Stop Staring

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     (A/n: This isn't edited or check over for errors)

      I started my act as kids gathered around the stage. Our act was an acrobatic performance. We would do a few flips and tricks. After were finished the curtains would close. They would close for about ten minutes. Then we'd have to do it again of perform different tricks. Sometimes we'd dance together, sometimes we'd build a very weird pyramid. We have to have two of us as the top because there's four of us instead of three. It was fun. Well it was fun. After awhile I had a feeling I was being watched. This wasn't the kids watching me. I was used to them watching me. This..this was different. I kept looking around the room.
     I couldn't find the source of my disturbance. That was until my eyes locked with Bonnie's. He was staring directly at me. I was trying to ignore him because of what he had done. I'm sure he sensed that I was ignoring him. He kept looking at me with pleading eyes. I just turned my head away. He seemed to have got the message, but persisted in trying to get me to look at him.
      The day was long and hard, performing the same act over and over again was boring. At least when I was a waitress I got to see and talk to different people. Now I'm stuck on a stage performing in front of kids who barely know what's going on. The curtains came to a close once again. I felt horrible for the triplets. They weren't supposed to be like this. They had their whole lives yet to live. I mean sure maybe they would be stuck here for a few years, but when they were old enough they could have left and lived their lives amongst the living.
    I know how it feels. I know the other animatronics feel it too. You can see it behind their glossy eyes. Although the triplets seem to be happy. It's weird how they glow and smile. Their smile seems genuine, like they are ecstatic to be the way they are. 
    The day ended and the doors closed and locked. We locked up and Mike walked through the doors. He gave a little salute to me and continued walking. We all waited deactivated until 12:00am. We then started to move. I walked off the stage and headed to see Mike. Bonnie followed me. I could tell he was there so I walked a little faster so he would get the message. He knew I didn't want him with me but he kept trying.
     "What do you want Bonnie!" I finally snapped.
      "I wanted to tell you it wasn't my fault!" He yelled back.
        "What do you mean it wasn't your fault! I saw you, blood and all!" I screamed at him.
        "No... Listen to me!" He yelled while tearing up.
         "Okay! Fine! Go ahead and tell me why it isn't your fault!" I snapped.
         "The triplets asked me to! Okay! They asked me to turn them into animatronics! They wouldn't tell me why! So don't ask why, because I don't know!" He spit back with verbal venom.
        "They asked you to..Bonnie I'm sorry I.. I should've asked you first." I spoke softly.
        "No it's okay I should've told you what they asked and at least considered what you would feel before I did what they asked." He responded.
        "Bonnie this is pathetic. This happens in every TV show. They both apologize whether right or wrong. It's such a bad plot and it's over used to." I responded laughing. He had a look of confusion and a small bit of irritation. He walked away while I just stood there laughing. After I finished laughing I went to go talk to the triplets. They sat silently on the stage staring at what seemed to be outer space. They glanced up knowingly. They heard the whole conversation didn't they.
     "We prefer not to talk about why we had Bonnie do what he did. It's a secret." Caleb spoke softly.
"Very well then. If you don't want to talk about it then I won't make you, but one day I want to know what you were thinking." I told them and walked away. I just needed something to eat after the confusing conversations I just had. I walked to the kitchen to find Chica baking two pizzas. I sat down at the counter with a sigh. Sitting on a stool that looked like it belonged in a bar.
Chica came over and set the pizzas on the table. We both ate in silence. At this time we were both in human form. After we were done we both left the kitchen and parted ways. I went to go talk to Freddy, while Chica went to go talk to Bonnie. Freddy looked down at me and then covered the stage camera with a table cloth since I was still in my human form.
      "What happened, you look bummed." Freddy asked me.
       "How can you tell that?" I responded.
       "When you live at a place where kids throw up, and parents are practically laying on the tables waiting to leave. You learn some stuff." He replied.
       "Well I don't know, I mean it was more fun being a waitress than performing, and the triplets won't tell me why they wanted to become animatronics. It's just not fun being full of despair (guess the reference game XD)" I  spoke softly.
      "Well you have to look forward and be on the side of hope (I'm excited for the new game)." He replied sitting next to me.
      "Yeah I guess it's not something to stall on." I responded. I laid my head on Freddy's shoulder and closed my eyes for a bit. After a minute or so Freddy put his arm around me. We stayed in that position until we had to return to our stages. Maybe in time the triplets will be willing to tell me why they did what they did. Until that time I can only hope for an answer.

(A/n: sorry for the really late chapter (it's not that good, I've been having a writers block) Wattpad on my phone is really derpy, but I'll see what I can do.  I hope you enjoy the chapter :3
P.s can you guess what the reference was from?)

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