Chapter 21 P 2/2; I'm Ready

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Chapter 21 P 2/2


"Do you possibly know what could be wrong with Niall? God- I hate asking other people for advice on my boyfriend." If she was typing 'my boyfriend' would be bold, capitalized, and underlined.

"Uh, what?"

"He's not talking to me, if I try to touch him he jumps away, Even for a hug! He's not sleeping, or showering, or eating!" She sighed.

"Maybe he will feel better after tonight?" I said not actually sure what to say.


How could you forget your boyfriends party?

Oh, wait.

"Yeah, the party?" I said.

"Ah, at that awful club." She sighed. "I'll get him there hopefully. See you then." She hung up. She was surprisingly a lot more civil towards me. I set down the phone and tugged on the top piece before slipping into the bottom. I straightened out my hair and took a deep breath.

Lets see how this goes, yeah?


"Abi, hurry up! We are going to be late!"

"Hold on!" I yelled back placing the final piece of tape to hold the bright blue wrapping paper. I blindly reached behind me to grab the ribboning. Once it was in my grasp I brought it to the front of me and started to unravel the silver material, wrapping it around the present. When I was satisfied with the length, I cut the end and tied and big, neat, bow right in the center.


"Hush up, I'm coming!" I yelled back annoyed. I pushed the tape, scissors, and ribboning aside.

I stood up bringing the gift along with me. I checked my outfit and self in the mirror once more before walking down the stairs.

"Finally." Maddy said.

"Listen here you-Hey Cody!" I quickly caught myself as I looked up to see the bright smiling blonde standing by Maddy's side.

"Hey Abi." He smiled with a little wave chuckling at me.

I pouted and he just smiled.

"What's that?" Maddy asked pointing to the gift in my hands.

"Its, uh for Niall." I said.

"Ooo, and that would be?" She asked raising a brow.

"I guess you'll find out, maybe." I shrugged.


The club was already filled with people by the time we got there. Already bumping and grinding, a sweating mess.

And Niall's not even here yet.

Maddy and Cody had already left my side going off to get a drink and start the night, while I was debating whether or not to go double check that I had locked the doors of the car or not.

What was behind that wrapping paper took me ages and I'm not going to loose it now.

I walked over to the bar in need of a drink.

"Hello love, what can I get you to drink?"

"Something strong." I sighed.

"You sure about that?"

I finally looked up at the bartender who's intense face switched for a smile. He ran his fingers through his dark brown fringe waiting for my answer.

I nodded. "I think I need it."

"Then it's on the house." He winked and turned away to make the drink.

I felt a hand on my arm and I looked to see who it belonged to.

"Oh my god he was flirting with you, and he quite the looker." She wiggled her brows.

"Sorry?" I asked the blonde.

"He's flirting. And he is gorgeous! Oh god, don't tell Zayn I said that." Perrie covered her mouth with her hand. I laughed at her actions.

"He is not." He shouldn't be. I'm interested in one person, and one person only.

"Here you go hun, enjoy. Hope to see you again soon." He slipped me my drink and walked down the counter to assist another person.

"He is not." She mocked my voice. "I'll see you." she turned to leave. "Oh and Abi, you look stunning."

"Thank you." I blushed. "You do as well."

I turned with my drink in hand and made my way throughout the club greeting several people. I pulled out my phone after feeling it vibrate from where it was tucked in between my skirt and skin.


get ready

I made my way over to the DJ's and asked for the microphone.

"Nialls on his way in. Dim the lights."



Im Ready


"I know what you're thinking
when the bass starts ringing
can you tell me when you're stoked to start?
are you ready for tonight, setting it on fire
and we'll dance until we're dumb in the dark..."


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