Training With "Him"

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"Here, let me help you Myeonnie," Sehun came over to me and put his arms around me to guide my steps and I immediately felt my cheeks heat up.


It was after the performance and the girls were cleaning up before they went off for their dinner. The EXO members were still lingering around and talking to the teachers.

After SeoMyeon and TaeYang had finished arranging the tables back to where they were before the performance, Sehun suddenly walked to them.

"Hi, umm... You're SeoMyeon right?" he indirectly pointed the conversation at her and she looked up, smiled the sweetest smile Sehun had ever seen from a girl her age before and nodded politely. Wow, she's so gorgeous, Sehun thought and smiled back. TaeYang glanced up at once upon hearing his voice, giggled, and dragged SeoMyeon to the back of the studio, leaving Sehun raising his eyebrows in confusion.

"Ow chill girl!" SeoMyeon rubbed her sore elbow that suffered from TaeYang's iron grip.

"OMG OMG OMG!!!" Tae jumped up and down, "Did Sehun just talk to you?"

"Umm not a full conversation considering that you just dragged me away after he asked about my name."

Tae made a soft screaming sound and she went all googly eyed, "AH! I'm so envious of you being able to train in the same company with them and become a star!"

Myeon laughed at her cuteness, "I'm sure you'll get famous as an artist too! Your drawings are fabulous!"

She nodded excitedly and ran all the way to dinner, not wanting to have another fangirl meltdown when she sees any of the members again.

Myeon was in her room practicing her singing when someone knocked at her door, "Hmm... It can't be Tae since she just barges into my room without any warning. Could be just Mrs Lee," she assumed and turned the doorknob.

Instead of Mrs Lee, the guy with the shocking blond hair was at her door.

"Hello!" he greeted politely.

"B-but, I though you guys went back to your company already." Myeon was surprised and embarrassed that there was a possibility that Sehun had heard her singing.

"Nah, we get to stay here till' SH's lights out time since our only schedule for the day is to visit your school. Umm... May I come in?"

"Oh! Of course!" Myeon made way for Sehun to enter her room.

Sehun took a good long look at her room. It was painted with a soft hue of cream and had wall plants at three corners of her room, she also had a balcony to herself which she fixed a small hammock there, enough for her to lie on it and read if wanted.

Then Sehun suddenly turned around while Myeon was packing her books and asked, "Hey, do you wanna go to SM for a day tomorrow to train with me and the others?"

She immediately looked up, "Really? Am I allowed to?"

"Yeah. I've already asked the Chairman, Mdm Ho and she had agreed to it almost immediately," he winked.

"Hmm... Well if that's the case," SeoMyeon grinned, "Why not?"

Sehun grinned like her after hearing this, "Great! I'll pick you up at 8am!"

SeoMyeon nodded and Sehun started to make his way out of her room since the bell had rang for lights out.

Therefore, Sehun came the next morning at 8 sharp and fetched SeoMyeon to the company.

--------END OF FLASHBACK--------

I had finally finished the whole choreography of a song when Kai walked in.

"Mornin bro! Oh!" Kai saw me and smiled instantly, "Hi SeoMyeon!"

I waved at him and asked, "There seemed to be more members than this," I put my hands out to indicate the studio filled with only me, the two boys, and air.

Kai snapped his fingers, "Oh right! I was just about to tell Sehun that. The vocal line went out for a performance and the rap line is gonna be practicing by themselves till' lunch. So it's only Umin hyung, Lay hyung, you, me and of course Myeon."

Sehun nodded in acknowledgement and invited Kai to practice with us. Lay and XiuMin is it? Well, they came into the dance studio later.

"So, how do you find practice here, Myeon?" Lay asked when Sehun and Kai went out to get drinks.

I just nodded, being unable to speak while I was panting heavily. I could feel my tank top sticking onto my skin and sweat was running down my forehead as if I had jus ran 1km in the rain. Although training when you're just a rookie is hard work, it's quite enjoyable.

The door creaked open and we expected Kai and Sehun to arrive with ice-cold drinks. They did, but the same guy that I accidentally hugged in the studio came with them too.

"That's our overall manager, Tak YoungJun-ssi," XiuMin whispered to me. Unlike the smart and neat clothes their manager was wearing on that day, he was dressed up in just a polo t-shirt and jeans today.

"Hello, SeoMyeon! How are you enjoying training?" He asked me.

"I love it!" I smiled sweetly.

"Good! Now we're gonna have lunch then I'll send you back to Sacred Hearts. Your principal wants to see you," then he directed the next sentence to everyone of us that had danced for four hours, "Now go and take a shower. Let's meet at the usual place to go to lunch."

"Let's go," Sehun was standing over me and putting his hand out to pull me up. I took his hand shyly and stood up hastily, the ghost of his strong and assuring grip still lingering after we had broke the contact.

Sehun directed me to the ladies and I gratefully took a cool shower after four hours of the heat of exercising.

After an enjoyable and fun time at a resaturant near the company, we were on the way to Sacred Hearts. There was a warm and happy mood in the SUV. The boys were playing games and singing to songs and all of them waved cheerfully to me after I had alighted.

I made my way to Mdm Ho's office with light footsteps, the memory of what happened just an hour ago still in my head.

"Sehun held my hand and almost hugged me!" I thought. Am I falling for him? He's just so perfect. I strolled into Mdm Ho's office.

"Ah! Welcome back SeoMyeon! I see that you have enjoyed yourself at SM by the way you entered!" her voiced boomed and I lost my train of thoughts immediately.

"Yes ma'am." was all I could manage.

She nodded in satisfaction, "Good good! I'm thinking of letting you train at SM in the mornings everyday before you come back for afternoon lessons since the afternoons are more concentrated on academics, that way, you can prepare for your audition and still study at the same time! If you're successful, this could bring reputation to the school!" She spread her hands out.


Mdm Ho gave me a why-of-course-you-can-dear-why-not-? look and I screamed and went over to hug her. She gave a laugh, "I guess it's nice to hug people when you're happy. Maybe I should try that one day, just be as carefree as you children."

I detached myself and smiled at her. It was nice to smile and laugh and receive the happy things in life after my father had passed away. Speaking of which, where is eomma now? Is she still important to me? I don't know...

Dreadful memories rushed back into my head after having tried so hard to push them away and into the small pockets of my mind. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes but I blinked them back forcefully. Stay cheerful Myeon, stay happy and cheerful, I told myself.

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A/N: *bows 90 degrees* Thanks for reading! I've finally reached 100 views whee!!! Anyways, I've posted a new short story I Am A Girl, A Strong Girl. Please read and vote! So sorry for posting chapters at the end of the week, since it's the holies I may post more! YAYS! Haha anyways comments and constructive criticism are always welcomed! Byeee! :)

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