Bonding Over Pizza

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    (A/n: this chapter might feel a bit different I decided to include a few different point of views, I hope you enjoy anyways!)
Mike P.O.V
        I was thinking about last night. Part of me hoped Freddy would have ended Josh's life. It's not like he's going anywhere. He's basically just a toy for the boss of the place to push around. Like a toy train that follows only what you command it to do. Maybe a loyal dog. That dog won't last much longer though, I'm sure.
        If I bump up the bet maybe he'll stay another night. Okay, really this was more about the bet than anything else. He's still a dog though. He wouldn't do it. I look up at the clock in my room. It read '10:45' am. There's still time to sleep. I set my head back on my pillow and went to drifted to sleep.
Your P.O.V
        I watched as Josh left the back offices. He was slumped over and looked exhausted. He left and entered the 'Parts and Service' room. I didn't bother to figure out what he was doing. I returned back to my job of serving the patrons of the establishment.
       As I walked around the room I could feel Freddy's eyes follow me from the stage. It was uncomfortable, very uncomfortable. I would look over my shoulder and see him staring directly at me. But, his gaze wasn't as soft as Bonnie's, not as forgiving. When Bonnie had the problem with the triplets he at least had some grievance in his eyes. Whereas Freddy's eyes were cold and sharp.
       I pushed through the day working as usual. Some parents yelling here and there and kids screaming everywhere.
It was soon closing time. I returned to my position on the stage. Josh returned to the main area and checked us one more time before sauntering our the front door, as he did Mike walked in the door and headed straight to the office. I still didn't understand why he wouldn't help Josh. I'll have to have a word with him later. The clock soon struck midnight and our bodies unhinged allowing us to move once more.
          I quickly turned away from Freddy when he flicked his eyes to look at me.
        "Hey Bonnie can I hang out with you tonight?" I gave Bonnie a closed eye smile.
        "M-me?" Bonnie looked at me with a shocked expression. His ears soon covered his face. I assumed it was due to embarrassment.
        "Yes, you!" I chuckled. His ears lifted and he gave off a smile, well, as much of a smile an animatronic can make. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the kitchen.
        "I know this isn't a place where I usually hang out, it's more of Chica's thing, but there are no cameras so we don't need to cover any with a tablecloth!" He gave a small smile as he transformed. He looked around in the kitchen for a bit pulling out ingredients from the cabinets. "How about we make a pizza together!" Bonnie cheerfully hopped about the place.
           "Sure, Bonnie! Although I've never made a pizza before..." I spoke sadly as I transformed.
           "That's alright! We can figure it out together! I mean I've watched Chica do it a few times so I know a bit, but not a lot!" Bonnie grabbed a bowl and started putting ingredients in it. I watched as he added flour, yeast, sugar, and salt. He grabbed the olive oil and added a bit. "Can you warm up some water! Not too hot though!" He smiled.
          "Sure! Just give me a second!" I smiled back. I handed him the water and he poured it into the bowl and started mixing it with a wooden spoon.
"I don't know if this is a rough topic, but Freddy seems a bit on edge. Did something happen...?" He looked straight into my eyes, but it wasn't a demanding look it was one of concern and worry. I felt at ease around Bonnie. He seemed to have a calmer air about him.
"Well I protected Josh from Freddy and he wasn't too happy about it..." I spoke quietly. I looked down at the table and the mixture we had made.
"He got mad then... it sounds like him. He's so focused on what he thinks he needs to do he never relaxes. He's-he's work oriented to put it in a good way..." Bonnie looked down at the bowl as well, "he'll be a bit difficult to talk to for a bit, but he'll get over it."
"I hope so... He kept staring at me while I was working today, and it didn't feel so good. It somehow feels like I did something wrong. Bonnie, do you think it was wrong of me to save Josh?" I turned and looked at him. He stared at me for a few seconds before embracing me in a hug.
"If you think it was the right thing to do, then it was. There are no mistakes. Sure, there may be bumps along the road but once you get past that, the road will be smooth again..." he spoke softly, gently rubbing my back in a calming manner.
"Thanks Bonnie... I needed that." I gave a small chuckle. He knows how to comfort others... really well. I appreciated the kind gesture; I turned my face back to the bowl. "You want to finish the pizza?" I look back at him and he smiles.
"Sure!" Bonnie adds another cup of water to the bowl. "While I'm mixing this do you think you can cover the inside of the bowl over there with olive oil?" He looks back at me.
"Got it!" I grab the bowl and bring it to the island counter. I cover the sides with olive oil. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Bonnie forming the dough into a ball.
"Here let me see the bowl now." He puts the ball of dough in the olive oil coated bowl, "roll the dough around in the bowl and I'll go preheat the oven!" He trots over to the oven and starts turning the dials on the control panel. "Let's let the dough rise for a bit then we'll put it in the oven." He looks back at me.
For the next thirty or so minutes Bonnie and I sat in the kitchen talking, not noticing the bear outside the room.
Goldie P.O.V
Well this is interesting... I know Fred said he was mad, but I didn't think he'd cause (Y/n) to get so distraught by it. I guess one of them really messed up. Fred's excuse for being mad was that she saved an intruder. Wonder what her side is. I got off the wall and walked away, maybe I'll figure it out, if I feel like it.
Bonnie's P.O.V
I listened as she explained everything with Josh. I just couldn't believe how Freddy reacted. It was unlike him. Is he afraid of Josh? I looked back at her. She seemed happy now. Although, I could still tell she was upset. I felt bad. Freddy should have been easier on her. To be honest I'm a bit frustrated with him.
The thirty minutes were up.
"Okay! I think we can put the dough in the oven after we shape it quickly!" I got up from my stool and pulled the pizza out from the cabinet I had put it in. We both worked on shaping the pizza. I stopped and walked over to the oven to check the temperature. When I turned around I was pelted with a ball of flour. " What the!" I rub the flour off my face to see a laughing (Y/n). I chuckled as I prepared my own flour ball. Although, the left over flour in my face held the light blush I owned hidden.
"Oh no you don't!" She laughed, ducking behind the island in the middle of the kitchen. I ducked on the other side of the island, occasionally looking up to see if she was looking for me. When there was no noise for a long time I stood up and looked over the edge of the island. When I didn't see her I started to panic. "Ambush!" She yelled while jumping on my back while dumping a bowl of flour on my head.
I coughed a bit, but we soon became unstable due to my poor footing and we both came crashing down. We fell to the floor laughing. I stood up still laughing.
"W-we should put the d-dough in the oven now!" I was still laughing as I spoke. I coughed a bit here and there from the flour in the air. I went over to the tray of pizza dough and had seen the shape the pizza was in. A heart. My heart melted a bit... I looked back at (Y/n), she was just sitting on the floor looking at me.
"I like the shape you made it into!" My ears perked up and the blush on my face deepened; thank goodness for flour. I carried the tray to the oven and set it on the top rack.
We waited once again do the dough to finish. I then pulled the pizza out of the oven and we decorated the pizza with the toppings we wanted; eating some in the process. We put the pizza in the oven once again do about fifteen minutes and then removed it for the last time.
"Well, it's finished now!" I grinned.
"Let's see what this baby tastes like! We spent like, forever on it!" (Y/n) hopped up and down like a child. I smiled and got out the pizza cutter and cut out two pieces. I put each slice on a plate of their own.
"Moment of truth..." I took a bite of the pizza, as did (Y/n). We both stood there for a few seconds before simultaneously saying,
"This is the best pizza ever!" We both smiled and laughed once more. (Y/n) looked at the time, it was almost time for us to get back to the stage. I wrapped up the pizza and put it in the fridge. We both sprinted around the room trying to clean up the mess, as well as ourselves. We quickly transformed and ran to the stage, just making it in time for the 6 am bell.
I watched as Mike, at least that's what (Y/n) told me his name was, started to walk out of the building. As he left he waved goodbye to (Y/n). I didn't like the way he waved it was, off. He ended up bumping into Josh. Who looked dead. He grabbed his things from the storage room and did his daily maintenance check on all of us. He started with me and moved onto the others. I watched as he worked on the triplets. They usually liked to keep an eye on (Y/n), but I hadn't seen them at all last night. I found it rather odd.
Josh put away his things and as he entered the main room once more I could see Freddy's eyes flicker to look at him. He's really mad at him, but why? Josh looked over trembling, at the stare Freddy was giving him. He seemed to know that Freddy was looking right at him with pure hatred. Then Josh's eyes flipped to look at (Y/n). He seemed to relax a bit. He jumped at the sound of the main door opening. The boss of the place entered and ushered Josh into the offices. That was the last time I saw Josh that day.
I looked back on what happened last night. It filled me with pure joy knowing that (Y/n) could easily talk to me about things that were bothering her. The opening bell rang and I prepared for another day of performing.
(A/n: so what'd you think about the small change? Was it okay? I couldn't tell if it jumped around too much. As usual leave spelling and grammar errors in the comments (btw I write this on my phone XD). I hope you enjoyed the chapter and see you in the next one! Bye!)

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