Moving Forward

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(A/N: I didn't entirely look over this so if mistakes are made, I'm sorry XD)
       The day started off the same. Jump. Spin. Flip. Repeat. The same acts over and over again. At first we had a bunch of new trick ideas, but that oasis ran dry pretty quickly. The triplets were happy, they loved the attention and the same routine. But I just didn't feel right on that stage.
Doing the same act never being able to leave my cage. I was like a trapped bird waiting to be let out of the iron bars that held me in. I finally understood how the others felt, having to play the same songs over and over again.
Time Skip~~
The day went quick and it was soon closing time. We all deactivated on our stages waiting to be able to move. Mike walked by whistling to himself as he walked to his office.
The clock soon struck twelve and we all began to move. I thought I'd pay Mike a visit since every time I've meant to go see him I got caught up in some other problem. I walked up to the open doorway and knocked on the doorframe. Mike swiftly looked up from his cameras, "Oh hey, (Y/n)!"
I waved in response and walked in the room, "So I've heard you got a new job, pretty exciting right!"
"Not really, I kind of hate it, it just me and the triplets doing the same acts over and over. Not to be a Debra downer, but it's just super lonely, sure I have the boys but I miss being a waitress and getting to meet all the kids..." I responded.
"How about this. I talk to Josh and see if he can switch you back to being a waitress, maybe that tower won't be so weird!" He chuckled
"You saw that! The tower is so bad! We don't have an odd number of animatronics, so it just makes a square or a half triangle thing!" I laughed. I spent some more time talking with Mike. He was pretty laid back and joked around a lot, but it was fun, I was surprised none of the other animatronics came to try and kill him.
I said goodbye to Mike and walked back to the main party room. Freddy was still standing there just staring off into space, Chica was blatantly in the kitchen she was making a racket, Bonnie was nowhere to be seen, Foxy was in his cove, and the triplets were just resting on the stage.
I decided to try and find Bonnie. I still hadn't talked to him for a while after the incident but I was willing to change that. I started to look through the pizzeria to try and find him. I would occasionally see the cameras where I was turn on and look at me, I would give a small wave so Mike knew I could see him.
The only area I had to check now was the storage closet, I remember Freddy telling me that he likes to come here. I opened the door to see a sprawled out human form Bonnie sobbing on the floor.
                "You okay?" I spoke quietly. He only looked up at me for a second and laid his head back down. For the few moments I got so see his face I noticed his red glossy eyes and tear stained cheeks. I sat down next to him on the floor slowly rubbing his back for comfort.
                He only started crying harder. "Bonnie what's wrong?" I asked him gently. He gives no response. I ask again, "Bonnie you can't keep doing this you're going to need to tell someone what's going on." He looked up.
                 "Honestly it's nothing. I just, I'm still a kid, well I was, and sometimes I get a little emotional or upset when I see other kids being happy and excited and free. I just wish I could go back to being that way, no offense to the others but I just don't like being stuck here..." he rambled.
                 "It's okay Bonnie. I heard Chica in the kitchen earlier how about you go and get something to eat. It might calm your nerves a bit." I hold him lightly in a side hug, he hugs back. We both smiled to each other and stood up, leaving the closet- of course after Bonnie changed back- and parting our separate ways.
                  I headed back to Pirates Cove to see Foxy. I don't usually talk to him, I occasionally go to listen to his stories as I did when I was five. I knocked on the area outside the cove, not like it actually made to much of a noise since my hand was covered in fur. He peaked his head out to see me.
                  "Aye Lass what are yee doing here?" He tilted his head sideways.
                    "Well I don't know what else to do so I came to see you!" I smiled. He blinked at me and disappeared into the cove. I stood outside waiting for him to return.
                     "Yee can come in yee know." He spoke from behind the curtain. My tail puffed up in embarrassment. I then walked into the cove. Foxy had a single stool and a few decorations hanging from the ceiling. Foxy sat in the stool that was placed in the center of the cove. He sat there silently in his human form with his eyes closed.
                     He opened up his eyes and stared at me. It was an awkward silence, even though foxy was smiling the entire time. I kind of just stood there as stiff as a board waiting for him to say something. "Aye, did you have anything in mind or did yee just come to stare at me?" His tone was joking, but ill-mannered. I shuddered at his words. "Aye be joking lass." He looked at me with a goofy grin. I smiled and let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.
                I looked at the clock realizing that it was almost time for the day to start. I said farewell to Foxy and walked back over to the stage for the triplets and I. I stood behind Caleb and deactivated, hopefully Mike could convince Josh to talk to the manager. I really want to be a waitress again.
(A/N: I wanted to try and get some parts in with the other characters, not just Freddy so this is a bit of an introduction to the others parts. XD I hope you liked it and feel free to point out any mistakes, Cya!!)

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