To What End Does Sorrow Weep?

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         The boss's words shook something inside of me, it didn't feel right... something was off and it pained me not to know. Although it could have been because of Freddy, would he be able to move during Mike's shift? When Mike entered the building the scream of the rusted main doors startled me out of my thoughts. He walked towards the main stage and noticed Freddy. At first his face showed concern, and then morphed into a look of excitement.
             His expressions confused me. I'll have to ask him about it later. The clock struck midnight and my body unlocked. I looked over at Freddy, as did Bonnie and Chica...Foxy even left his cove to see how Freddy was doing. The Triplets also slowly slunk over to see the damage.
           "Freddy? A-are you okay?" Chica asked as she touched his shoulder. There came no response from his broken body. He only stood there silent and unmoving. The other animatronics couldn't stand to see him for much longer and left for the kitchen, Chica had said something about making a cake for Freddy as she left. I decided to stay for a bit longer to try and comfort him a bit. I sat down on the stage next to him.
           "Hey... Freddy, I'm sorry about the whole thing with Josh and Mike... I-I just don't see thing the same way I guess. You didn't deserve what Larissa did to you, but I'm sure you can be fixed. I really, really need you back... back to the way you were. Back to the way we were! I miss having you close... I suppose I sound pathetic... I'll leave you be." I started to get up from my position on the stage. As I did I saw a small jolt come from Freddy's body. It was the only sign he gave me, and I knew he understood.
I walked out of the main room and down The left hallway to the security office. As I neared the office I looked in the large window, I expected to see Mike checking the cameras, but instead he was spinning the the swivel chair with his arms in the air. I walked over to the open door of the office and waited for him to see me. His chair came to a slow halt as he looked at me.
"What's up?" He asked as he snapped once and pointed a finger gun at me.
"I could ask you the same." I tilted my head at him.
"Me? Nothing! I don't have a care in the world! All the animatronics... well the other ones are all in the kitchen and I don't think they're trying to get me!" Mike cheered and spun around in his chair again.
"Aren't you at all concerned for Freddy?" I was surprised at his carelessness and disrespect for Freddy's decrepit state.
"Why should I, he's tried to kill me several times!" Mike turned his chair away from me and crossed his arms.
"He doesn't mean to, it's not his fault! I'm going to go check on the others, while you try and find some respect for Freddy Within that withered shell of a nobody you seem to possess." I bolted off down the hall leaving Mike to contemplate his thoughts on Freddy's state. As I walked back to the main room I noticed the silhouette of another person sitting on one of the tables. It wasn't Josh, his shift doesn't start for another few hours.
"How are you...?" The figure turned to look at me. Still hesitant, I walked closer to find Golden Freddy in his human form.
          "Where have you been! I haven't seen you in forever!" I could hardly contain my astonishment.
           "You have every reason to be upset, let's just say it's a bit hard for me to move about the place... although I did see what happened to Freddy. He always kinda felt like a brother, maybe it's just because he's a bear as well..." Golden Freddy peered down at his feet.
             "I get it, you're both bears and you probably have some sort of bearmance or something like that!" I chuckled to myself at the sheer stupidity at the pun.
             "Ha ha. Your really funny," Goldie punched me in the arm, just enough for it to sting, "Anyways you got it wrong. My suit is a boy, my spirits a girl though so I'm not sure you're whole bearmance is gonna work." Goldie looked back at me with a smug grin, as I sat there feeling very awkward in their? presences.
             "I'm sure you're confused as to what to consider me." Goldie turned their head back to look at Freddy once again, "I think I'd prefer my soul's gender but whose to say, I don't even know what I am anymore. Are we even considered human anymore? I've been around for quite awhile and I still don't have an answer... I'll see you later (Y/n)..." Goldie got off the table and walked down the hall I had come from. I turned to ask them a question but I could no longer see them. There was no sign of Goldie down the hall so I tried putting my mind to rest, but there are so many things I didn't know about the place.
            I didn't own the same feelings the others had. Why don't I have the same principles, why didn't I kill Mike, or Josh like the others would have? It doesn't make sense to me... I looked up at Freddy and the dents he had in him, I still felt awful about everything that happened to him, I pushed myself off of the table and headed to the kitchen to see the other animatronics.
            I pushed the door open to find the others sitting around counter in the center of the kitchen. The bar stools squeaked as the all turned to see me walk into the kitchen.
          "How are you guys doing...?" I sat down on the stool on the farthest edge of the table farthest from the door. I got no response from any of them, they only flickered their eyes to look at me and then back at the table. The aura of the room was filled with sadness, even the triplets were in a state of depression. The room made me sick to the stomach, so I said a small goodbye and went back to the main room, it was eerily silent. I looked back at the time, it was four fifty eight in the morning. There was still another hour to go before I would get to see the faces of the smiling children once again... or will I? Freddy isn't able to preform. Will the restaurant even be open?
           I sat on the table until Mike's shift was over, in which the animatronics in the kitchen all slowly walked back to their places on stage with their heads hanging. We all locked up on the stage awaiting whoever was going to possibly fix Freddy.
          I heard the doors open, two people seemed to walk into the building. One's gate was unsure and wavering. While the other... had a confident air about it. As they entered the main stage area. I recognized Josh amongst them, although he seemed to be cowering in the other man's shadow. His name tag read "Afton" a name that sounded familiar. A name I had seen, or heard? I couldn't see the man's face. His hat shaded his eyes. I couldn't remember, but he felt so familiar. I could feel the other's being just on edge as I was.
"I see, so you were employed to fix them yes? So why can't you?" The supposed Afton asked the quivering Josh.
"Sir I'm only a maintenance worker, I'm not t-trained to fix major d-damages..." he held his shoulders and looked down at his feet, "also sir, must you wear that mask? It feels out of place..."
"Are you going to question everything I am or are you going to be quiet as that of a lower rank should do?" Afton turned his head and looked at Josh, who backed away and let Afton walk forward, "I'm only repaying a favor, if I wasn't I wouldn't even be here." He walked up to the stage and started to examine Freddy. Opening his chest plate and looking at whatever has been damaged by Larissa's outburst, " looks worse than I thought it would, that little brat did a number on him didn't she..."
           He seemed to contemplate what he should do, "Do you have spare parts in the back?" Josh nodded his head, "Well go get them then!" Josh took that as a warning and bolted off to the storage room. When he returned Afton yanked the box from his arms.
           "Sir, is there any way you could possibly, oh I don't know. Fix Foxy too? It's okay if you can't or don't want to..." Josh chuckled as he spoke and went back and forth between words.
             "You think I have the time to take care of two withered animatronics that the loser of an owner can't hire someone to fix anyways? No I don't want to fix that pile of rust!" Josh looked taken aback he whimpered and took a couple more steps back from Mr. Afton. Josh averted his eyes and directed them at me. He had this apologetic look on his face. There was no way for me to give any notion as a thanks to him for trying while I was locked up, granted it was getting close to opening time.
        It went the same for a good while, but eventually Afton managed to fix Freddy, he rebooted him and checked his calibration. He was back! Afton cleaned up his tools and walked over to Josh and patted his shoulder.
           "I'm sorry about this kid." Was all that I had heard, the time switched over and it was the start of a new day. I was free to roam once again, but I heard a click in Freddy's chest. I saw him twitch and flicker, and he leaped at Afton.
             Afton turned his face in time to see Freddy. He pushed Josh in front of him and began to turn on his heels. As he did everyone watched as Freddy's jaws crushed into Josh's head. Afton was already at the door, running out of the restaurant. I ran over to remove Freddy's mouth. I forced his jaws apart and Josh's body sunk down to the floor with a thump. Freddy repositioned himself on the stage, his teeth pieces still tarnished with Josh's blood.
          I crouched down to Josh's level and held his head in my hand-like paws. I couldn't tell if he was alive anymore... although I guessed he wasn't. Lifting his body, I held him close, waiting... for what, I did not know. I'm unable to use the phone, and I can't heal him. I doubt Freddy only gave him a light piercing to the head, I wouldn't be able to help him with a medical kit no matter how hard I tried. I hardly knew him, but yet it feels wrong for him to pass so easily. The other animatronics don't seem to mind much, I'm sure Freddy hardly cares. He tried to kill him before... would anyone really care that he's dead aside from me, I sure hope that someone else does. He was a stressed young man that could hardly keep his life afloat, and constantly being used for pranks or for someone else's gain... he lived as he died. That is if he's dead...
          I sat on the floor with him for a long time. Until the boss entered the building. When he walked up to me he gave a large sigh and took Josh away from me. He seemed to have called an ambulance from what I had received from his phone call. This assumption was confirmed when a siren could be heard outside the building. It slowly got quieter for what I assumed to be Josh being taken away to a hospital. The boss came back just as he did a day or so ago. He cleaned Freddy's teeth with a rag and inspected me for any stains.
            After he was finished he left and returned with a mop bucket. He cleaned the floors of the mess that Freddy had made. He sighed again and turned to us, "We're going to be closed for awhile guys. I don't know how long, but trust me it will get better... I promise." He turned and left, I was still sitting on the floor. I got up slowly and looked at everyone on the stage. They looked back at me. I left for the kitchen. I didn't want to stand on that stage anymore. I didn't want to be an animatronic anymore, I wanted to go home. Back to my parents, back to my old existence... I don't want to be here anymore...

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