chapter 3:

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"Jared, be careful, your going to drop her!" Someone said waking me up.

I was so warm and I couldn't figure out why.  I tried to roll over and was stopped by something that I soon realized was a person.  Someone was carrying me.

"I'm not going to drop her.  She weighs as much as the boys." A voice I recognized was Jared said in a slightly worried tone.

"Don't worry, maybe she's just naturally thin." Gen said reassuring him.

I could feel him start to carry me up a flight of stairs but stayed completely still not wanting them to know I was awake.

"How do you think she got that bruise on her face.  You don't think she got in a fight do you.  She's so small there's no way she could defend herself very well."

"Jared, calm down.  She might have just fallen or something.  It's to late to worry about all of this.  Just put her in bed and then come to our room so we can go to sleep."


He moved so only one of his arms were holding me and opened a door.  It wasn't very hard for him to hold me with just one arm.  I have a very small frame.

He laid me down on a bed and I just curled up to the pillow before he pulled a huge fluffy blanket over me.

"Night, Esme." He said quietly before walking out of the room and shut the door door behind him.

I was so tired I fell back asleep almost instantly.


"Esmeralda, sweetie.  We wanted to let you sleep in but it's noon and your breakfast is getting cold.  Come down when your ready." Gen said shaking me awake.

I sat up in bed rubbing my eyes with the palm of my hands before looking at her.

"Hey, sweetie, I'll leave so you can take a shower or whatever.  You can come down when you're ready, your food is just setting one the counter.  Oh and by the way, Jared brought all of your bags up here, and they're sitting in front of your bed." She said before walking out.

I looked around the room shock.  It was huge.  There was a huge full length mirror in the corner of the room, I was laying on a queen sized matress with a wooden bedframe that had cool designs on the head bored, the floor was wooden as well.  The wall was a pale blue that went perfectly with all of the wooden furniture in the room.

Beside the bed on both sides were two bedside tables, each of them only had a simple desk lamp on them.

To the right of the bed up against the wall was a wooden computer desk with a silver laptop on top and a black swivel chair in front of it.

Straight across from the desk on the other side of the room was a giant widow and the widow sill was a seat and built into the wall on the side of the window was a bookshelf.  I found my favorite spot in the room.  The view out of the window wasn't anything special really just the house next door.

In front of my bed was a flat screen TV mounted on the wall.

On the same side as the window was a door that didn't lead out of the room and on the other side straight across from that door was another one.  And right in front of me was the door that lead out of the room.

I swung my legs over the side of my bed and set my feet on the cold wooden floor.  I shuddered slightly at how cold it was before walking in front of the bed and like she said all of my bags were sitting there.

I grabbed an oversized sweater and a pair of skinny jeans.  And decided to look at what was behind the doors. 

The one on the side of the window was a huge walk in closet.  Okay cool.  I walked across the room and behind that door was my own bathroom and just like the room it was huge to.

It had a black marble counter with a sink in it and above the counter was a giant mirror.  In the corner was a black shower that matched the sink counter and in the other corner was the toilet.

Across from the counter was a shelf that had towels and other bathroom necessities on it.

I stripped myself of the clothing I had worn the previous day and stepped in the shower letting the warm water pour over me.

Luckily there was already shampoo and all of that stuff in the shower.  I quickly washed myself and got out as my stomach started growling.

I got dressed in my clean clothes and put my dirty clothes in the hamper near the door of the bathroom and walked out of the bathroom.

I finally walked out of my room and walked down the hallway a bit before finding a flight of stairs and walking down.

I could smell some food as I went down the stairs.

"Hey, Esme!  How do you like your room?  We didn't know how to decorate it so we just kept it simple.  If-if you don't like it we can change it." Jared said as I was passing the couch where he was sitting.

"Oh, no don't change anything I absolutely love it."

"Do you like the reading window?  That was Gens idea."

"That's actually one of my favorite parts of the room."

"Great, I though it was really cool too."

"This may sound a bit stupid, but where is the kitchen?"

"Oh, it doesn't sound stupid.  You just got here you don't know where anything is.  Follow me." He stood up from the couch and wrapped his arm around me and started leading me to where I was guessing the kitchen was.

"Your food over there on the counter." He said as he swung open a door the swung back and forth after he closed it.

I walked over to the counter and saw a huge plate filled with more food than I could ever eat.

"Eat as much as you want.  Gen will be in I'm a few minutes she wanted to talk to you." Jared said before walking away.

I sat in a stool at the island and started eating.   Not five minutes later the door opened again and Gen walked inside and sat down next to me.

"Hey, sweetie.  How's breakfast, or I guess technically lunch?"

"It's really good.  Thank you for saving me some."

"Well of course, why wouldn't I."

"No reason.  So, uh, Jared said you wanted to talk to me?"

"Oh yeah, I wanted to know if you wanted to go shopping with me.  The boys are both going to be at daycare/ early learning, and Jared said he would watch Odetta."

"What are we going shopping for?"

"Well, I saw that you don't have very many clothes and only one pair of shoes so definitely that. Um, some stuff to decorate your room, maybe some books for you reading window, and we could get you some cute gauges and septum rings too. Just anything you want, It's going to be fun we'll have some girl time!"

"What, no! You don't have to buy me anything." I said shocked.

"Well, if your going to be our child your just going to have to get used to being spoiled.  So either you go with me and we get some stuff you actually like or, I go by myself and get you a bunch of things I think you'd like."

"But I don't want you to buy me anything."

"Well it doesn't matter if you want us to or not.  We are and you're going to be happy." She said smiling at me.

She took my silence as a sign of defeat and smiled wider.

"Good, once your finished eating go get your shoes on and we'll go drop the boys off and then head to the mall!" She said walking away happily.

Adopted By Jared PadaleckiWhere stories live. Discover now