Chapter 38: Maybe it's Time?

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I paced back and forth inside the den. Thinking about the marriage. How should I start? Will she say yes? Or no? What if something goes wrong? What if she starts hating me? When will I do this? .........Am I ready?

Come on, Kion! What?! When?! Why?! Where?! How?! Ugh....these are all going so fast! So this is the life of adulthood. Then Fuli came. My heart pounding so fast.

"Kion?" She called.
"Nothing's wrong!" I suddenly said. Stupid!
"Uh...Are you-" She starts.
"No! I mean yes!" I yelled. She jolts.
"You're acting weird. You sure there's nothing wrong? I saw Simba walk out, seriously. Are you gonna be alright? Tell me." She said.
"Yeah. Hakuna Matata. Don't worry." I put my paw on to her shoulder.
"Hopefully." She sighed.

Just after that, Ono came.

"Kion, trouble in the Outlands. And it's bad." Ono said in a worried tone.
"What is it?" I asked.
"You need to see it for yourself." Ono said.
"No time to lose." Fuli said and ran out.

Just before Ono takes off, he asked me, "Kion. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just a lot going through my head. But I'll be alright." I said.
"Okay, let's go we need to hurry." Ono said and takes off.

I followed him.

Fuli got there first. But there was something wrong. I was right behind her and I can hear her voice shaking. I walk beside her and saw her tears go down. My eyes widened. Couldn't believe what I saw. No... no! A poor dying creature. A hyena pup.

By the way thanks to Ropadreider39 for giving a suggestion. Really helpful.

No. It can't be! Why?! How?! This is all my fault! I stared at the pup long. Ono approached Jasiri, their clan leader.

"We're very sorry." Ono apologized. "How did this happen?"
"Like you said. The dry season. I commanded my fellow hyenas to scan our territory for any trespassers. They didn't found any. But they found the pup. Lying down on the ground gasping for something. They didn't know what to do. So they carried it here. But it was too late. When that pup reached it here, it already passed away." Jasiri explained. "If I was a good leader, I could've saved that pup. This is my fault, my responsibility."
"It wasn't your fault. Maybe it was his time." Beshte said.
"No. Everything that happens in the clan, our territory, reflect on me. Because I'm responsible for this. I am very sorry." Jasiri cried then left.
"Janja." Ono called. "Do you mind if I ask you questions?"
"You already are. But yeah, sure." Janja replied.

What should I do?! First being king, then marriage and now, the dry season?! Help me great king's of the past. I'll save the hyenas first. No wait, what about Fuli? My father? How can I save the hyenas? Minutes of thinking I realized something. I had a plan.

You can't save the hyenas. Because of this I need to lessen the problems and set them aside. Approach Janja for this.

"Excuse Ono, I need to talk to Janja." Ono nods and flies away.
"Janja. I'm sorry but I can't help you. There's s just a lot going in my head but I promise I'll return. Someday. Trust me on this. And when you do, just wait and the rest of your life will change. Please." I begged.
"Alright. Sorry for bothering you. I trust you Kion. And we'll be waiting. Thank you for all your service." Janja said with confidence.

I gathered the Lion Guard and we left the Outlands. Let's solve the marriage. This time Fuli isn't around. Now's my chance to tell the Guard for preparation.

"Really?!" Bunga said. "Can I be the best man?! 'Cause I'm the best!"
"Now's not the time for that Bunga. I need ideas for proposals first." I smirked.
"We need to answer these questions, what? Where? When? How?" Ono said.
"I'll go first!" Beshte volunteered. "A simple proposal. With fragrant and colorful flowers. At Big Springs. It's a wide place. Whenever we're ready we could do it or next week. Should be at night with a full moon and stars are out. Just ask her out on a date and propose to her."
"Ono?" Kion said.
"Okay so a simple proposal as well. Everyone is invited and I mean everyone. At Pride Rock. Next next week would be fine. In the morning. And the element of surprise, trick her that both of you will announce something important but then, that important thing is you'll be proposing to her." Ono suggested.
"And you call that simple?! Everyone is invited?!" Bunga scoffs. "I have a better idea. A big celebration. With friends and family in it only. At Hakuna Matata Falls. Tomorrow night would be fine. Just say that our friends and family have a vacation from all of the work so let's go swim in Hakuna Matata Falls. Then surprise her. Pretty cool idea right?"

I appreciate their ideas but a bit confusing.

"I really liked all your ideas guys but there's just some part from each idea that I don't like." I said.
"It's alright Kion. But do you have an idea for yourself that we could improve?" Ono asked.

"Actually....I do. Could you guys repeat your suggestions?" I asked.
"Sure." They answered and we started sharing our ideas to make the best proposal I could give her.

After and hour of deciding, we're finally finished. Tomorrow's the preparation and I'll father the plan. And next week is the real proposal.

The guys and I said our goodbyes. 'Cause it's already night.

Alright Kion let's make this first proposal perfect.

What do you think is Kion's plan? Will it surprise Fuli? Do you think she'll say yes? Or no? Find out at the Chapter 39.

Sorry for the short chapter.

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