chapter 2:

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As I laid in bed I closed my eyes for a second and just then my bedroom door opened.  Before I could react two small children jumped on me.

I realized it was Thomas and Shepard.

"Hello?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Guess what!?" Thomas said excitedly.


"You're going to be our sister!  Mommy and daddy sent us up here to help you pack while they sign papers or whatever! But isn't that just amazing! You're going to live with us, we're going to be related and it's going to be amazing!!" Shepard yelled as he jumped up and down on my bed.

"What?" I asked confused.  Surely they had the wrong person and had just mixed us up with whoever they were really adopting.

"Yeah, mommy said to come help you pack!"

"Are you sure it was me?"

"You're name's Esmeralda isn't it?"

Before I could respond the door opened again.

"Boys, we told you to help her pack not tackle her on the bed!" Gen said laughing.

"We didn't tackle her.  She was already laying on the bed." Thomas said.

"Well, all three of you get up and start packing.  Unless you don't want to pack Esmeralda than you don't have to we can get it." Jared said.

"Oh, no, it-it's fine." I stuttered as I sat up in bed.  They were serious.  They were actually choosing me.

Jared and Gen walked back downstairs with Odetta in Gen's arms and I lead the boys over to my dresser.

I didn't have very many belongings, just a few clothes and shoes and other things.

"Listen, boys.  Why don't you go grab my things under my bed while I pack the rest of this?" I said as they kept throwing stuff around and just trying to shove it all in the bag.

There actually wasn't anything under my bed I just thought it's keep them busy.

"There's isn't anything down here!" Thomas complained as I was almost done packing.

"Keep looking.  I know there's stuff under there somewhere."  I said with a small smile on my face.

Finally I put the last thing in my bag and stood to my feet.  I looked over at my bed and all I could see were four legs under my bed.

"Boys, I just remembered I took out everything that was under there yesterday. You can come out."

They both crawled out from underneath the bed and stood to their feet.

"Do you guys want to help me carry my stuff down?" I asked and they both nodded and grabbed one of my bags.

I smil and grabbed the heaviest one and walked down the stairs with the two following close behind me as they struggled with the bags down the stairs.

"Do you guys want me to carry them?" I asked.

"No!" They both said at the same time as they continued to struggle with the bags.

As I made it to the bottom of the stairs I set my the bag I was carrying down on the ground and turned around to see the boys only half way down the stairs.

"Sure you don't need my help?"


Jared and Gen walked out of the room next to me.

"Where are the boys?" Gen asked.

I pointed up the stairs to the boys as they continued to struggle with the bags.

Adopted By Jared PadaleckiWhere stories live. Discover now