Bad to Worse pt. 2

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Jaden's POV

After willow told my parents that nic was taken by her father, they called the police. We all had to go down to the police station and willow and i had to give a description of what all happened in the phone call. When that was done we went back home and the police said they would call if anything happened.

Now im sitting in my room thinking about nic. I keep beating myself up over the way i treated nic. She is the best thing that has ever happened in my life and i dont know what i would do without her. I was stupid when i told her to leave. Everything is my fault.

She would have never went to take that walk if i hadnt argued with her the night before. I keep replaying all the things i said and i regret every word. When i was thinking to myself willow knocked on my door.

Me: who is it

Willow: its me...

Me: come in

Willow: *sits beside me on bed*

Me: you okay?

Willow: not really. Its just so hard

Me: everythings gonna be all right

Willow: but how do you know that?

Me: because i know nic. And you do too. She'll fight as hard as possible

Wiilow: yea... How are you holdin up

Me: im good-

My mom started yelling from downstairs.

Mom: willow, jaden, the police found something

Willow and i jumped up and ran downstairs. When we got down there we saw a cop talking with my mom and dad at the bottom of the steps.

Dad: they found her

Willow: then where is she?

Mom: sweetie, they cant go get her

Willow: what?!

Cop: im sorry but were doing absolutely everything we can. The warehouse is too big for us to know which room shes in. And we dont know if her kidnapper has a weapon or not-

Me: if you were doing everything you could then you'd go get her instead of wasting our time.

Dad: Jaden dont...

Me: dont what?! Im the reason she got kidnapped in the first place. How am i supposed to sit around knowing that nic is being tortured by her own dad!!

Cop: perhaps we can find a different way...

My mom and dad led the cop to the door. As he was walking out i ran up to my room and slammed the door shut. I was so angry at myself for trying to push nic away when she tried to explain everything. I messed up and shes probably suffering by now.


I fell asleep for a couple hours and it was now 9 at night. I walked donstairs to go find my parents and ask if the cops found a way to nic when i noticed something the cop had left. It was the location to the warehouse nic was taken. I finally decided that i was gonna go get her.

Before i left i went into willow room to tell her where i was going. She was already asleep, tired from everything that happened today. I sat on the edge of the bed and shook her shoulder. She opened her eyes a little and yawned.

Willow: what do you want? Did they go get-

Me: no willow.

Willow: then why did you wake me up

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