Role Swap...Again

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   (A/n: I didn't spell check this or anything XDDD so if there are mistakes with spelling or grammar!  I'm sorry! I hope you like it anyway!!)
    ~~~(Y/n) P.O.V~~~
I watched as Josh walked into the building. He stopped walking and looked at his phone and the continued walking. He then disappeared down the hallway to the security office.
Josh didn't come back for awhile and when he did he looked defeated. He then proceeded to check all of the animatronics and do his basic checkup to make sure none of us were faulty. When he got to me he let out a big sigh. From far away he seemed ok, but up close he was tired and depressed, his eyes were bagged with dark circles and his eyes bloodshot. I felt sorta bad for the man.
He then walked off to the manager's office-who had yet to arrive- and wasn't seen afterwards. Mike walked by, giving me a peace sign as he left. I assumed this meant something good.
The clock chimed as the manager arrived, following him came a hoard of kids. He wobbled to his office. I never saw him come back out, but Josh came back. He walked up to me and tried to reprogram me, the signal was sent to me through my transmitter.
A group of kids ran by the stage and knocked Josh over. I swiftly grabbed the sleeve of his uniform and pulled him back into a standing position. He stood there frozen for a few seconds then looked at me with astonishment. His green eyes flickered back and forth in confusion. He rubbed his face and walked away.
       I got off the stage and headed to the front desk area.
         "My son lost his stuffed rabbit here on his birthday last week! I want you to find it!" A woman screamed at the girl behind the desk.
          "I'm sorry miss, but the rabbit is probably gone by now. Another kid could have taken it or it was most likely thrown away." The girl behind the desk tried to calm the frantic woman.
I looked down at the boy who was just staring at his mom, I recognized him. He was the same kid from before... I believe his name was Maxwell. He noticed me and ran over. His mother quickly turned her head to see where he was going and then continued to yell at the girl behind the desk.
Maxwell looked up at me and smiled.
"Do you know where my bunny is? I lost him...and I can't find him," he hung his head and teared up.
"I'll help you find your bunny let's head back to the party room you were in for your birthday," I bent down to his level and smiled, "we should be able to find him there. Do you remember if you could have left him anywhere else?" He only shook his head in response.
We both entered the dark party room. I flicked on the lights and started looking for the bunny. Maxwell did the same. We looked for quite a bit until the boy's mother said she had to leave and his father would be picking him up. In my eyes she was a horrible mother. She left for work without any consideration to what her child wanted.
"Well, I don't see him in here how about we look somewhere else?" I ask Maxwell. He nods his head and we exit the room. I begin walking towards the play area but stop seeing Maxwell slowly walking in the the other direction. I follow him to see where he was going. He stopped in front of a mutilated pile of fluff. Maxwell shakes and begins to sob.
I look down and notice that the pile of fluff was his stuffed bunny. It was ripped to pieces and fluff was strewn about. A single button that was used for one only the eyes was barely hanging on a thread. I moved Maxwell away from the rabbit. I picked him up and carried him to one of the tables.
I walked to the front desk and told the girl that we found the rabbit, but that it was in shreds. She opened the compartment that held the stuffed animatronic toys. She gave me a few to let Maxwell choose from. She said it was an apology gift from the pizzeria for the damage done to the rabbit, as well as a way to keep his mother from suing the restaurant.
I walked back to the table where Maxwell was supposed to be sitting. When I arrive I notice that the table is completely empty. I carry the stuffed animals around while I looked for Maxwell. I was confused as to where he had gone. A sudden chill ran down my spine from the last time kids went missing like what happened with the triplets..
I dropped the toys and sprinted down the hallways and rooms trying to find him. I ran around the entire day, night approached and I was surprised that the father hasn't come to pick him up. I ran back to the Parts and Service room where I saw the triplets get transformed. I was relieved to see he wasn't there, but something in the back of my head told me that something was still off. I was filled with dread.
            I ran back to the stage where the triplets perform. I didn't understand what brought me here but, I just felt it something wasn't right here. I stepped into the stage's curtain. The triplets were nowhere to be seen, but there was a subtle sobbing coming from the back of the stage.
          I crouch down to see who or what it is. Through the darkness I see two pale green eyes look at me with fear. I realize... it's Maxwell. He was tied to a pole in the back of the stage with his mouth covered by a cloth bandanna. I crawl over to him and free him. I pick him up and take him to the front area.
          I didn't bother to go back to try and find the other toys, the kids who were here previously probably took them already. I knew this wasn't the most sensible thing to do right now but I was in such a weird mental state that I could think of doing anything else. My mind was focused on how he was found in the triplets's stage.
        I set the options on the table. Maxwell sat there trying to decide which one he liked better. The bell above the front door rang. Maxwell's father walked through the door and came over to us. He apologized for what his ex-wife had done and told Maxwell they were leaving. Maxwell couldn't decide on which one he wanted, so I let him take all four of them. The twins and I don't have toys yet, they have yet to come up with a good design for us.
          I wave goodbye as they leave. Maxwell waves back and smiles, hugging his new toys. I waited around for awhile, contemplating all that had happened today, from my job switching back to the mutilated rabbit stuffed animal. It was all so confusing, especially finding Maxwell behind the stage tied up. It was all confusing and disconcerting. I just wanted to sleep, but it's not like animatronics really sleep.
           I got back to my place in the stage. I waited for Mike and Josh to some through the doors as the clock reached closing time. Mike walked in talking to Josh, Mike waved to me and Josh stood there and looked at him confused, trying to figure out who mike was waving to. He squinted and looked back at Mike like he was crazy and shook his head.
          They seemed to have a little argument about something and then shook hands. I was confused by the whole ordeal, but went along with it anyway. Josh walked over with his tool box and began repairing and checking all of us. He kept mumbling about something I couldn't understand. When he got to me he froze and moved cautiously, his eyes flicking back and forth.
He quietly mumbled again, "Stupid bet..."

Fnaf x Female Animatronic Reader [Hiatus until further notice]Where stories live. Discover now