Josh's Second Night

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              (A/n: I haven't uploaded in forever XD. I do apologize to everyone who wanted updates sooner... I'm trying to recollect my thoughts on the story after so long. I'm going to try and push the story farther. Anyways let's continue XD.)
Your P.O.V
I waited for the restaurant to open before hopping off the stage, ready to start a new day. Kids ran amongst the place screaming as usual. The whole thing with Josh was still scaring me. What if he told someone else about us... I was afraid of what would happen to everyone and to him. Would people think he was mad?
I walked around taking orders and serving food to the different tables. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the triplets performing their act once again. I was glad I no longer had to be stuck on the stage performing the same act over and over again. I looked up at the main stage from one of the tables. I watched as the crew did their main act. They've been stuck here longer than I have. I don't think I would ever be able to do what they have for the past however many years...
~Time skip ~
The day passed pretty quickly. I jumped back onto the stage as my body locked up once again. I waited to see Mike and Josh enter the building. Josh was as nervous as ever. He never looks like he gets any sleep. He must still be shaken up from last night. I watched as they both walked down the hall to the security room.
The clock struck midnight and we were free to move once again. I swiftly went down to the security room to see how the two were doing. Josh was sitting on the floor and Mike was in the chair.
          "C'mon Leon. You have to loosen up a bit!" Mike stated  in a sarcastic tone.
           "What are you talking about! This entire place wants to kill us! Yet you agree to do this every night! What if you get killed! Ever think of that!" Josh screamed at Mike. Mike only gave off  a small chuckle in response before clicking through the cameras once again. "Are you even listening!" Josh yelled before stomping out of the room. He had left out the opposite door so he wasn't able to see me.
            I walked back to the main room hoping to greet him when he entered the area. When he didn't come I got a bit concerned. I decided to walk down the hallway he was supposed to appear out of. Well, I was walking until I heard the screams of a little girl. I sprinted down the hallway to see Freddy standing over Josh, twitching.
           The door to the security room was closed so Josh couldn't get back in. I quickly ran to stand in front of Josh. I growled at Freddy, startling him, he stumbled back tripping over his own feet and falling.
          "Mike open the door!" I howled at Mike.
           "Sorry, can't. I'd rather not feed myself to the beast." His voice was muffled through the glass. I turned my head back to Josh - who was trembling uncontrollably - then looking back at Freddy who was just getting back up onto his feet.
           "What are you doing (Y/n)! Were supposed to be killing them remember!" Freddy screeched.
           "I get that but he's not a night guard!" I yelled back
            "No, but he can be considered an intruder. His shift doesn't start till dawn. We still have a reason to end him!" Freddy argued.
             "B-but..." I stuttered.
              "Get out of the way, (Y/n)..." Freddy's voice was quiet but harsh. I turned my head back at Josh once more before getting into a fighting stance.
             "I won't let you hurt him! I don't care what he's considered his life doesn't deserve to end here! Not like this!" I growled back. Freddy looked at me surprised before his ears went back and his face distorted into anger. I wasn't ready to let Josh get hurt. Especially since he's only here due to some dumb bet he made with Mike, who is being awfully unpleasant to his friend.
           Freddy prepared to attack me, but I watched as three shadows snuck up behind him. Their eyes glowing like spirits. Freddy began to run at me but before he could the three shadows pounced on him, toppling him over. They all crashed onto the ground. This was when I turned around and lifted Josh onto my back and began sprinting away from the whole thing.
           As I entered the main room I was contemplating where I could put Josh to keep him safe. The kitchen was a bad idea as well as the stage, the storage closet, the 'Parts and Service Room', and the bathrooms. He would still be attacked by Bonnie and Chica, if not Freddy. I peered around the room quickly and the only place I could possibly put him was Pirate Cove. Foxy loves attention and if I could stay in there with him Foxy wouldn't attack.
          I pushed through the curtain to find Foxy sitting on the floor staring at the stool.
          "Foxy! Foxy! Do you think you can keep him safe from the others! He'll listen to your stories!" I whisper yelled. Foxy turned around and stared right at Josh, "please Foxy, can I trust you..." he looked back at me and nodded his head,
        "Aye lass," was all he said before I placed Josh on the floor and hopped out if the small curtained area. I quickly sprinted over to the kitchen and went inside. I opened and closed a few of the sliding cabinet doors hoping it tricked the others into thinking I put Josh in there. I awkwardly walked out of the kitchen carefully looking for the others around the room. I looked at the time, only ten minutes for Josh to last.
           "So, where did you put him?" Freddy leaned against the wall next to the door, "I'm sure he's not in there, just tell me where you put him and maybe I won't be mad."
            "I can't trust a maybe Freddy." I responded.
            "Well then. I'm not talking to you ever again, plain and simple." He stared right into my eyes.
             "You're such a kid. Fine, I don't care, hate me if you want but Josh doesn't deserve to die here. It wasn't even his fault that he's here. It was just a dumb bet! And ditto on that whole not talking to you ever thing!" I growled as I walked back to the stage. There was only one minute left for Josh to stand and I wasn't sure if Foxy had done as he promised...
Josh's P.O.V
       The fox had been telling me stories of the seven seas for the past however many minutes and I was sure my head was going to explode. I had no idea how long I had before I won the bet. Mike probably did this whole thing to scare me, to get me to lose this bet. The fox started to tell another story but the six am bell rang and I knew I was free to go. Oh wait... my job.
          I sighed as I left Pirate's Cove. Moving the curtain gently I stepped down and walked to the storage room to get my toolbox. As I walked back to the main room I felt the cold stare of the animatronics watching me. One in particular seemed to be worse than the others. I stumbled onto the stage, silently working on each robot before heading over to the second stage.
         The three black cats seemed to be a bit damaged, I went through fixing all the scratches and tears that were left in their outer layer while checking for further damage to their internals. After I finished I watched Mike walk out of one of the hallways that lead to the security room.
          "What the heck Mike! That thing was standing over me about to kill me! If this was some lame joke to get me to lose the bet, it didn't work!" I screamed at him.
          "Heh. Just to let you know if the cat didn't help you, you'd be dead..." Mike smirked at me before leaving. The whole conversation sent a chill up my spine. Then it dawned on me, I could have died this night. I looked back at the animatronics on stage and ran out the front doors. Only to run into the boss of the place.
          "Mr. Leon? Why leaving so soon? I still have to talk to you about some things with the restaurant," he continued to walk into the building.
         "B-but sir! I don't think we should keep this whole thing going! I-I just know there's something wrong with the animatronics and the place and... and," I continued to stutter as the boss turned around.
          "Come now Leon, you know if you quit you can't come back. What would happen to your life. You're barely paying rent and can barely afford food. You're just a failed engineer. Without the pizzeria you'd have nothing! Now c'mon. We have work to do." He spoke cheerfully before walking inside and I followed, my head hanging as we walked past the tables. I could still feel the cold gazes of the animatronics as I walked to the back offices.
(A/n: Don't know if this chapter was any good, but anyways if you guys have any preference as to who you want to become closer too in the next chapter leave it in the comments. I do apologize for not updating. Like usually sorry about grammatical and spelling mistakes! I hope you like the chapter and see you in the next one!)

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