I just have s-something I have to do in here." He spoke carefully.
      "What could be so important that you can't make it to a kids birthday party! Isn't it your job!?" I yelled back. After that there was just silence, nothing. There was no comeback, no nervous voice, absolute silence. I shook my head and walked down to the party room. Chica and Freddy were trying to occupy the kids. I walked into the room and looked around. They had already got their pizzas and cake. I felt bad for not being able to serve them when they got here.
      A short kid with brown hair walked up to me. He looked up into my eyes. His hair fell gently onto his face. The big pools of emerald he owned were captivating.
    "Do you know where my friends are. They all look the same, oh they all have purple eyes and black hair. Th-they are brothers." He stumbled on his words because of his young age. His voice was sweet, but there was a slight bitterness to it at the same time.
    I knew he was talking about the triplets. They were the only absent ones.
     "I do not know where they are but I'm sure they will come." I spoke softly. I took his hand and lead him over to the table where he was supposed to open his presents. Once he was occupied I snuck out of the room, and down the hall. I walked back to the 'Parts and Service' room. I tried to open the door. Surprisingly it opened. I slowly walked into the room. There was nothing there. Where was Bonnie and what was he doing? I walked around the room. There was nothing there. Nothing that gave away what Bonnie had been doing.... that was.. until I stepped in something. It was a liquid. It was a dark substance, thick and black. I had not turned on the light, relying on my cat like vision, but it was too dark even for me to see. So I couldn't tell what the substance was.
     I walked over and turned on the light. The floor was smeared with...blood? What happened here? What did Bonnie do? Where is he anyway? I slowly pieced the puzzle together. My eyes went wide. I frantically ran around the restaurant trying to find them. I had no luck. Not a bit of evidence to where they had gone.. I walked onto the stage to see where I hadn't checked, until my foot went through the floor boards. Instead of me falling my foot landed on a hard surface. I looked down to see a set of stairs.
Stairs? Why would you need stairs in a stage? I walked down the stairs carefully. The concrete was cracked and layered with dust. At the end of the stairs stood a door. The lock was very old and had a small peep hole. I crouched down to see what the contents the room held. What I had saw was horrific, disturbing, and flat out petrifying. It angered me. A small tear could be seen rolling down my furry face.

(A/n: sorry for the filler chapter I'm trying to make sure the story goes how I want it to and not be all mixed up. I promise something between a few of the characters will happen. I hope you enjoyed!)

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