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I ran, and ran, and ran all the way to the hospital. I kept running, even though my legs were threatening to stop moving, for I cannot stop, because if I do, I may not be able to see my father ever again...

I came out of the hospital with tears streaming down my cheeks. Apparently, running wasn't fast enough for a clumsy girl like me. I replayed the whole scene in my head: my bashing through the door, only to see the doctor placing a big white blanket over Dad's body. My Mother's expression straight. Why was she not crying? Did she not love Dad at all? I started to wonder whatever happened over the past sixteen years of my life. Did Mom cause Dad's terminal illness? Or were the several painful operations from the doctors in the hospital not good enough to save him? I decided to confront Mom when I had the chance.

After a whole night of tears and tissues, I rose early in the morning to make breakfast. When I had accommplished adding just the right amount of sugar to the coffee the way Mom likes it. I heard sounds from her room. Knowing that Mom had already woken up, I prepared my eyes not to send themselves leaking again once I asked Mom all the questions that I couldn't get out of my head.

"Good morning, Mom."

"Oh? Ah, here you are, Seo Myeon. Hurry, you have to change quickly, there's not much time left."

"Huh? But...." I didn't get a chance to complete my sentence. Mom immediately ordered me to pack ALL my stuff and get changed. Then she whizzed me off.

"Here's your new room, SeoMyeon! Welcome to Sacred Hearts Boarding School For Girls!" Mrs Lee, the school counselor, led me to a small room. It was the perfect type of college room, with a bathroom, air-conditioning and a full length window. Any boarding student would die to have my kind of room. Except for a student that's not willing to study at a boarding school that is, I kicked my bed in frustration after Mrs Lee had left me to unpack my stuff.

After a whole day of introducing myself time and again, preparing my books for lessons and receiving a tour around the school. I finally had time to retreat to my new room and rest.

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