But singing is my joy!

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I woke up with a headache.

A very severe headache.

I laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling, not making an effort to move and praying that the headache would go away.

Poof! Go away!

But it didn't. Thanks.

"Myeon~" JongIn oppa poked his head into my room after a while and I grunted in response. He sat down on the bed beside me and brushed my morning hair with his fingers.

"Are you okay? You sound like Romans just came and started throwing their spears at you."

I laughed, feeling my head pound each time as I released a sound of laughter, "Thats exactly ,what I feel like right now. Just that it's in my head."


"More like a migraine," I whined.

He chuckled and patted my head softly. Then he stood up and looked at me.

"C'mon, you can't just lay here all morning, SooMin noona will start questioning. And we have to practice for the Showcase. I'll find something for your headache downstairs." He headed out of the room to let me get ready.

I climbed out of my bed and shuffled to the bathroom.

After brushing my teeth and changing into training clothes, I sauntered into the kitchen and found KyungSoo, Sehun and JongIn oppa at the counter preparing breakfast.

KyungSoo laughed at my pained state, "Good morning, Myeon. Having a headache?"

"How do you know?" I raised an eyebrow despite the bombs exploding consecutively in my head.

He laughed again as if it's not a mystery at all, "No normal person would keep wincing and use both of their hands to hold their head like that."

So it wasn't really a mystery after all...

I'm not thinking properly.

"Oh poor SeoMyeon having a headache," Lee SoRa strutted into the kitchen and the boys stiffened.

I rolled my eyes, "It'll go off in a while. On a more important note, what are you doing here?"

"Why can't I be here? I'm the boys' makeup artist for goodness sake!" She was still faking to be nice, although she needed some acting classes. Her smile was as fake as honey.

I pretended to look around curiously, "I don't seem to see any of them needing any makeup. Besides, we only have practicing to do nowadays, as a good makeup artist, you should take note of your artistes' schedules and know when you are needed or not." I gave her the least genuine smile I could pull which gained a huff from her.

"Ooohhh owned!" ChanYeol oppa exclaimed.

Before she could respond, Mr Tak came in, "Good morning!- Oh! SoRa-ssi, why are you here?" He raised an eyebrow. Both me and SoRa replied at the same time.

"Minding in somebody else's business," I retorted.

"Telling SeoMyeon and Sehun that they are needed by Mr Lee," she said calmly.

"What?!" I exclaimed and Sehun jumped, surprised to be involved in the conversation.

Mr Tak narrowed his eyes at her, he knew my "feud" with SoRa, "And for what reason?"

"Well, how would I know? I just came upon the orders of the founder himself."

"Like real she would come if she has no benefits to reap from it," I heard Sehun's voice directly behind me and a pair of hands on my shoulders protectively.

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