{chapter 15: reminisce}

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{Skylar's POV}

What. Am. I. Doing.

I'm at the first football game of the year, standing between Peyton and Nathan. It was almost half time and I was itching to leave these awkward stands. We haven't said a word in the past 10 minutes and things are getting super weird. "Do you want to come with me to get nachos?" Peyton asked me. "Sure!" I said. Anything to get away from here. We walked to the concession stands and ordered our nachos. "Okay is it just me or is this the most awkward football game we've ever been to." Peyton said as we walked back.

"I completely agree." I said, laughing. "I don't even know why I invited him to sit with us, I guess I just miss-" I cut myself off. No, I can't keep thinking this way. "I meant I guess I'm just lonely." Peyton just stayed quiet.

The rest of the football game felt this way, like something was missing.


Over the weekend, I had gotten sick like I always do around this time of year. I stayed home all weekend and basically just sat in bed. On Monday morning, I was not feeling up for school. I decided not to go, I received a few texts from people saying to get better, one including Nathan.

All weekend he kept texting me, it was so annoying. He won't leave me alone, and I've kind of been showing that I'm not interested but he won't get the point. I left him on seen countless times and just responded dull things. He thinks it's because I'm sick but I can assure you it's not.

Around lunch time I was eating my typical sick meal of chicken noodle soup and watching Friends when my phone started buzzing. It was all the way across the kitchen though, so I didn't go pick it up. A few minutes later is buzzed again so I decided to answer. I looked at the caller ID and it said "Hayes :)" I never changed his contact!

I quickly answered.


It felt so weird, I was about to have my first conversation with Hayes since we broke up.

"Hey Skylar, how are you feeling?"

"Uh I'm okay, how about you?"

"I'm doing pretty good. I'm calling because we started our project today and Ms. Smith wanted me to bring your stuff. Are you home?"

"Yeah I'm home, you can just swing it by whenever."

"Okay, I'll just come drop it off after school."

"Sounds great, talk to you later."

"Yup, love you by- oh my."

Did he really just say love you?!?

"Uhhh sorry, I didn't mean to, uh you know what, bye?"

He said and then hung up. What the heck? What just happened???

{Hayes POV: flashback to friday}

We won our game, we crushed the other team. I had some kind of weird motivation tonight for some reason. At first, I thought it was probably because of Hazel cheering for me on the sidelines, but then I saw Skylar walk into the game. That wasn't that big of a deal but next to her was Nathan! And they were laughing!

She looks happy. Why does she look happy? I'm the only one who should make her happy. Why is she even with him? He's a bad guy, how does she not realize that? I was mad all night, they just bugged me. That was supposed to be me, not Nathan. I drove home after the game in extreme defeat, even though I had just won the first football game for my new school.

When I got to my apartment, Nash was sleeping on the couch. As soon as I opened the door, Nash stood up quickly yelling, "Robber!!!" He ran towards me and I said, "Nash it's me!!" Immediately, I switched on the lights so he could see my face. "Oh whoops haha, how was your game?" Nash said, laying back down.

"It was fine." I said, quickly going into my room and closing the door. I quickly got ready for bed and fell asleep. There's just too much on my mind.


I woke up Saturday around 12:30, I don't know why I'm so tired. I checked my phone and had a few snapchats from people including Hazel. I didn't open any of them. Didn't feel like it, I actually am not in the mood for anything and I really miss Skylar. Life is so unfair.

I sat around doing nothing for like three hours and then finally decided to answer to people because Hazel was starting to think I was dead. Wish I was. She texted me and sounded so worried, I feel bad for her too. She walked into something crazy that's not even her fault. This is just a bad situation altogether.

Then there's Nathan who is still watching my every move. I've received so many dirty looks and text messages that it's almost become abnormal thing for me. I'm too scared to even look at Skylar anymore but it's so hard when she's so beautiful. Skylar, man, she's like a sunset; when there's the most beautiful sunset in the world sitting right in front of you, you don't look away–that's dumb.

But I have to.


Monday morning was a rough one for me. I'm in such a bad mood and feel bad for taking it out on people who don't deserve it. The only one who deserves it is Nate. He's ruining my life! After lunch I went to class and didn't see Skylar there. That's weird. Class started and Mrs. Smith announced that we would be starting that project today. Oh no, Skylar's not here!

Mrs. Smith came up to me once she realized. "Do you have a way to get a hold of Skylar?" She asked me. "Uh yeah I think so." I said. "Can you let her know that we started and find a way to give her these?" She asked, handing me a packet of papers. "Sure." I said, uneasily. I don't wanna call her. If Nathan gets mad at me I can just say it's for a school project.

I dialed her number, my hands shaking. This would be the first conversation we had since we broke up.

We talked, I ended up saying I would go to her house afterwards. That wasn't even the weirdest thing, I accidentally said I love you!!! What is wrong with me?!

After school it was time. I was going to her house. Ahh. I got into my car after school and saw Hazel walk towards my car. She came up and tapped on my window, so I rolled it down. "Hey can you give me a ride home?" She asked. My mind went blank. "Uh I actually have to run some errands, sorry." I said. I felt like a jerk.

As I drove away, I felt so nervous. This would definitely be a rare occurrence. Once I got closer and closer to her house, I kept thinking about my past. So much has changed in such a small amount of time. I never thought his would ever happen.

I pulled into the driveway and my hands were sweaty. I grabbed her papers and headed towards her front door. I hesitated, but finally I knocked. After a few seconds, I was greeted by the world's most beautiful eyes.

"Um, hi."

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