chapter 9:

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I walked with Corban all the way to music class.  He walked in with me because he wanted to see his friend I shared the class with.

"Jazzy! Was up!" He yelled loudly as we walked into the class.

A familiar girl turned around and ran up to him.  It was Jasmine.

"Corban, what the fuck are you doing here?" She asked suspiciously.

"Just showing the new girl around." He said motioning towards me.

She looked at me and smiled widely.

"Esmeralda! Hey I didn't know you went to this school.  When did you start!?"

"Uh, today." I said quietly.

"What's wrong?  I was hoping the next time I saw you you'd be in a better mood."

"She just got out of math with Mr. Valencia." Corban said simply.

"Oh, hun.  What'd he do?"

"I don't know she's refusing to tell me until lunch."

"Mr. Lare, what do you think your doing in my class room.  Don't you have somewhere else to be?" A shrill voice asked behind me.

Corban and I both turned around to see a woman in her late thirties with greying brown hair pulled back in an uncomfortably tight bun.

"Sorry, Mrs. Bensa, I was just showing Esmeralda around." Corbin said wrapping his arm around me.

"Ah, yes Esmeralda such a pleasure to meet you!" She said her mood changing instantly.

"Hey," I said quietly as I looked down at the ground.

"She's shy." Corban said patting my back. 

A small smile spread across my face as he saved me from any further social interaction with her.

"Right, well, I assume you should head off to your next class." She told him.

"Alright, chill I'm leavin'. See you when class is over." He said before leaving the class room.

A little while after he left more students started piling into the room.

I took a seat next to Jasmine who was sitting in the far back left corner far away from everyone else.

"Alright, class before we start today's lesson I would like to introduce you to our newest student.  Esmeralda Padalecki.  Did I say that right dear?"

Everyone in the class turned and looked at me.  I looked down and the ground and nodded my head.

She went to teaching the lesson and soon enough it was over and I walked out of the class with Jasmine beside me.

We met up with Corban outside and talked for a bit before he lead me to my next class which was social studies.

The class went by with nothing interesting happening.  Again like the rest of the day I met up with Corban and he said it was time for lunch.

I followed behind him to the cafeteria and he walked me over to a table.

I saw Evander, Jasmine, and some guy I didn't know sitting down at the table.

I sat down across from Jasmine, and she immediately states talking to me asking me about how social studies went and stuff.

I caught Evander's eye and he looked at me confused.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"How do you know Jasmine and Corban?"

"Well, I met Jazz when I was running away from your mom yesterday, and Corban's been showing me around all day.  Oh and by the way Corban would you mind telling me where my locker is it's getting tiring just carrying this backpack around all day."

"Oh, yeah sure I meant to on the way here.  You wanna go now or after lunch?"

"We can go after."

"Right, well I guess we should introduce you to Kojack, the school renown badass.  We aren't entirely sure why he hangs out with us but it's really fucking cool." Corban said pointing over to the guy I didn't know.

He had black curly hair and just mine and.... icy blue eyes just like mine, and pale skin like me.  He looked just like me but a boy and he had short hair.  Although unlike me he had an eyebrow ring and a lip ring and had a tattoo on his neck.

We stared at each other for an uncomfortably long time. We both had obviously realized how much we looked alike.

"Uh, hello? Guys? You alright?" Jasmine asked waving her hand between us.

We both looked away from each other slightly.

"What just happened?" Corbin asked laughing slightly trying to break the tension.

"Nothing, just..... something." Kojack said.

"How can it be nothing and something at the same time?" Jasmine asked.

"Just drop it Jazz!" Kojack snapped.

I could tell he knew something he wasn't telling the rest of us.

"Hey, Esmeralda do you still have my hoodie?  I don't want to be rude it's just my favorite." Jasmine said.

"Huh.  Oh. Yeah, I meant to give it to you." I said reaching into my backpack.

I pulled it out and handed it to her.  A wide smile spread across her face as she held it close to her.

"So, you gonna tell us what happened in math class?" Corban asked.

"Oh, uh, well.  I kinda zoned out and he started yelling at me.  It was nothing really." I explained.

"Was it Mr. Valencia?" Kojack asked.


"I'll make sure it doesn't happen again." He said in a slightly worrying tone.

I stared at him for a second with a confused look.

"Oh, don't worry.  He's my dad." He assured me.

I stared at him even more confused.

"Adopted." He said realizing how confused I was.

"Oh, cool, I'm adopted to."

"I figured that."


"Evander told us that the girl living next to him was recently adopted by Jared and his wife."

"Oh, right."

The bell rang and Corban lead me to my locker.  On the back of the paper was the combination.

I unlocked it and put my backpack in after grabbing my chemistry boon which he told me was my next class.

I wasn't happy about it.  I can not stand chemistry.  I legit hate it! (IRl I hate it soooo much!)

He lead me to the class and left.

The rest of the day went by with nothing else interesting happening.  It was actually kinda boring. 

I walked out of the building with Evander, Corban, Jasmine, and Kojack.

"Guys, do you think we should show Esmeralda..... the spot?" Jasmine said in a hushed whisper.

"You know I can here you, right?"

"Yeah, I think we should she's already been bitched at by Evander's mom, she's part of our group now." Corban said.

"Alright, let go!" Evander said and I followed behind all of them somewhere.

Honestly this probably wasn't my best idea ever.

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