Chapter 26: The Best Hyena I know

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I kinda actually ship Janja and Jasiri though but I'm still unsure and they're kinda cute. Anyway...

Oh no! No, no, no, no! I don't want to say that word! Nope! Never going to happen! And why did I refused to eat brunch?! I am hungry.

I approached her again.

"Uh, Jasiri!" I called.
She turns around and said, "Yes, Janja?" Whoa. She's pretty. I'm lovestruck by her response. I see her, waving her paw in front of my face, saying my name over and over, "Janja? Janja? Hello? Janja?" Wait, what?!

"Oh, sorry." Well that was embarrassing.
"So what were you going to tell me?" She asked.
"Um... I forgot about it. Be right back." I said rapidly. I saw her shrug and continues eating.

Ugh! I hate myself! Why did I just got nervous and in lo—

Whoa, no! I promised myself not to say the "L" word.

Then Cheezi and Chungu came in.

"What brings you here?" I asked them.
"The zebra leg wasn't enough for us, so we though that you have some food." Cheezi explains.
"Well I don't. So go now. I need to be alone." I said.
"Oh come on, Janja. No one wants to be alone. Everybody has somebody." Cheezi said.
"Yeah! Someday we'll find someone for us." Chungu said.
"What do you guys know about lo—. The "L" word." I say as I almost said the "L" word.
"Love?" The both said.
"I don't know. It just came to my head." Chungu said.
"Yeah, me too." Cheezi said then remembers something, "I remember when Janja likes Jasiri."
"What?!" I yelled, "where did you get that idea?!"
"Come on, Janja. Don't you remember your song to her?" Chungu asked.
"I don't like her! Besides what did I sing to her?!" I say.
"That she's the best hyena we know." Cheezi
"Best?! She's the worst!" I yelled. And I started daydreaming....

Actually in the song part Janja changes the word "worst" to "best". Okay that's all, enjoy reading!

I sighed in content when Jasiri came in, looking sad.

"Worst?" She said in sadness, "Am I a bad leader or a bad hyena that you don't like."
"No, no, no. This is a misunderstanding. You're a great leader. Right guys?" Looked at the two.
"Yeah." They replied.
"Oh I'm sorry." She said, "But that's not what I heard."

She looked at me sad and angry at the same time. She suddenly left in anger. I'm the worst hyena ever.

Fuli's POV

I saw Jasiri walked out of a den angrily. She's not always like that, now that Janja and his hyenas are good now. Or are they?

Then I saw Janja walked out of the den too. I think his gonna chase her. I looked at the Guard, they're just staring and they're faces are a bit worried too just like me.

"Jasiri! Jasiri!" Janja calls worriedly, "Wait!"
"What?!" She exclaims in front of everyone. Of course everyone would listen and be quiet. "You said I'm a bad leader, the worst hyena. So let's see who's the best leader once I leave. Goodbye everyone." She said and runs off.

I wanted to go after her but I just told Ono to follow her, quietly.

The rest of us approached Janja.

"Come on Janja, let's go inside your den." Beshte said.

Will Janja tell the truth to the Lion Guard? Find out at Chapter 27.

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