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Chapter 6


Choosing to remain in New Orleans for a little bit longer, I returned to the place I lived with Victor. 

Most of my belongings still remained in the house. We’d left so suddenly those months ago, I didn’t even think about what would happen to it all.I pulled the sheets off of the furniture in Victor’s office and opened the windows to clear the musty air. I put away the groceries Angelica had brought in for me.

I prepared a small meal and ate in the office. Listening to Tchaikovsky, I pulled a book from the bookcase; settling into one of the familiar chairs.  A few stanzas in, I realized I’d spent years listening to russian composers with Victor. Now I read russian poetry because of Harry. Where did the Russian influence come from?

I grabbed my cell phone to call William. When I turned it on, I was bombarded with texts and messages. It practically rang in my hand.
The texts were from friends wondering where I was and why wasn’t I in class.  The voicemails consisted mostly of someone swearing at me in Irish. It was clear that Niall was very upset with me. Liam had called a few times just saying he hoped I was alright. The last message made my heart stutter.

“Daria, not make your choice for me. Make it for yourself.”

I deleted all...but His.

“William, please call me in the morning. I have a few questions.”

I left the book open on Victor’s desk and shut off  “String Quartet No.2 in F Major”. It was a particularly fitting piece. Something you would definitely hear in an old black and white Vampire film. A world I only thought existed in books and cinema, but one I was now very much living in.

I felt a wave of nostalgia creep in when I entered my former bedroom. The room had been sealed just as I had left it. I could smell my perfume, which I  wore frequently when I lived here.  I checked the bedding to see if I needed to change it and found it fresh. Angelica must have changed it after bringing in the food. I pulled one of the long nightgowns from the closet and slipped it on. I added the same thick, high necked robe after the “boys” moved in and returned to the kitchen to make a cup of tea.

The moon shone brightly against the floor as I moved around the room. As I waited for the teapot to boil, I stuck my hand in the beam of light. It felt warm on my skin.

Was I really who they said I was?  Was I really Selene thousands of years later?

The whistle of the pot brought me out of my thoughts. As I poured the hot liquid over the yorkshire teabag I happened to find in one of the cabinets, I wondered how angry Niall, Liam and Louis were with me.

I pulled my the phone from my pocket and sent Niall a text.

I hope you’re not too angry

An answer came almost immediately.

I could put you over my knee, but I’m relieved you’re alright

I left it at that and returned to the bedroom. 


A fitful sleep left me disoriented the next morning. I didn’t have any answers to any of my questions. No decisions made.

William arrived at the house just after noon.

“You didn’t have to come here,” I said closing the door behind him.

“I know, but I made a call to Zeline this morning regarding some business. She provided me with some information I think you may be interested in.”

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