Ch. 9

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(You know what I just notice... I notice that Jane and Clockwork isn't in any chapters except the first one... so I decide to let you have a girls day with the two... Okay... see ya little rabbits! 😉✌)

(y/n) pov

I woke up to yelling.

" Damnit Light!"

" You don't have to get mad Jay..."

" Shut up you doll loving freak! You can't just summon me whenever you want!"

" I'm just doing a big Brother job..."

" Screw you doll freak!"

' What a lovely way to wake up...' I thought as I got off the bed and walk towards the twins plus Light's room. I opened the door and found Dark laughing his butt off, Insanity on her phone typing away, and Light and Jay are fighting." What are you guys fighting about?" I asked as I rubbed my eye." Oh, (y/n)! Guess what!?" Insanity yelled as she ran towards me." What?" I asked." I just finished chapter one of my J-incest!" Insanity yelled as she squealed." Wait... What!?!" Jay yelled as she ran towards us." You can write!? And also... ew... You like that kind of thing?" Jay yelled." Of course I can write! And yes... So what!" Insanity yelled as I yawn." So what's with the yelling?" I asked." (Y/nnn)~ Please tell them not to bother me~" Jay whined as she grab my hand and swing it back and forth, like a kid do to their parents." Why?" I asked." Because I want a twinsy time with my brother~" She said as Insanity squealed quietly." Just like Hikaru And Karou..." She whispered and I sigh." Insane!! Insanity!!" We heard a voice yelled as Jay disappeared.

Suddenly someone jumped on my back. I turned my head to see Sally." Hey Sal..." I said as I fully turned and see Jane and Clockwork." Hey guys... What's up?" Insanity asked as she put her phone away." Let's have a girls out!" Clockwork said." Yeah! Let's hang out in the mall." Jane said." Oh... okay.." I said as Sally jumped down from my back." Yay! A girls out!" She cheered." Btw... who's that?" Clockwork asked as she pointed at Light." Hello... My name is Light... Insanity's and Dark's older brother.. It's a pleasure to meet you..." He said as he bow, like a gentleman, causing Jane and Clockwork blushed and the twins rolled their eyes. Light stood up and smile." Now... I'll leave you girls to this ' hang out' of yours... Just make sure you keep an eye out on my little sister... I'll best be going... Come along little brother..." Light said as he drag Dark out of the room and close the door." W-what!? Wait!" Dark yelled.

Clockwork and Jane squealed." He is such a gentleman~" Jane said as Insanity rolled her eyes." What a pain..." She mumbled as Sally giggled. " Oh yeah! Insane... Insanity... Be ready! We're going soon." Clockwork said as she leave, followed by Jane and Sally. " Sooo... let's go!" I said as Insanity sigh." But I want to finish mah story~" She said." No buts... come on... We barely hand out with the two..." I said as I dragged her out of the door." What a pain... I want to finish mah J-incest story~😭" Insanity whined as I sigh.

~ Time skip~

We're finally at the mall. Insanity, Jane, and Clockwork are in their human form, so no one will freak out." So! What do you guys wanna do?" Jane asked." I wanna go to the movie!" Sally said." I actually want to go to Hot topics..." Clockwork said." How about we go to the movies then we can go anywhere." I said as the three nodded.

~Time skip~

It's 9:00pm and we finally got home." We're home!!!" Sally yelled." Hello Sally, How's your girls out?" Slenderman asked." It...Was...Fun!!! We went to the movies and watch (insert fav movie), Then we went to the arcade and then we went somewhere to eat and then we went to this store Clockwork likes!" Sally rambled as Slenderman nodded." I'm gonna go up now.." Insanity said as she walked upstairs." Where are you going missy?" Jane asked." Uhh... I said upstairs... to my room... with my phone?" Insanity said unsure.

" you can't! Because we're going to have a sleepover!" Sally cheered as Insanity groaned. Then Light and Dark walked downstairs." Big brothers! Help me!!!" Insanity yelled."" The two brothers said as they walked inside the kitchen." I thought you love me!!!" Insanity yelled." Come on Insanity! Let's go! We're gonna have so much fun!" Sally yelled as she grabbed Insanity's hand and walked upstairs." We're gonna watch movies, do dress up and make over!" Sally said as Insanity cried." Avenge me Brothers!" She yelled as she disappeared with Sally.

Light poked his head out in the kitchen door with a spoon in his mouth. He took out the spoon and looked around." Did someone yelled?" He asked as I shrugged and walked upstairs with Jane and Clockwork.

Ben pov

As the girls went upstairs. The guys and I gathered around the living room as I fix up the TV." Hurry up midget!" I heard Dark yelled." Just calm your panties!" I yelled back as the TV show the girls sitting in a circle." What are you doing?" I heard Light asked as we looked at Light." We're trying to spy on the girls." I said." Well, aren't you a pervert.." Light said as he walked upstairs." I'll be in the room if you need me..." He said.

We turned our attention to the TV.

Jane; Okay! (Y/n) truth or dare?

(Y/n); uh... Tru-

*Knock knock*

Clockwork; I wonder who's that.. *stood up and open the door*

Light; Hello!

" What the hell!? Why is your brother there!?" Jeff yelled." How should I know!?" Dark yelled." Don't tell me that he's going to tell the girls!" LJ yelled.

Light; I just came by to give you girls some snacks... I mean what kind of sleepover without snacks?

We all sigh in relieved.

Clockwork; Oh! Thank you Light!

Jane; You're such a gentleman!

Light; *bowed* Your welcome... I'll be leaving.. *walked away*

Jane pov

Clockwork close the door with the snacks and sat down." Okay! Where were we?" I asked as I look at (y/n)." Oh right! (Y/n)! Truth or dare?" I asked." Truth.." She said as I was about to say a truth. Clockwork cover my mouth and gave me a bag of chips.

I look at her confused as her eyes looked down on the bag telling me to looked at the bag, which I did. There was a note on the chip bag.

' The boys are spying on you girls in the living room, but don't tell them that I was the one who told you.. From Light'

I heard Insanity growled under her breath.' I guess she saw the note..' I thought as I looked at Clockwork and then Insanity and nodded then look at (y/n)." We'll be back! Light wrote a note saying that he needs help looking for his room... Again..." Insanity said as Clockwork, Insanity and I stood up." I need Clockwork to help me get some girls stuff for our sleepover." I said as we walked out.

Dark pov

Jane and Clockwork walked out the door." My brother forgot where he sleeps? Man, he's really forgetful..." I said as I felt a dark aura. The boys and I slowly turned around, seeing the three girls with dark glares." Spying on me brother?" Insanity said as she cracked her knuckles." How about we teach you boys a lesson~" She said as the girl laughed, causing us to gulped in fear.

Light pov

I sat on top of the stairs eating a bowl of popcorn with mini me, watching the three deadly girls beating up every perverts." What an entertaining show... Right ML?" I said as Mini Light nodded." Mm... I always wonder what Jay is doing? I haven't seen her since this morning.." I said as we continued watching the show.

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