Chapter 11: Here we Come!

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"Okay, everyone listen up!" Kion said catching their attention.
"Fuli, the daughter of the your leader is kidnapped by an Outlander." Everyone gasps as Kion says. "So we Lion Guard need all of your help." Kion explained. "Hmm... What's in it for us?" A cheetah asks.
"You get to live in the Pridelands again." Bunga explains.
"We're in!" Everyone answers.

"Good. Now here's the plan. Lion Guard what do we usually do when we're saving herds?" Kion asks his Guard.
"Uh... Round them up?" Ono answers.
"Right! But coalition gonna round them up. You can scare them surround them just don't let them out of your circle. While we take down Janja and save my family and Fuli." Kion explains.
"Well that's simple." Wivu said with confidence.
"It's not. Some will attack you. So be careful." Kion said.

They finally came to the Pridelands.

"Hevi Kabisa! The Pridelands!" Kion said. "Ono reports. See if there are any ambushes." Kion commanded.
"Affirmative!" Ono replied.
"This is your beloved Pridelands?" Hodari asks, looking at a dirty and full of chaos land.
"Of course! It will be better once we defeat those Outlanders." Bunga defends their home.

"Hmm... Let's see. Hapana! The vultures are keeping a watch eye and The jackals are hiding in the bushes. I really need to tell this to Kion now." Ono flies down for his report.
"So?" Kion asks.
"Well their all hiding for an attack. But how can the coalition surround the vultures?"
"Bunga need you to find a rock then jump as high as you can to throw the rock at those vultures." Kion commands Bunga.
"Got it!" Bunga said.
"Everyone ready?" Kion asks and everyone nods. "Okay. 'Till the Pridelands' end..." "Lion Guard defend!" Everyone shouted.

When they were almost at Pride Rock, Ono shouted something. "Kion! Wait! It's Mkuu!" Ono warns him. "Whoa!" Then he slashes Mkuu in the eye. Good thing Mkuu blinked. Then the Lion Guard continues to run towards Pride Rock.

Fuli was planning to distract the hyenas so they can get out. She took a bone from the Zazu's bone cage and threw it. And the hyenas bought it. She runs out the suddenly bumps into someone. It was just Kion.

 It was just Kion

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"Hey." Kion greets shyly. "Hey." Fuli greats back shyly as well. "Ahem. Sure, take your time you two." Bunga interrupts. "Oh, sorry." Fuli apologized. "Right we're not done yet. We still have Janja." Kion trying to stay focused.

Sorry for the short Chapter.

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