Cheer Up Time!

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(A/n: Sorry for any mistakes I didn't really have time to check XD, anyways enjoy!)
I sat in the kitchen for a long time, not wanting to leave. I laid my head on the table and closed my eyes, remembering my past life and all I had hoped to achieve... but now I'm stuck here, unable to leave even if I wanted to. I heard mechanical footsteps approaching the kitchen door. Whoever it was entered. I didn't bother to lift my head.
           "Hey, you can't mope around forever can you? What happened to the cheerful and dependable (Y/n)! We can't be a band if we aren't all playing!"
            "For starters I'm not in the band I serve pizza and soda and yes I can mope for as long as I want because were never going to open again..." I turned my head away from the voice.
They put their hand on my back trying to comfort me. I lifted my head and my eyes met the pink glass orbs of Bonnie. He seemed concerned for both of us. He lifted his arms outward, waiting for my response. I gave him the hug he was asking for.
"Freddy didn't mean to hurt him, he was after the other guy..." Bonnie looked down at me as we hugged.
"Can we not talk about this now, it's really not helping..." Bonnie's body stiffened.
"U-Um sure... how's about we do something to get our minds off it!" Bonnie released me and hopped over to an open area of the kitchen and stood on one foot. He was trying to cheer me up, and it wasn't working.
Bonnie P.O.V
Ahhhh I screwed up... I thought talking about the subject would help and it did the opposite... I hopped about the kitchen trying to get some response but all I got in return was the back of her head and then it hitting the table.
"How's about we bake a cake, or pizza, or make drinks, or something!" I leaned over the center island counter hoping for the excited eyes that I had seen not so long ago when we baked pizza. But it wasn't the case. She kept her head down and only gave off a sigh. I thought about what I could do to help. An idea popped into my head. I swiftly moved over to her and pulled her out of her seat.
                I started to try and dance, even if there was no music. Although it was a bit difficult to maneuver with a clunky suit. I changed myself into my human form mid-swing. My altered weight sent both of us flying across the kitchen, as we landed I had noticed (Y/n) changed as well. This made me smile. She got up and dusted off her outfit.
                 "Warn me next time!" She yelled at me and I only scratched my neck.
                 "Surprise!" I held my hands out and gave them a small shake, my smile unwavering.  She only chuckled, which filled my soul with joy, "May I have this dance?" I bowed jokingly as (Y/n) turned to look at me. She gave a small snort, making me chuckle as well.
"Yes you may~" (Y/n) spoke in a fake suave voice. "Really to warn you though I'm awful at dancing!" She laughed.
"That's okay, just follow my lead!" I spoke, still smiling. I took a few steps and she followed with ease, "I don't know you're doing pretty good for being bad at it!" I chuckled and we faced each other our eyes meeting once again. "Let's try something a bit harder."
"Let's not!" She raised her voice as I swung her around my other side, I took her hand and spun her a bit before allowing her to regain balance.
"See not so bad!" I gave a small chuckle and a shrug.
"Says you! We-are never, ever doing that again... I think I'm gonna throw up!" She held the wall coughing. I walked over and gave her a hug again, "Bonnie what're you doing?"
"Trying to cheer you up!" I really was trying to cheer her up! I just also liked having someone to hold... I released her and she turned to me.
"I think I'm going to go check on Foxy. Thanks for hanging out with me Bonnie." She left just like that. Without letting me say bye. It didn't feel very good, knowing that I was less important than my decrepit friend. I was... upset to say the least, rejected... is that the right word? I sat down in the same stool that (Y/n) had, my ears covered my eyes, and for some unknown reason I began to weep.
Foxy's P.O.V
I sat on the stool within my cove. Like I always do, waiting. During the day, I don't get to do anything anymore. I wish whoever I spoke out loud I didn't have to use pirate slang. I gave off a sigh as the curtains to the cove moved a small bit. I watched as (Y/n) entered the small cove.
            "Aye lassie What brings yee here!" My voice box taking over.
             "I just came to see how you were doing..." she seemed sad, I mean I would be too if I had to watch something so awful.
             "I be alright Matey. I know yee be tryin' to help get me fixed." I met her gaze, it truly was one of sadness and remorse, "the true question is if yee be alright lass." She shook her head up and down. "How's about we play a game? Get ourrr minds off of everything, aight lass?"
                "Okay but what are we going to play?" (Y/n) looked at me puzzled.
                  "Well since there ain't no young scallywags about we can roam a bit more, an the boss ain't got no cameras where he is. So let's play a bit'o hide and seek, how's bout it?"
"Alright, human forms then right?" She tilted her head questioningly.
" Aye. I will count to thirty and then I will com lookin' for yee." I turned away from her and covered my eyes with my hands and began to count.
(Y/n) P.O.V.
           I ran off trying to find the perfect spot to avoid Foxy. I knew if he spotted me I would be a goner; with his intense speed, it would be hard to get away. I settled on the security room, since no one is here today. I swiftly made my way down to that secluded and sheltered spot, changing into my human form. I wasn't going to close the doors. That would be unfair. So, I climbed beneath the table and pulled the chair close, to keep me out of direct sight.
I waited...
Foxy's P.O.V
I finished counting and excited the cove. It was eerily quite, even when it's closed, the building never seemed this depressed. I wasn't there to necessarily see everything that happened. I was only able to peek out from behind the curtains, just enough to get the gist of what happened. Freddy and Chica were no longer on stage. I was unaware of where they had gone, but that didn't matter, my main goal is to find (Y/n)! I swapped my form and began checking under the dining room tables. This was like being a kid again! Just an ordinary kid... playing games, with their friends...
I checked the stage, moving each curtain, and peeking through the floorboards.
"Where have ye gone lass?" I chuckled to myself, having fun with the game. I checked the kitchen, Bonnie was laying his head on the table. I tapped his shoulder a few times, he seemed to have fallen asleep. Which was weird since we really don't need it. I ignored him and left, not finding my target.
Next was the bathrooms, I didn't go into the actual bathrooms. I assumed it wasn't part of the game, since it would be unfair. "Not here either matey. Where could ye have gone?" Granted, I had the whole other side of the building to check.
"Wait! Foxy!" A voice emerged from the boys bathroom. I turned on my heel to face the bathroom. "Please come here." I entered the bathroom and peaked my head out from the wall leading into the restroom. Freddy was standing over one of the sinks, looking into the mirror.
"What is it Freddo?" He turned his head and gave me an irritated look, "sorry matey..."
"What is it that ye be needing?"
"I guess some advice..." he looked down at his hands resting on the porcelain sink.
"What kind of advice?" I tilted my head at him in question.
"I guess on existing, or even just being near others..." he turned to lean on the sink and stared up at the ceiling.
"What do ye mean?" I leaned on the sink next to him.
"I feel like all I've done lately is make things worse here, first I made (Y/n) mad, and now I've basically killed a man. What am I supposed to do..." he looked at the palms of his hands, " who am I supposed to be... I hardly remember my family anymore. I hardly remember who I am. Foxy, you have to help me..." I looked back at my bear companion. I felt bad for him.
"I'm not sure I'm the one to be asking, but just try and regain yeeself, Bonnie might be better with this than I..." I looked away from him and started to leave.
"Wait, Foxy... I'm not sure how Bonnie would react, he seems to have some residual emotions from before... n-never mind I'll have to speak to him later. Thank you Foxy." He looked back in the mirror and didn't bother looking back. I didn't understand most of what he said, but I'd have to talk to him later about it.
I went back to looking for (Y/n), hopefully she chose a comfortable spot since the conversation with Freddy seemed to take forever. Passing back through the main stage area, the triplets were on the stage. They were talking amongst themselves, whispering. I ignored them, but their eyes, their eyes just seemed to watch me, silently judging everything I did. It was probably one of the most uncomfortable things that has ever happened to me.
I got back to the game. I swiftly opened the door to the storage room. Chica was sitting on the floor eating pizza.
"What are ye doing Chica?" I looked down at her.
"Not much. Just eating." She looked up at me briefly before going back to eating.
"But why are ye eating here?" I gestured down to the floor.
"Because if you make a mess everything is right here to clean it up!" She spoke quickly and went back to eating. I slowly closed the door, feeling unwanted. What's with everyone, they all seem to be in some weird funk. I continued down the hallway, the next place was the office, as I walked I slowly realized I skipped the 'Parts and Service' Room. I shook my head and continued anyways. The doors to the office were still open.
I peaked my head in looking for any movement. When I didn't see any I began to leave. But out of the corner of my eye I noticed a small shift of light on the floor. I ran into the room and crouched down,
"How are ye lass!" I made eye contact with her.
"Oh, just great! How bout you?" (Y/n) chuckled. I moved the chair out of the way of the desk and helped her out from underneath the desk. Once she was out I lifted her and swung about clockwise, both of us laughing as I did so, "that was fun! Just a lot of waiting." She laughed once again. My tail wagged out of joy.
"Yeah I got stopped quite a bit, tryin' to get ere'."
"What do you mean?" She looked puzzled.
"Well Bonnie's asleep in the kitchen, Freddy's contemplating life I think, Chica is eating pizza in the storage room, and the triplets are being creepy. Other than those setbacks the game went well!" I balled my hands into fists and set them on my sides and gave a proud smile.
"Thank you for telling me Foxy. I feel a lot better after all that, but it's my turn to go and fix the problems of everyone else, just as they had done for me. Thanks for playing with me! We'll have to do this again sometime! Later Foxy!" She bolted down the hallway before I could say anything leaving me dumbfounded. I shook my head, but I still felt downtrodden at her departure, but I tried to shake it off and head back to my cove.
As I did there was no one to be seen in the main stage area, which I found peculiar. Maybe another day we can play again. But for today, that will be all, thanks for playing with me...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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