7 - Light

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(Guude's POV)

Ok, deep breath. Time for you to be serious. I sat down on the chair in the front of the meeting room and waited calmly for all the Mindcrackers to enter.

Timeskip to when the Mindcrackers are all seated in the meeting room.

"Ok. First of all, - and don't panic, a big storm is heading towards the city, and there is a chance we might have to evacuate. After this meeting is over I want you all to pack up your stuff. Just incase." The others nodded. "Second, Nebris, who is that?" I eyed the girl sitting next to him.

"My neice."

"Why is she here?"

"My sister- her mother had to go on a mining trip"

"Father?" Nebris gave me a look.

"Oh. Ok, so what's her name?"

"I can talk you know!"

"Ok. What's your name?"



"Mage, Light." I looked at her and realized she was the one who had accidentally sent a bolt of magic after Bdubs. He was giving her a scowling look.

"Why didn't you tell us she was staying here?"

"I only found out about 4 days ago."

"That's still plenty of time Nebs. You could have told me." Nebris was silent. "Ok, has anyone seen Vechs? He's been gone for over 3 days now." I looked around the room. Seth had a guilty look in his eyes and Kurt was biting the lower lip of his muzzle. "No one? Ok." I would talk to them later. Also, Pause? Can you please go outside for archery practice? I've had to fix several holes in the walls from your arrows."

"Ok..." Pause mumbled.

"And Genny, Bdubs, stop stealing all the emeralds we have."

"How'd you know it was us?!" Genny retorted.

"It always is. Ok guys you are dismissed. Pack up you stuff and be prepared for evacuation. Kurt, Seth, I want to talk to you privately."

(Vechs' POV)

I flew above the tattered forests. You had to travel for days to get to untouched land. I saw an extreme hill biome in the distance, most of the mountains had been blown up. As I swept though it I noticed there were a couple of mountains that weren't destroyed. I landed on the top of one of them. There were six. They were in a ring, surrounding a small valley. I swooped down into it. There was a small pond and a few trees. In the side of one of the mountains was a cave. A small blueish light emitted from deep inside. I went in. "🎶Nanana-na-ah, nanana-ahah, ah, ah, ah, do-dododo-do, dododododo-dada, nanana- na-na-naah🎶" (A/N I'm trying to make it the tune of the mlp theme song. I failed.) Someone was in there, singing. I peaked around the corner. There was a girl sitting by a fire, not just any fire, but an ice fire. I came closer.

"Oo!" I tripped on a rock. dangit.

"Hu?" The girl stopped singing and turned to face me.

(Guude's POV)

I sat in the room alone with Seth and Kurt. "Where's Vechs." Seth took a deep breath and started talking.


"Ok." I responded, trying to stay calm. "And Kurt, what did you have to do with this?"



"I was just flying above the city and next thing I knew, Vechs speed by me and Seth was chasing him on a magic hoverboard." I thought for a moment.

"You two are free to go, but don't think you got out of punishment Seth. You too Kurt."

"Hu? I didn't do anything!"

"You could have told me right away."

"Ok." Kurt wouldn't argue with me. He almost never did.

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